I am going to be the first person I know to not say it was a completely badass movie. I think I might even be the first person I've heard say something other than, "OMG it was fucking awesome man!" Everyone I heard leaving the theater was full of praise. The few blogs that talked about it that I have read went on about how spectacular it was. That's fine, to each their own. I wasn't that impressed by the way. I went in thinking it was going to suck though and it didn't suck. So I was happy that it was better than I expected it to be. I just fail to see the "badassness" of the movie. I know, badassness isn't a word BUT I used it anyway. Deal. Mmkay. ;) Like I said, it didn't suck. My biggest issue with it was that all the parts that were supposed to be like "OMG I never saw that shit coming" were totally predictable. In my opinion. Kinda ruins it when you know it's coming ya know? I won't be specific because I don't want to spoil it for anyone who is going to go see it any time soon, lol. Even though I saw the ending coming, I still enjoyed that. I liked most of the shooting scenes. A lot of stuff in the movie is physically impossible to do and that's entertaining but only to a point with me. After so much of it I'm just thinking, "Geez really? Come on!" The other thing is the way they come up with their hits to kill is insanely stupid. I laughed at it as soon as it was explained in the movie. I think I was the only one but pfft, seriously? Lol. I did like some parts of the movie, aside from the gun shooting scenes. I wouldn't pay to see it another time. I wouldn't buy it on DVD. I would watch it again if someone else purchased it and put it on. =)
I really like my new color scheme and layout here. I had been wanting to re-vamp it a little bit anyway for the last few months. I just had a reason too now. You know what gets me? People who think they are sooo so clever that they are just above every one. More so when they really aren't that clever at all. It's amusing as hell in an ironic I'd still punch your face in because you're so stupid kind of way. =D
Happy Monday y'all!