Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Favorite HNT...

For those of you who don't follow me on Twitter, you may not know that I recently (a few days ago) got sick of my blonde and orange highlights and decided to color my hair. I was going to go with a nice auburn color. I didn't find an auburn I liked but then I saw this red color and it jumped out at me. The lighting in the pictures sucks because it looks purple/pink in some spots but trust me, there isn't any purple and/or pink to be seen. It's a vibrant dark red and I love it. I'll get some better pictures up for y'all to see soon. =)

I was going to skip HNT today but then I went looking through my passed shots this year and realized I did have a favorite. Which is odd because I can never just pick one of anything. Most of the time. ;)

My favorite picture of the year is from a post in February. If you click the link, there are 4 pictures to see. ;) This is my favorite HNT shot of the year.

This one is my favorite for a few reasons. I love the way my skin looks here. I liked the way my lips look. I miss my hair being that short and I do miss the black hair. Most of all though, I love how my eyes are captured here.

To see all of my HNT shots, just click here and browse away.

I also added a little something to The Other HNT. I should be easy to find there though. ;)

Happy Thursday!
And if you go out tonight to party it up and celebrate New Years Eve... please be responsible, be safe and have fun!

Friday, December 25, 2009

For all of you...

No matter what you celebrate, I wish a wonderful day to you and yours.

Be safe, be happy and have fun.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Three Christmas Wishes HNT..

My mom and youngest brother left on Monday to go out to California. They're spending Christmas out there with my dad, my other younger brother 22 and my little sister. This will be my very first Christmas without my family. I won't be alone because I'll be with my boyfriend but it still feels strange. I've never not seen my family on Christmas. It doesn't seem quite right and I'm a little bummed out about it. Not that I won't enjoy spending the day with my boyfriend but still. It's a holiday I've always spent with my family and this is the first time I won't see them at all on the days leading up to Christmas, the day of or the days after. I won't see mom or YB again until the middle of January or later actually. Such is life though.

For HNT this week, the theme that Osbasso laid on us is Three Christmas Wishes. The hardest part about this theme for me is that I can only pick three people to grant wishes too. I'm a rule breaker by nature so it's no surprise to anyone who knows me that I bent the rules for this week. ;)

My first wish is for theBsideOFme. She is going through a hell of a time right now and I really feel for her. So, aside from me wishing I could get her through what she's going for quickly and with far less drama, I wish for her to have a week long all expense paid vacation to the tropical destination of her choice. She totally needs to get away and just relax and if I could afford to do so, I'd totally send her off somewhere to do just that.

My second wish is for An Artist Exposed. My wish for him is simple. Peace, love, happiness and prosperity in his career. Peace in mind, body and spirit. For him to feel as much love as he gives. For him to be happy and for his career to always be prosperous.

My third wish is for Nitebyrd. For her, I want her to go on tour with the band of her choice for 6 months and have all her expenses taken care of while she travels and enjoy some kick ass music along the way.

Now on to my non-HNT Holiday Wishes. ;) Bwa ha ha. One for the Vixen Kitten. She made a wonderful post here that you should all read. My wish for her is that every wish she has in that post be granted several times over.

Two is for Laken. I wish for her a shopping spree for her and for her son too. To any stores they choose to go to. They would have $5,000 to spend between them of course so they don't have to spend it all in one building. ;)

Three is for Dangerous Lilly. A vacation away from work with an all expenses paid 3 day trip to NYC with a handful of Sephora gift cards and the freedom to do whatever she wants with whomever she wants without having to worry about anything.

My final wish would be for anyone reading this. It's so cliche and standard but it's really what I'd want for anyone honestly. Good health, love, support in any aspect you need it in, peace where it's needed, plenty of laughs, prosperity and simple blissful happiness.

Thanks to everyone who as sent in an entry to the contest/give away I'm doing on the blog! I know the original deadline was Thursday the 24th but I'm extended it to the 27th for anyone who wants to enter but hasn't had time due to all the holiday hoopla. So, get to it!

Want to see what's on my Amazon Wishlist? Not to buy me anything but just because a couple people were interested in seeing what made my list of wants. Unfortunately, I forgot who those people are and I'm not scrolling through pages of tweets on Twitter to find out who it was again. If it's you, comment and say so or send me an email so I can get you the link. It's a seriously boring list though y'all. There is nothing sexy or fun on there. Just stuff I mainly need along with some things I really, really want.

Y'all know what this chick wants most though? Aside from the things I won't be getting because they're not actually "things" lol. I want two tickets to go see the Dallas Stars VS the Detroit Red Wings on January 16, 2010. I've always wanted to go to a home game where we play the Wings but I've yet to do it yet. I'd sit in the ceiling if they did seats there. Wait, maybe not, but you get what I mean. I just want to go, heh. Hopefully I'll be able to save up the $90 so I can go. Otherwise, I'll have to wait until next season to see that match up again since that's the last time we play Detroit on home ice. Though, I do get to go to a game in February but still... =) I need to try out my new Stars hoodie that Philly got for me for my birthday this year. I've yet to wear it to a game yet. Plus I have a feeling I might be getting a Stars jersey tee for Christmas from some awesome boyfriend of mine. ;) Did you read that whole post by the way? So many people just come on Thursdays for the pictures and don't pay attention to anything else. There's some good stuff here! You know, some of the time. ;)
If you did read the whole post (or you know, skim most of it), you totally deserve a prize. Maybe a yummy holiday sugar cookie or another candy cane bonus picture. See? Totally pays off to read the whole thing. ;)

Happy Holidays!!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Blogger Toy Fundraiser

*THIS POST WILL REMAIN AT THE TOP OF THE BLOG UNTIL THIS IS OVER. Please scroll down for new posts after you've read this one.*

I didn't think to do this soon enough and the cut off date for being able to drop off toys is December 14th. That gives y'all until the morning of December 12th to make donations for Toys for Tots if you're going to. Saturday the 12th will be the toy shopping day and then Sunday the 13th will be the toy delivery day.

Any donations made later than December 12th will go to the Genesis Women's Shelter in Dallas, Tx. There are, of course, children staying at the shelter as well and they're doing a holiday gift drop off that last until December 22. As with Toys for Tots, I will take pictures for proof for anything that gets put towards the GWS.

UPDATE: GWS Mission Statement: "To provide quality safety and shelter to battered women and their children through crisis intervention and short term crisis therapeutics and to reduce the occurrence of violence against women and children in the greater Dallas area. We are also committed to raising the level of community awareness regarding the pervasiveness and effects of domestic violence."

If you go to their website and read about their holiday program, you will read about their "adopt a family" program for the holidays. I sent an email to the Assistant Director of Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator at GWS to find out if I would be able to just bring a bunch of stuff in without adopting a family for everything. Of course I can! Any new unwrapped gifts I get to buy for them through the help of the fundraiser and my limited pocket funds will be distributed to families who arrive to the Shelter after everyone has been adopted out.

If you want to donate to the shelter NOW instead of donating for Toys for Tots, let me know so I can put the donated money towards that instead.

Happy Holidays!

Every year I donate some toys to Toys for Tots. I pick and choose other things to donate to as well through out the year. I don't think I can make a big dent of change in the world but I can do little things to make things a little better for people. Be it with toys during the holidays, money for food, donating clothing, etc. I bitch about things that I wish I could fix but really, all that bitching does nothing if you're not willing to step up and do something to help make it better. So, I do what I can when I can to help out. It makes me feel good to know I've done something good and I help out with a lot of different things.

I got an idea to do a Blogger Toys for Tots Fundraiser. I got it damn late it the year though so there isn't much time to work with this for Toys for Tots. Don't know what that is? Let me inform you.

Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) not-for-profit public charity is the fund raising, funding and support organization for the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program. The Foundation was created at the behest of the U. S. Marine Corps and provides support in accordance with a Memorandum of Understanding with the Commander, Marine Forces Reserve, who directs the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program. The Foundation has supported Toys for Tots since 1991.

The mission of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.

Like I said, I donate something every year. Sometimes in toys and sometimes in money. Sometimes more and sometimes less. Sometimes I don't have much money to spare but I do a little bit anyway because I know even if I'm hurting a little, some little kid and their family is hurting more. I prefer doing toys though. I like going in to a store and picking out toys that I know will make some little kids happy. I never see the kids who get these but I always wonder if they liked what they got or if they were just happy for something. See, I may never want any kids of my own but I love and adore children.

I want to propose to y'all doing a Blogger Toys for Tots Fundraiser.

On the left side of this blog where all the junk is there is a PayPal donation button there.

If you want to donate money to help buy toys for Toys for Tots, just use that.

I will take all the money that gets donated and go buy toys. For proof that I'm doing what I say I'll be doing with the donations, there will be pictures of the toys as I buy them and pictures/video of all those said toys being loaded into the car and more upon being delivered to a Toys for Tots location.

I know with the economy being what it is, things are rough for a lot of people (myself and my boyfriend included) BUT if you can spare $10 that would be enough. With $10 I can buy an action figure, toy cars, Legos, a stuffed animal, various kinds of dolls, PlayDoh sets and various other things. $10 will buy a toy and in some cases more than one toy. I can get 8 or 9 Hot Wheels cars on $10 so no amount would be too small. You can do something to help and leave all the work up to me.

I'm not expecting a huge outcome from this because like I said, I know life financially sucks for a lot of people right now. If you can give just a little bit though, you'll be making some faceless nameless little child happy.

And yes, I know Christmas isn't about the toys and other presents but imagine being 7 and not looking forward to waking up Christmas morning because Santa couldn't bring you anything this year. It's a bummer.

If you want, please feel free to post about this on your blog with links and send people over. I would appreciate that quite a bit. If you do pimp this post out on your blog, email me after you do so with the post link so I can include you in a post that's to come later on.

Random ramblings & a prize give away.

I've seen a lot of people doing Wish Lists for the holidays. So rather than doing one on my blog where I list everything I want, I'll just post a link to my Wish List on Amazon if anyone out there feels like buying me anything off there say I have a decent sized list on Amazon with plenty of stuff I actually need on there. If you want the link to view my Amazon Wish List, just tell me via comment or email and I'll send you the link. =)

Also, gift cards (Target, Best Buy, Barnes & Noble) are always great. As are hockey tickets to Dallas Stars games. Hockey tickets for Christmas equals totally amazing. Yep yep. Even though my Stars fucking lost to the Canes last night. *cringe* Though at least the Canes were playing oddly well last night so it wasn't too bad but still. My Stars play the Thrashers tonight and hopefully we fair better against them. And yes, I have to put Stars in green coloring every time the word is said in reference to my hockey team.

If you haven't seen the Toys for Tots pictures of all the toys that were acquired through the fundraiser that I did, check here and here. It was a great success in my opinion and again I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who helped me promote the cause and THANK YOU again to everyone who donated money. Y'all rock. The 19th or the 20th at the latest will be your last chance to donate to the Genesis Women's Shelter Toy Drop.

My boyfriend is amusing and weird sometimes. I'm usually the one who comes up with off the wall things out of no where but sometimes he does it too. Which is more amusing because it doesn't happen often. So when he says things like "Mosquitoes don't eat cherry flavored Jell-O because it's too sweet for them. Plus, the frogs told them not to anyway." it makes me laugh more so because he's usually not so odd and random. That's probably not funny to you but given the conversation we were having, it was fucking hilarious. Also, ridiculous as hell. Fun times, I say.

I mentioned doing a blog give away a while ago and now here I come with the details. That wonderful boyfriend of mine gets the majority of the credit here as it was his idea to do this and he will be the one supplying the gift card. The prize is going to be a gift card to a store of your choosing from a list of stores we have locally. You get to pick the place you want it coming from. Target, Best Buy, Bath & Body Works, Borders, Starbucks, Ulta, etc, whatever. Also there may be an extra little something or two tossed in there as well, just for fun. Perhaps a sample packet of my new favorite lube, maybe a travel size soy wax candle for wax play, some homemade treat or something else. Who knows? ;)

All you have to do to enter the contest give away is show me your Christmas decorations, indoors and outdoors. I like decorating the house inside and out for holidays. I also LOVE to see what other people do for decorations. So, all you have to do to enter the contest is snap some pictures to show off how you decorated. Of course, like any other contest, there are a few rules.

*You have to have a blog.

*You have to take no less than 3 pictures of your decorations.

*You can do outdoor only, indoor only or show off both ;).

*If you don't want to post the pictures in a blog post, you can email them to amorousrocker [at] gmail [dot] com. Please include a link to your blog anyway if you do send them by email.

*If you do post the pictures in a blog post, please comment back or email me the link to the post so I know and can come check your pictures out.

*You have until December 24th to submit your entry for the contest.

The winner will be picked by myself and my boyfriend. I will make another post announcing the winner after the 24th. Don't skip entering just because you think you might not have decorated enough either! Bigger isn't *always* better you know. Sometimes less really is more. ;)

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Blogger Fundraiser: Toys for Tots!

The Blogger Toy Fundraiser Toys for Tots portion was a success! I want to thank each and every one of you who donated money. Whether it was the person who donated $3 or $5 or $10 or more than that... THANK YOU!!!! I'll tell y'all the total number of toys and total amount of money raised somewhere in this post. You'll have to read along and check out the pictures to find the numbers though. =o)

Here is me getting my toy shopping on for the first day....

Toy Shopping Day 1

Toy Shopping Day 1

Toy Shopping Day 1

That was Day 1 of the shopping. I got over $200 worth of toys that day. =o)

Now on to Day 2. I took less pictures in Target because honestly, it was busy as hell and loud as fuck in there and I was concentrating more on getting around all the parents, screaming kids running around and trying to concentrate on not going over the spending amount.

Toy Shopping Day 2

Toy Shopping Day

That might not look like much but there are more toys in there than there were from the Wal-Mart shopping trip. I also spent over $200 in Target as well.

The Wal-Mart bags & Target bags. Plus, a Toys R Us bag filled with stuffed animals.



We took all these bags and loaded them into the backseat of the car. The backseat was full, the floorboards were full. It was getting dark so I didn't get a fantastic picture of the full backseat but you get the idea I hope. =o)

Toys in the Backseat

Toys in the Backseat

Then we were off.

It took a while to get there. One, I don't live in the city we were going to. Two, the person I first talked to on the phone gave us the wrong directions and we went in the opposite direction but luckily figured out our mistake, called again, got someone who gave really good directions and the right address and made our way back to where we needed to be. Finally, we were there....

Toys for Tots Delivery Spot

Toys for Tots!

All the bags in a Toys for Tots box!

They put all the bags into cardboard boxes. For those who don't know, they inspect the toys before wrapping them, boxing them up and shipping them to where they're going to be handed out. I couldn't get more pictures or video because my cell phone battery was close to dying and it wouldn't cooperate with me.

The Toys for Tots people where quite happy to see we brought in so many toys and we were thanked by several different people. We had so many they thought we had come from a business or some organization. I said I wrote a blog and had taken up a collection online to help raise money to buy toys. The guy helping put the bags in the box said that was awesome and thanked us again. Then we watched as they pushed the heavy box across the floor and then left.

This started as a fundraiser I was doing in the blogging community. It poured over into my real life though because after going two days in a row with no donations from any bloggers, I worried that there was no way I was going to reach the goal I wanted to reach. My goal was $300. I reached $300 with the help of bloggers and people in my real life. Then a few more bloggers donated more and several more people in my real life donated more. The grand total was $533.
For those who wanted to know how much of that was blogger raised vs real life people I know raised... just say it was damn near even between the two groups in my life and leave it at that. I don't personally think it matters which spectrum donated more and I've tried to politely say as much to all who have asked so far. I'm sorry if you find that rude but it doesn't really matter who donated more. What matters is every single dollar that was donated to Toys for Tots to help get a toy to a child who otherwise wouldn't anything. Those bags had a total of 83 toys in them.

The shopping was a bit more difficult then I thought it would be actually. I tried to get a decent equal amount of boy toys and girl toys in all the age appropriate categories. Without spending more than $10 on a single toy. I was thrifty and tried to get the most out of the money that was raised. ;) I planned out my shopping based on what sales were going on where and it worked out fantastic for the cause I think.

Again, THANK Y'ALL SO SO SO SO much to every single person who donated anything at all to the Fundraiser. Thank you to every person who tried to help spread the word, retweeted links, made posts on their blogs, etc. I appreciate it so very much. I plan on doing this again next year so hopefully y'all will join me again.

If you weren't able to donate for Toys for Tots & still want to help, you can always donate to the Toy Drop put on by the Genesis Women's Shelter (click the link to read more about GWS) if you're able to.
I clearly don't expect the success that Toys for Tots got but every little bit helps! Last day to donate for that will be the 19th or 20th at the latest. Thanks y'all!

Happy Tuesday!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Treat Exchange!

Thanks to the wonderful people who have donated money for the fundraiser. I appreciate your help very much. Whether it's $3, $5, $10 or more than that, any amount is enough to help buy a toy so a kid will have something to open on Christmas morning. If you want to donate, please do! I edited The Blogger Fundraiser post with more information on Genesis Women's Shelter so please check that out! I promise, next year if (when!) I do this again, I'll start much sooner. ;) If you want to see picture proof of the toys I've got already, click here. Toys for Tots shopping will be finished tomorrow! Anything that gets donated tomorrow until the 17th goes towards the Toy Drop at the Genesis Women's Shelter for battered and abused women.

Moving on! Veronica of Another Suburban Mom has organized a treat exchange! I'm a little late getting my post up today so sorry about that. I stayed over too late at my mom's hanging out with her and YB last night then got home and was wiped out so I just went straight to bed. This was a little after 4 AM, lol. Anyway, I'm not a big fan of chocolate. I like dark chocolate because it's not as sweet but that's about it. Something I love? Chocolate covered pretzels! A lot of people don't know just how easy they are to make. So for my treat today, I'm going to put up my chocolate covered pretzels!

Here's what you'll need:

* 12 ounces chocolate chips, any variety!
* 2 tablespoons vegetable shortening
* 20 old-time style (thick, not thin) pretzel twists

*Variety of holiday sprinkles and/or chopped walnuts
(Optional ^)

I like to use dark chocolate for mine but I also use a mix of semi-sweet and milk chocolate morsels for other people. My boyfriend hates dark chocolate but loves almost every other type of chocolate. For these in the pictures, they're 3/4 semi-sweet morsels and 1/4 milk chocolate chips. You can also use white chocolate and those turn out really well. Or do the semi-sweet/milk chocolate mix and then drizzle with chocolate.

What you do:

Line two large cookie sheets with waxed paper.

Combine chocolate chips and vegetable shortening in a double boiler stirring until smooth.
If you don't have a double boiler (like me!) you can use a pot of water and then use either another pot or a glass bowl to place inside the pot of warming water. Don't let the water actually boil because if it gets too hot, your chocolate will harden. Also don't add water to thin out the chocolate, that will make it clump and you won't be using it. If you want it to thin out more, add a little more shortening until you're happy with the consistency.

With mine, I like to leave a loop free of chocolate and I use that as a handle to dip the pretzel into the chocolate. If you want the whole pretzel covered in chocolate, use a fork, dip each pretzel into chocolate mixture and gently tap off excess. Place on the wax paper lined cookie sheet.

Sprinkle on whatever toppings you like or just leave plain.

If you want to drizzle with white chocolate, a fork dipped in the white chocolate works well.

Leave pretzels undisturbed until completely set. I put mine in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes.

If you don't want to use pretzel twists, you can use sticks or rods and they work just fine and turn out just as yummy.

Since I made these with my Christmas goodies, I used holiday sprinkles, red sugar and walnuts to decorate my chocolate covered pretzels with. Enjoy the pics!

Happy Friday!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Blogger Toy Fundraiser: Toys & HNT

A lot of y'all already know that I'm doing a fundraiser to buy toys for Toys for Tots and also to provide for the Genesis Women's Shelter in Dallas. If you don't, PLEASE take the time to read the original post about it. There have also been more details about GWS added as well if you want to check that out.

I decided that for The Blogger Toy Fundraiser, I would take some of the money that has been donated and go early to buy some toys. That way anyone with doubts about if I'm really doing this or not might feel more assured about donating $5 or $10. I'm a cynical and un-trusting person myself so I understand the skepticism some people have (openly) had towards me asking people to help give me money for this. So, I went early Wednesday morning when I knew the toy aisles would be completely re-stocked and there wouldn't be anyone else shopping hardly. Here are pictures I took and sent in to Twitter via TwitPic Wednesday morning to document my toy buying fun.

Now, I said I was only going to spend X amount of what was earned and I ended up spending quite a bit more. I didn't spend it all and I will still have some to spend when I finish the shopping tip up at Target on Saturday. You still have time to donate money if you want to. I've had people donate $3, $4.50, $5, $10 or whatever. Any amount helps in some way. Some of those toys you see such as the footballs cost only $2. The little tiara's that some little girl will hopefully enjoy cost $4. The Toy Story Memory game cost $5. You don't need to donate a lot to be helpful.

The fundraiser isn't just for Toys for Tots either. The donations are also going to the Genesis Women's Shelter for their holiday toy drop so that the kids in the shelter will have something to open Christmas morning. Most of the women and children that wind up there don't get there with much. They're victims of domestic violence and abuse and they're trying to get away, trying to find a safe place, trying to start over and make a better life for themselves. One without violence, threats of violence and abuse or the possibility of it towards their children. That's not an environment you want to be in and certainly not one you would want your children to grow up in. The shelter does a lot of great things to help the women and children who stay there and the holiday toy drop is just one of these things. I edited the original Fundraiser post to add more information on GWS if you're interested in seeing that. If you donate and would prefer you money to go towards GWS instead of Toys for Tots, that's fine, make sure you let me know and I'll do that.

I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has helped me out with this.

Thank you t all the people who have pimped my cause and links out on their blogs. (If you have, let me know so I can check it out and tell you thank you!)

Thank you to the (so far) 14 wonderful bloggers who have made donations for this.

Thank you to my boyfriend, my family and my real life friends who have helped try to spread the word and who have also donated to the cause.

I know the economy is rough right now. As I said, I've been affected by it as has my boyfriend and his family. Life sucks for a lot of people right now but any little bit you could donate to help would be enough to make a difference in some kiddos life. That's worth it to me. Hopefully that makes it worth it to you as well.

Now, on to the Toy Fundraiser pictures.

Happy Thursday!

An update, half naked news & a giveaway to come.

There's nothing much here to see right now but....

Later tonight, around 10 PM Central time, there will be a snazzy update on The Blogger Toy Fundraiser and a special holiday HNT. ;)

Thanks to the wonderful people who have donated money for the fundraiser. I appreciate your help very much.
Whether it's $3, $5, $10 or more than that, any amount is enough to help buy a toy so a kid will have something to open on Christmas morning. If you want to donate, please do! I edited The Blogger Fundraiser post with more information on Genesis Women's Shelter so please check that out! I promise, next year if (when!) I do this again, I'll start much sooner. ;)

Also, the Boyfriend & I decided that after the fundraiser is over, we're going to give a little back and do my very first blog giveaway. We'll be giving away a gift card and possibly a few extra little goodies as well. You don't have to have made a donation to enter the giveaway but there will be something you have to do so we can pick a winner. ;) More d
etails for that will be coming soon though.

Also.... y'all head over to see Essin' Em and tell that lovely lady HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I need something more, to keep on breathing for...

Hello there!

I want to say THANK YOU to the 9 very wonderful people out there in internet land who have donated to The Blogger Toy Fundraiser. I appreciate y'all giving what you can. In one case that was $3, in other cases it was $5 to $10. In a few others it was quite a bit more. No matter the size of the donation, I appreciate it because every little bit will help in what I'm doing.

My Youngest Brother is 14. He is such a sweet, caring kid with a big heart. He gave me some money for the fundraiser too. I didn't ask him because he's 14 and doesn't get a regular allowance and I would never ask a kid to give me money, lol. I didn't have to ask, he just did it because he wanted to help too. The kid has probably $20 to his little name unless he's spent some of it, lol. I thought it was so sweet honestly.

My little sister also donated some money for it. As did my parents and four of my real life friends.

One of my boyfriend's nice co-workers gave me some cash to buy a few toys for the fundraiser. Not only did she give me the cash, she also supplied me with the first toy for the fundraiser!

How awesome is that? I'm no fan of Barbie personally but I hope that whatever little girl ends up with this toy enjoys it.

I was out and about yesterday with my mom and YB. We were in Target and then Wal-Mart shopping for some gifts to mail out to my dad in CA since his birthday is coming soon. It was under $20 While in there, I was checking out all the toys and mentally calculating everything I was looking at. I'm going to have so much fun going toy shopping on Saturday. I normally hate to shop but this is different. I'm excited for Saturday when I'll be doing the Toys for Tots shopping. I also can't wait to get the goodies home and take pictures so y'all can see what your wonderful donations helped buy. =)

I know the economy is rough. Trust me, I can relate and I'm in the same rough spot a lot of other people are in. Whether it's $3, $5, $10 or more than that, any amount is enough to help buy a toy so a kid will have something to open on Christmas morning. If you want to donate, please do! Also, if you pimp my links and fundraiser out on your blog, please let me know so I can visit and thank you. =)

Okay moving on... =)

Today, any time I'm listening to music, I'll be rocking one of my Pantera CD's. It was 5 years ago today that Dimebag Darrell Abbott was killed. Pantera is one of my favorite bands and it was because of his amazing guitar skills that I love their music so much. I hate to say it but usually I am rather indifferent about famous people passing because I don't know them and hey, tons of people die every day. I was sad when I was sitting in my room, listening to music, when it came on the radio that Dimebag had been killed. I had never got to see him play in Pantera or the band he was in at the time (Damage Plan) before he died. I was going to get to see him play live too but that didn't happen since he was killed. I was really bummed because I admired the guy a lot.

My Dallas Stars play tonight! In Anaheim. Hopefully it's a good game and hopefully we win. Go Stars!

If you asked me some questions for that big question post I was doing, I got ALL the answers posted yesterday. I didn't actually realize I had so many because I didn't really keep track but damn! There were quite a bit of questions there, lol.

I got my dad a Blu-Ray dvd for his birthday gift. I got a kick ass deal on it because it was a relatively new movie and it was on sale for $14.99! I was so excited. Target had about 20 Blu-Rays on sale for $19.99 or less and they actually have a pretty big selection. All the stuff on sale was good stuff for the most part too. I think I'm going to go back and see if there is anything else I might want to get him for a Christmas gift. He works really hard and really long hours. When he goes home, he relaxes by watching a movie or two. We got him the Blu-Ray player last year for Christmas and his collection of movies for it is pretty slim still. Partly because they're normally damn pricey.

I've had this song stuck in my head for a few days now. I can't stand listening to it though when I play my iPod. I might be in the mood for Nightwish, Lamb Of God, Keith Urban, The Temptations or something else but I always get this P!nk song in with whatever I'm listening to. It's such a pretty song. I love piano and I love P!nk's voice.

Happy Tuesday!

TMI Tuesday

Haven't done a TMI Tuesday in a while sooo why not?

1. Which is more important of the two in "chemisty," physical attractiveness or emotional attractiveness?
At first, you have to have some kind of physical attraction to a person. What keeps you there is the stuff that doesn't have anything to do with looks.

2. On a scale from 1-10, how kinky are you?
8 or 9.

3. Sitting on Santa's lap... fun or creepy?
I think it's only creepy if there are creepy intentions. It's harmless otherwise but then again you never know what's going on inside someone's head. *shrug*

4. Have you ever fallen asleep or passed out during sex?
Nope, lol. If I did, it wouldn't be difficult to wake me back up. ;)

5. Do you wear socks to bed? Is that okay or totally unsexy?
I wear knee high socks to bed if I'm super cold. I am anemic and get cold easy while my boyfriend is very hot natured. I cannot sleep in pants at all because they tangle up around me and it freaks me out. So, if I have a need to get my feet warm then I pull on some knee high socks. I don't give a shit about looking sexy while I sleep. I care more about being warm, comfy and able to fall asleep.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ask me anything! Questions & Answers.

So it's time. For the answers to all the questions I received here.

NoZeFace asked:What was the ah ha I'm bi moment for you?
I grew up a total tomboy, didn't have hardly any girl friends and never thought boys were cute. I went through puberty at a very early ago. I started noticing that when watching movies and tv shows that I would notice that some of the women were pretty and then having a slight physical reaction to that. I didn't know what it was and I was too ashamed to ask or talk to anyone about it. I thought it was weird and wrong and I figured if I just ignored it, it would go away. Shortly after that started, I started getting attracted to guys too but the attraction to females stayed. I was angry at myself because I thought I was weird and wrong and I hated myself for being the way I was. I learned at 12 what "bisexual" was thanks to a book. Shortly there after, I had my "ah ha I'm bi" moment. That was the moment I realized what it was and why I felt the way I did and that no matter what people around me said, it wasn't weird and wasn't wrong and if that's the way I was, I couldn't change it. Which I didn't embrace for another couple years because I was still hurting and confused about a lot of things and didn't have anyone to reach out and talk to.

2.) If you were a hot dog, would you eat yourself?

Nope! I hate hot dogs. They're disgusting to me.

Cori Anne asked: 1.) Would you ever be in a D/s type relationship? Why or why not?
Nope, never. If that's what works for you and that's what you're in to, I'm fine and I'm comfortable with that. It doesn't bother me in the least. I know without a doubt that I have no interest in ever being in that type of relationship. It just isn't for me.

2.) If you had to eat lasagna without tomato sauce, what sauce would you put in place of the tomato sauce?
Probably alfredo. Mmmm.

Alisha and Brett asked: 1.) How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?
3. Haven't you seen the commercials? ;) Actually, I counted once. I got to 33 before I lost interest in trying to figure it out.

2.) 2012, awesome movie or something to worry about?
Neither. I had no interest in the movie. If it's something that will happen, I have no control over it so I see no point in worrying about. I live life day by day, you never know if you'll have a tomorrow. Stressing about over things that are inevitable is pointless. It's like freaking out about getting old or death. It's going to happen, you can't stop it, so don't stress about it.

Comment Whore asked: 1.) What prompted you to start blogging?
I started blogging in 1999. I bounced around on Xanga, LiveJournal and Blogdrive. I got on Blogspot when I was 18 and made a "big kid" blog because all the people on the previous three places were immature drama kings and queens. I just wanted to write and interact, I didn't need all the catty bitches and obnoxious guys. I started blogging just to have an outlet. A creative outlet and a place to dump all my thoughts and feelings. I didn't trust people easily so I didn't open up to anyone or talk about much in real life. I was unhappy and miserable at that age for a lot of reasons and I felt like if I didn't have some way to get it out, I would just get worse and I didn't want that.

2.) Have you ever met anyone from blogland?
Nope. Not yet. That has more to do with distance, free time and money.

3.) Do you ever wish you had waited longer to begin having sex?
Nope. The only reasons I had for having sex were curiosity and being horny. I didn't hold any sentimental value to it and I wasn't like a lot of girls who want a special first time or want their first time to be with someone special. I just wanted to fuck and see how much better than masturbating it really was.

Temper of Rage asked: If Rage and I ended up in your town, would you be comfortable meeting us (or would you worry you'd end up in the trunk of a car somewhere)? :D
Y'all are quit trusting... assuming *I* would be the one ending up in the trunk of a car somewhere and not one or both of you. ;) I adore both of you and would love to meet up with you as long as time and obligations allowed. I'd totally call in sick to my hypothetical job to hang out with y'all though. ;)

Toygirl asked: 1.) You're pretty awesome. How did you get to be so awesome?
Thank you! I'd love to tell you the formula I have created for awesome. However, if I do, people will be re-creating it and possibly improving on it and we can't have that going on. Then the world will be full of even more people that are more awesome than me. ;) Though it has something to do with sex, spontaneity, blunt honesty, hockey, rum, rock music, midnight pomegranate body lotion, candy canes, a sense of humor, Jell-O shots and the hokey pokey. Among a few other things.

Dee Cuervo asked: 1.) What is your favorite movie theater snack and drink?
I don't eat during movies and don't really drink anything. I don't ever get up during movies because I don't want to miss anything. I'm not a fan of popcorn or hot dogs and most theaters don't have much beyond that stuff and candy. The soft pretzels tempt me but I can't eat without a drink so that bring me back to not wanting to miss anything in the movie because of a bathroom break, lol.

2.) Do you like having sex with guys or girls more?
Guys. Most of the time. I love making out and fooling around with girls but I still love cock more.

3.) How many sex toys do you own? How many did you actually pay for?
20+ I own. I paid for none of them. They're either from reviews, my boyfriend or other friends who have purchased them as gifts. The only thing I have in my toy drawer that I personally paid for is some lube, lol.

4.) If you got a free pass from your boyfriend and could get it on with any hockey player on the Dallas Stars, who would it be?
Oh hell. I don't even know. Probably Brad Richards. Though honestly, I'm not sure I'd do it with a free pass. I'd probably feel guilty.

Raven Quince asked: 1.) Toronto Maple Leafs or Montreal Canadiens?
Oooh no. I have to go with Toronto. I love Niklas Hagman, Vesa Toskala and Jonas Gustavsson. I can't think of anyone or anything I like about the Canadiens as a team. =p As far as Canada goes, I love the Vancouver Canucks.

2.) Now that Slim has seen your boobs, and you have a wee history with Sparrow, will the four of you get it on?
Much to Slim's dismay, never. That's not be being arrogant either. He's said more than once that if the boyfriend and I ever break up, he would try and hook up with me once the boyfriend was over it. He's also commented about how as far as couples go, we would be perfect for swapping. But... I have zero attraction to Slim and the thought of sleeping with him makes me cringe slightly.

3.) If you won $1 million, what would you do with it?
College, buy a new car, finish my dental work, buy a house, give some to family, give some to charity and save/invest the rest.

Alexa asked: 1.) How much should I be prepared to pay you for an hour of your sexual services? :p
It depends on what sexual services you wanted. ;) I'd charge *you* $300 because you're a woman and I wouldn't charge as much just because of that. Yes, unfair, blah blah blah. If you wanted to anally fuck me with a strap while chained to the bed and pouring hot wax on my back, I'm charging a bit more for that kind of kinky stuff. ;)

Sam asked: 1.) What turns you on about HNT (doing them yourself and/or other's HNTs)?
HNT doesn't turn me on to be quite honest. I like the pictures that tell a story, the ones that are done artistically, the ones that show emotion. I don't care much for the standard, "here's a picture of my cock" or "here's my ass in a thong" shots. I don't look at them as one would look at porn. I look at them and prefer the pictures that are like erotic art. Taking them, I just like to show off but showing off on the internet doesn't turn me on. I just enjoy the feedback.

2.) What's your favorite color?
Red. Black. Dark Purple. Orange.

Just Some Dude asked: 1.) What was your first real concert that you've gone to?
I honestly don't remember. It was either a country show or a boy band show.

2.) This one is harder, what was your favorite?
Incubus or TOOL. I can't decide between those two but they were both two of the most amazing shows ever.

Hayley O'malleykins asked: 1.) What is your boyfriend's sexiest feature? And you can't say his penis!
His lips. Or his broad shoulders. Mmm.

2.) What is your boyfriend's astrological sign?

3.) Which fruit do you find to be more sensuous: A cherry, bananas or strawberries?
Strawberries, definitely. Bananas are kinky, slutty things. A cherry is innocent at first but after that it's naughty.

4.) Are you a fan of Lady GaGa's music?
Not at all.

Pretty Punk asked: 1.) What is it like to taste another girl? Do you really like it and why/why not? Is there anything about diet or grooming you think makes the experience more pleasurable/less pleasurable?
It's a wonderful thing. Girls are so soft and warm and mmm. Having your face between a girls thighs, feeling her get progressively wetter, feeling her muscles tighten and clench... it's really wonderful. And sexy. Yes... I really like it. Obviously. ;) On the diet? I think it plays a part, yes. I've read articles before on certain foods that react with chemicals in your body that cause foul odors. Or that eating a lot of meat and junk food doesn't bode well with more than just weight and overall health in terms of your body. So I think diet does play a part in the taste of ones secretions.

2.) I can't decide which are more plump, voluptuous and delectable-looking, your lips or your breasts. Do you have an answer? Which do you most like to have bitten?
I like my breasts are more plump and voluptuous definitely. Though I think my lips are my best feature honestly. I love having both bitten but I honestly like having my lower lip bitten more than I like having my breasts bitten. I like the boobie biting but bite and then pull on my lower lip while still biting and OMG.

Bruce asked: 1.) I you had a super power, what would it be.......and how what would you most often use it for?
Teleportation. I would use it to get to where ever I needed to go. No more worrying about car repairs, gas prices, insane amount of traffic, idiot drivers and all that stuff.

Ms. Cranberry asked: 1.) Would you ever do a sports related role play? (IE your man is the buff football player and you're the pretty cheerleader, etc)
I'd never do a roleplay where I was a cheerleader. That's not me and not something I find sexy. Boyfriend isn't in to cheerleaders either. I do want to do some sports roleplaying that involve hockey and baseball though.

2.) Would you rather give up eating ice cream or cookies?
Cookies. Ice cream is my favorite sweet thing.

3.) How much do you tip when you go out to a restaurant?
Depends on how server and how good they are. I've left $10 on a $25 ticket before because our waitress was very nice and extremely attentive without being pushy. I usually don't tip less than 20% though. I know how shitty working food service is and people often don't tip enough. That's what we're working for people!

4.) When was the last time you gave a homeless person food or money?
Two weeks ago. A woman came up to me at the gas station and asked me if she could have $3 because she wanted a double cheeseburger from McDonalds next door and a 40 from the gas station. I gave her $5, she walked over to McDonalds and was on her way back with Mickey D's bag in hand to get the beer when I left the gas station. Yeah, I know a lot of people refuse to give homeless people money but I don't give a shit. "They're just spending it on booze." Yep and if they're honest and tell me that's what they want it for, I'm giving it to them because I appreciate the honesty. Besides, I'd probably just spend it on booze myself so no big deal.

Autumn asked: 1.) Hmmm...have you ever had an orgasm that made you "squirt" to date?
Actually, if I have a really intense orgasm, I squirt. Or if I'm really turned on, I squirt. I get ridiculously wet when I'm turned on as it is. When I have intense orgasms (which happens a lot) I squirt. I don't find it gross at all. Though the first time I did it years ago, I freaked out because I didn't know what squirting was when I was a teenager. I was freaked out and confused because I didn't know my vaginas could do that then, lol. Once I learned of it, I didn't freak out when it happened anymore.

Secretia asked: 1.) What is the most romantic thing in the world for you?
Honestly, I'm not romantic. I never think, "Oh, how romantic!" Most things that others find "romantic" I tend to find cheesy, boring and cliche. I'm not into flowers, candy, jewelry, candle light dinners, dancing under the stars, breakfast in bed type, long walks on the beach, cuddling in front of the fire, rose petals on the bed, candle lit bubble bath or anything like that. Even with less cliche stuff, I still don't ever think "Oh, romantic!" My perfect nights involve hockey games or loud ass rock shows. Both involve a lot of other people, a lot of noise and me screaming my head off and possibly cussing a little too much. I'm more of a "lets have fun" type over a "I want to do something" romantic type.

Amanda the Pickle Pan-Duh asked: 1.) If a squirrel and a rhino mate, what is it called?
That is one burly, badass, insane squirrel if it successfully mates with a rhino! Fuuuck. It would be a Squirhinoel. Squir-hi-no-L.

2.) Would you rather give or receive oral sex with a woman and why?
Give. Receiving is nice but it's not very high up on things that really get me going.

3.) Would you rather have a wrestling match in mud, Jell-O or baby oil and why?
Baby oil. Mud gets too cold too quick. The only thing Jell-O is good for is to be mixed with booze to make shots. They should do wet sand wrestling. That would be a challenge.

Phairhead asked: 1.) Did you ever discuss your bisexuality with your parents?
Not really. My mom knows and proclaims not to care. It's not something we discuss. My dad, I don't talk about things that personal with him.

2.) How do you stay sober from hard drugs?
It's hard. I have a friend I'm really close with that I've stopped hanging out with because he has a cocaine addiction and it just became too much for me. He quit for a few years but started up again a few months ago. He always had it on him and I admit, I was tempted because I remembered how good it always made me feel. I didn't do it and told him I couldn't hang out with him anymore while he was coked out every damn day. I get tempted with weed and ecstasy too but I pass them by too. I always remember how good I felt and the fun I had but I don't want to do that stuff anymore. I only did those drugs then because I was miserable and I was looking for something to fill me and make me happy. Sure, it worked while I was high but when I came down I felt even worse. Which is what lead to me constantly being high. I'm not an unhappy person anymore and I don't need that shit to make me happy, mellow me out, relax me or help me avoid reality for any amount of time. I'm a better and stronger person for not doing them and being able to stay off of them. Also, my boyfriend would kick my ass. ;) Not literally of course.

3.) Oatmeal raisin vs. chocolate chip?
Chocolate chip. I hate raisins.

Southerngirl asked: 1.)You seem to be a very open person, thus I wondered if most people IRL know your blog?
Most people in my real life know I have a blog. My family all know about it and know where to read it. Though that isn't from me sharing that with them, lol. Though now I don't care that they know about it anymore and don't care that a couple of them read from time to time. My boyfriend reads. Several of my best friends all read. They all know that I post a wide variety of things on here and if they see or read something they could have gone on happily without knowing... well, that's the risk they take by coming here, lol. =)

2.) What irritates you the most about blogging?
People forming expectations of youand thinking just because it's the internet and they're hiding behind their computer screen they can bitch. Thinking that just because you post something once or twice that you should do it all the time and then complaining because you don't. Thinking you should post every day and then getting whiney/bitchy when you miss a few days for whatever reasons. I post what I want, when I want. I blog for me and on my own terms. There's no sense being an asshole about it because that's not going to make me bend, lol.

Also, I hate how people get such massive e-balls just because they're sitting behind a computer screen and don't have to physically say some of the bullshit they spew. You know so many of the douchebags who leave asshole comments wouldn't say shit if they had to walk in front of you and say it. I hate e-courage, e-balls, etc.

Another Suburban Mom asked: 1.) Do you eat oreos by opening them up and licking out the cream, or do you just bite into them?
I just bite into them. The cookie is my favorite part. I also always eat them dipped in milk.

2.) Did you quit smoking?
Yes! =)

Chris SDC asked: 1.) When you did drugs, did you ever have a bad trip during sex?

2.) What is your least favorite place to get food from?
Chuck E. Cheese. I hate going there and I'm so happy I rarely find myself there. The only time we go is for a kiddos birthday party or a special treat for a kiddo. That happens only a couple times a year. So yay.

Curvaceous Dee asked: 1.) What's the oddest thing you've ever fantastised about?
Hmmm... Possibly the mechanic thing. Being in a mechanic shop, dirty oil stained floors with shiny muscle cars all around. Getting fucked with tools. Nothing with sharp or jagged points or edges though. Getting oil smears all over my skin from hands splattered by motor oil. Fucking on the concrete floor and in and on all the cars. I've masturbated with several tools before and after you get passed the cold of the metal, it's nice.

Also.. blood turns me on. Not just in theory either. I was into vampires years before that lady wrote that craptastic Twilight series and made them popular. I remember when it was "creepy" and "weird" and I was a "freak" because of my vampire "obsession".. I used to fantasize about sex with a vampires and let me tell ya, mine didn't sparkle. There was also fervent lust, biting and blood.

One time and only one time, I fantasized about getting it on, under the sea, with a gothic looking mermaid. I think that was because I was high and the goth girl I had been playing around with was watching Little Mermaid when I was passed out.

Sparkling Laura asked: 1.) You mentioned in your blog before that your boyfriend is 6'8" tall and wears a size 15 shoe. You posted a pic once of his hand that totally completely covers yor face so we know he has big hands. Now tell us what we're all (all the women anyway!) really wondering, does he have a big dick and what size is it?
Yeah he does. It's a size XL. Makes buying condoms a bitch.

Bucking Bill
asked: 1.) So if there is a duck in a dungeon what don't you do?
I don't just leave him there! I storm the dungeon, save the duck and ride away on my flying magic carpet to return the duck to a safer place.

2.) Where is your favovite place to have sex?
In my vagina.

3.) If you had two pickles, some string, a potato, five sticks from a tree, and a snowball what would you do?
I would use the string to pull it all together and make a weird center piece for the dinner table. Then sell it on Ebay with a disclaimer about how I can't be held responsible if the snowball melts before they get their center piece.

Mama Mia asked: 1.) Why don't you want kids?
Read this blog post. It explains exactly why I don't want kids.

Steak Chop Suey asked: 1.) Would you ever work for a phone sex hotline?
Probably not. Only if I got really, really desperate for money and had no other options.

M asked: 1.) How do you decide what's good for you and what you really want?
I listen to my instincts and gut feelings. Sometimes, I agonize over things for days over thinking them to death. Then I usually go with the thing that was my first impulse.

Fang asked: 1.) If money were no object, where would you pick to retire?
Europe or somewhere on an island. I don't have it that narrowed down yet, lol.

2.) If my boyfriend and I got married, would you be my best man and rock whatever pimping suit I want my crew to wear?
Hell yes! Just don't expect me to downplay the tits buddy.

3.) If my dick suddenly fell off, would you walk around in public to take up a collection to buy me a new one and honestly tell people what you were collecting for?
You know I would. That's how much love I have for you. Plus, I think it would be amusing to explain that story to people, bwa ha ha.

Southern Sage asked: 1.) If you were elected Grand Poobah where your commands were irreversible and unchallengeable what 3 laws would you enact for the US?
I'd change some things.
1- There would be harsher laws and greater consequences against sex offenders.
2- There would be harsher laws and greater consequences against ever drunk driver idiot.
3- I'd make it illegal to play/work on a laptop/netbook, Twitter, read a book, update social network statuses, read documents, draw and everything else that requires you take your eyes off the road while driving. And yes, I've seen people doing all of the above and more while driving. It's ridiculous. You can wait to get where you're going to Twitter about how bad traffic was or to bitch on Facebook about the weather.

2.) What was your fave subject in school? Least Fave?
Favorite was a tie between history and art. Least favorite was Spanish class.

3.) What job, or job title do you hope to have in 5 years?
Badass Motherfucker.
Kidding. I'd like to own my own business at that time and be able to keep up with more charity work. I also better have a piano by then so I can practice my skills and become a successful piano bar singer/musician.

4.) How is it that Peter Piper can pick pickled peppers when I have to pick the peppers then pickle them?
Obviously he uses magic or some kind of weird dark agricultural art form.

5.) Do you have any idea where I can get a plant that grows the peppers already pickled?
No. Peter Piper might. Or he might try to bespell you. Your call on if you want to take that risk or not.

6.) I might need to steal this post cause it'll give me something to write about, you mind?
Go for it! I'd love to read it. With your readers coming up with the questions and you answering them, I can see one hell of an amusing post right there.

7a.) If you could give all men one specific piece of advice about how to treat their woman or women what would it be? (one sentence, cause you like me will babble for 3 paragraphs ;-) be specific)
Be respectful, don't be afraid to communicate, take mental notes of the little things she likes, be honest, make her laugh, don't have everything your way but don't let her walk over over you, don't skimp on the affection, don't stop having fun, compromise, listen, and never tell her you love her unless you fucking mean it.

7b.) The same question for women?
Be respectful, don't be afraid to communicate, men are not mind readers so TELL them what you mean instead of giving some bullshit response then being hurt because they didn't know, be honest, drop the mind games be straight forward, make him laugh, don't have everything your way but don't let him walk over over you, have fun, don't skimp on the affection, don't try to change him into what you want him to be because if you don't love him as is you might not love him at all. You know Sagey, if I use commas it can be one sentence and turn into a paragraph. Bwahahaha! Of course you know I have more but I stopped. ;)

8.) What is the one physical feature a guy will have for you to find him attractive? A girl? (I realize there might not be a deal breaker trait but what if your absolute fave)
On a guy, he has to be taller than me. That's the biggest thing, must be taller. Boyfriend is 6'8" so I think I'm good there, lol.
On a girl, she has to have curves, even if it's only a little.

9.) What did you want to be when you grew up when you were younger, say 10 years old?
A lot. A rock star, a ninja, a doctor, a professional volunteer (lol), an athlete, a vampire who went around slaying evil people, a doctor, a fire fighter.

10.) Which musician is the absolute best at their instrument? Not per instrument, which one is the best overall. Who plays their instrument better than anyone else plays their own instrument. In your opinion.
George Gershwin, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Stevie Ray Vaughan or Dimebag Darrell.
If you prefer someone living, Neil fucking Peart. I admire the hell out of him.
Of course, Synyster Gates, Alexi Laiho,
Peter Lindgren and Jon Schaffer get honorable mentions.
I suck at picking just one. Y'all know this.

11.) If I wasn't beautiful would you still answer my questions?
Of course! Probably.

12.) Do you ever say/type something that tickles you?
Oh yes. =) I do amuse myself at times and at times, I'm the only one amused by me. Which still counts.

13.) Have you ever dipped snuff or chewed tobacco? how'd you like it?
My grandpa let me dip his snuff when I was maybe 8 just so I'd leave him alone about doing it. It was sooo gross. I stuck to chewing Nesquick chocolate milk powder after that when I wanted to copy him, lol. Never tried it again and don't want to. I tried chewing tobacco once when I was young too. Then I realized just what you do with it, spit it out and never touched it again. Bleeeech.

14.) Do you intend to breed ever? If so how many kids do you want?
Hell no. No kids for me, thanks.

That's all folks. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted questions for me to answer! If I some how missed someone, please let me know so I can come back and edit the post to add your question/s.

If you haven't yet, check out the holiday toy blogger fundraiser I'm hosting! Go go go! Every little bit helps!

Happy Monday!

Friday, December 4, 2009

You have a question? I'll give you an answer!

<---I made this picture my new avatar on Twitter and Blogger. I wanted something festive but didn't want to take something new. So, I grabbed some of the holiday HNT pictures from last year and decided to use them. Only thing was, I couldn't decide on which one to use. I took a poll. The poll stayed tied. I gave up and made a collage. It turned out alright. Yay holidays!

So... I haven't done this in a while. I think my blog was on my former url the last time I did this in fact. What am I talking about? I'm talking about one of my favorite types of posts. Interactive! I love doing these. Only this time, I don't need you to send me pictures or quotes. This time, I want questions that I'll be answering.

So here it is, your chance to ask me some questions and have me answer them!

You cannot ask me for a specific picture, video, phone call, text message, web cam session or anything of that nature. If you ask a question that I feel is too personal, I won't answer it. IE, don't ask me the name of the street I live on or what the license plate number on the car is because no way will I answer anything like that.

Your questions can be creative, silly, weird, etc. You can ask about my hobbies, my dream car, favorite things, least favorite sex position, food I hate the most, etc. Pretty much anything you want to! Just get creative and think up a question or three that you would like to ask me then leave the question/questions in a comment. If you would prefer to ask the questions privately by email, you can do that too. My email address is in my blogger profile.

In case you never knew, the button that says "Amorous Rocker" is clickable and opens my blogger profile up in a new window. ;)

I am enabling comment moderation for this post. On Monday, moderation will go back off because honestly, I hate dealing with that stuff.
I'll be answering the questions in a big post on Monday so go ahead, ask away!