HNT: Lilies 5
Warning, I'm about to rant about a feminine subject. So dudes, you might want to skip this paragraph. As might anyone else who doesn't want to read anything about Aunt Flo. I'm pretty sure a man came up with the "Have A Happy Period" slogan. Or a woman who has an easy period. Those do exist as one of my friends goes for 3 days during her cycle, hardly bleeds, never bloats and rarely gets any cramps. She's perfectly healthy too. I can't bitch. Much. Mine doesn't last long but I have painful cramps that hurt like all fucking hell which is the part I hate the most. How can anything that makes you bleed for days, cramp, bloat and various other things depending on who you are be something to be happy over? Please. If their products magically make everything about this monthly cycle less of a pain in the ass, I must be buying the wrong boxes of products then because I've seen no such thing. Like I said, I don't have much to bitch about and all but that slogan just annoys me. =) /Rant.
I love bottled water, cupcakes, cheese, good movies, homemade spaghetti, Texas Hold 'Em, fresh clean sheets, texting, talking to my boyfriend and nice long showers. All of these are things that made my Wednesday a good day. =)

This would be a good time for me to mention just how very much I love nice, large, boobs and your's are all three. Happy HNT!
You know I want in on the new one. I can't believe you're still having problems...
Thanks for the warning (but I still read it anyway...).
GORGEOUS! Most definitely SO SEXY. Holy Hell, Woman- U are always so damn pretty.
Sorry to hear about the unwanted eyes. I know how that can be. (sigh)
I luv your *things* that made your Wed good. Except for Texas Hold'Em- I've never ever played before.
Happy SEXY*Beautiful HNT, hun ; )
I love days like that.... *happy sigh*
Looooooove the pics. ;)
Ick on the unwanted, prying eyes. I know it's the internet, but a little privacy. ;)
I'm still loving the lilies. :)
Happy HNT!
Love the lilies, and the boobs. ^_^ HHNT!
I'm eating homemade spaghetti right now. Yum, indeed.
The flower petals are fine, AR, but the petals of your lips are divine. Happy HNT,
*whisper* I have an easy period... please don't hate me.
But I don't have a boyfriend, I need to wash my sheets (and just about every stitch of clothing I own), too much sugar makes me sick to my stomach, and I don't have your amazing cleavage. Lovely lilies!
Happy HNT!
Fabulous .. er .. lilies.
Happy HNT!
as usual, lovely pics and a gorgeous clickie ;)
Happy HNT!
I sure l-l-l-l love your lillie HNT picture(s). They are oh-so ever beautiful!
Happy HNT!
I love lilies. I really do.
Oh the lilies - they are beautiful, but they are overshadowed by something far more beautiful - YOU!
I love all the things that made your wednesday good too...We have something in common there. Lovely photos, why I keep stopping by, HHNT--Lollie
Oh i do love seeing your..umm lilies ;)
Have a wonderful HHNT even with un-wanted eyes looking over your shouder.
One question that had been in my head since you've start the serie...Have you done in all at the same time? And if not, do you pick fresh lilies everytime?(ok, that is 2 questions!
Very nice. What kind of plant is that? I'm growing herbs now.
I always enjoy your lilies. Lovely click through. HHNT!
You sure make those lilies look good ;) All so beautiful!!
I'm sure the BF is ever so happy that his gift has been able to live on so long, too
Did you ever read the "happy period" rant letter? too funny
You sure seem to have had a lot of fun during those 3 days!
I hate that time of month so much, I say every time, I wish I could just have it all ripped out, I have three kids, I am good. lol
I love the lilies, but it's your lips that do it for me every time, I just want to nibble on the bottom one.
You are truly stunning. Loving the lily series! HHNT!
What lovely big ....... lilies you have there :-) Happy HNT.
Well I by god read it even though I was warned cause thats how I roll!
I'm just tickled it aint me!!
Loving the Lillies series
very excellent!!
You know what makes my period better... high quality chocolate and chinese buffet. If I'm going to bloat, I might as well enjoy.
For bad cramps, a vicodin is also good.
Cramps suck. I get to hear about them almost monthly and I actually do feel sorry for women that have to go through them.
A very nice set of umm..lilies you have there.
You have nice umm "lilys!"
I love the lily series! Their beauty is a compliment to yours and yours radiates all the way across the globe. :)
Er, I mean. . . Nice tits and sucks about your rag. Hehe.
I love it!! The flowers are beautiful!Oh and thanks for comin by!
Sorry to hear that you are in pain. I do hope you get better. As always, your HNT pics are spectacular.
You Rock!
I am with you on the cramps. I only get them for a few days but they are horrible. I take Advil non-stop to get through it.
Anyway, great pics, as always!
Cate xxx
Gorgeous imagery as ever.
With you all the way on the wanky advertising slogans for jam rags.
They'd sell far more of their product if they included free chocolate with each box.
lol this cracked me up :O)
What a stunning orchid!! -- and no, I'm not talking about the flower in the foreground either. ;)
Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl, I hear YOU soooooo loud 'n clear on the monthly. I call him George, lol - and lemme just tell you - Tues & Wed were a BITCH for me w/cramps this month. (sometimes it hits harder than others, but I'm sure you already know that yourself, right?)
*sending over some cyber motrin-pamprin-kick-George's-Aunt-Flo's-ass-into-oblivion meds for ya*
Hope they help.
Keep rockin'! - Awesome new bloggy look, btw.
The flower posts have been so nice. I really am liking lillies now. HHNT!
It's all Eve's fault. She just had to pick that apple, didn't she.
So very pretty with the lillies! Happy Half Nekkid Thursday!
Hey beautiful... ;)
Sorry to hear about your discomfort...I'm one of the few who does not get any of it!
My cousin has same problems with you and so I always bring her along with my to the gym and when I jog just days before she has it and so far, it's helping it...maybe you can try, if you have not done it yet. :)
Sweet cleavage!
Happy HNT!
Happy HNT!
Ugh. Periods. When I was younger I used to have heavy cramps and heavy flows. Now it's a sporadic couple of days that trickles. Thankfully the cramps aren't bad anymore.
Still though, I don't know how anyone can be "happy" about their period. grrr
You always find the most beautiful lillies! And then display them very attractively too :) HHNT x
Beautiful as always...hope you get feeling better! It was nice to read about the things you like- good you can focus on the positive (keeps us going) ;)
Beautiful, sensuous picture.
And I'm with you on the period thing... Mine aren't too bad, although they last long, 5-6 days. My tummy hurts a bit the first day or so. Like I said, not too bad. But I get killer PMS. Really. Emotion-rollercoaster from hell. And sometimes they start like 2 weeks before my period(!). I'm thinking I'll be talking to a doctor about this, soon.
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