To carve into a funky little pumpkin face. Then I'll sit it outside somewhere for people to admire. The last time I carved me a pumpkin was.... so long ago that I can't even remember how old I was! How sad. I never really cared for pumpkin carving honestly. The last time I did it, it turned out crappy on the three pumpkins I attempted to mark up. I think subconsciously, I quit after that. I want to try again. I need to get a pumpkin first, lol.
I like painting little faces and the baby pumpkins that are too tiny to carve. Then smashing them once they're long passed their prime.
One of my friends is concerning me a little bit. Friend has been dating his current girlfriend for about 2 months now. They have known each other 2 months. They day they met first was the night of their first date. They went over the weekend because she wanted to look at wedding dresses. For herself... because they've been talking about marriage the last two weeks... with each other. He's not in love with her. She's not in love with him. They just like each other, a whole lot. They can see that they could end up being in love though. They can see that, you know, like super cool psychic vision. He said I was being the silly one for thinking he was nuts to be talking marriage and checking out wedding dresses with someone he doesn't love. Someone he doesn't even see every day. Someone he's never spent an entire night with. Someone he barely knows. I asked him so many questions about her and he couldn't even answer most of them. He thinks I'm being silly thinking they should calm down and slow up on these things. They're seriously considering getting married because hey, if it doesn't work out, they can just get divorced, right? *rolls eyes* They're both older than I am by the way. I mentioned maybe they could just ya know, sleep over at one or the others apartment one night. Make the effort to try and see each other every day since the only reason they don't see each other is if they just forget to call each other. Maybe get to know each other a little bit better. Find out if she can cook, if she wants a guy to cook, if she's a neat freak or messy, find out where she actually works. Yep, he knows what she does he just doesn't know where exactly it is she works. Yeah, I'm the nutty one for sure. :) I hope he stops smoking whatever he's on though. I mean, it could turn out okay but seriously? Why rush into something that in my opinion, isn't something that should be rushed in to at all.... I just don't get it. *Sigh* Sometimes, I get the urge to grab certain friends of mine and shake the hell out of them. Maybe shake something into place so they can think clearly. I'm hoping this friend just needs a cold shower to snap out of what he's thinking now. Is that mean? Maybe. I don't care. I really don't think marriage is something to be rushed in to. I thought he was joking with me at first too. It took me seriously ten minutes to realize the kid was being serious with me about his considerations.
I saw some black nail polish in a total novelty bottle last night. They had nail polish bottles in the shapes of a bat, a broomstick, a rose and a potion bottle. The colors were black, blood red and silver. I want the black polish in the potion bottle and the bat. I bet the polish is crap but the little novelty bottles are so cool looking. :) There were also 10 other things I wanted too. A Halloween themed iPod case with bats and ghosts on it. A few pairs of knee high socks with various different designs. Skulls, bats, ghosts, witches and some other creepy crawly things. A Batman beanie that came with mittens with the bat logo where the palm is. A choker necklace made up of black stars. Some other stuff too. Good thing I have good control over myself when I go shopping. I'm good about knowing when I have money to blow on stuff I absolutely do not need and when I don't have money to do such things. So instead, I purchased none of those things and just looked longingly at them instead, lol.
I played too much information Tuesday today, just not here. :)
I need some new insoles for my work shoes. The ones I have in there are way passed their expiration date, lol. The poor things look terrible. They're so run down, it's not even funny. I need to put that on my "To Buy" list. Right below good smelling exfoliating body wash, deodorant, tooth paste, new tooth brush, mouth wash and laundry detergent. Priorities ya know. ;)
Why is tea so good? Tell me why. The exception to this is if you don't like any kind of tea at all. In that case, shhh. You don't need to tell me that tea is nasty. That's your opinion and that's fine. I think peas, tofu, cauliflower, mayonnaise, prune juice, plums, grape juice and licorice are all pretty disgusting myself but I'm sure some of you like some of those nasty things, lol. Though my thing with grape juice is because I relate that taste to the taste of Dimetapp medicine and ICK. Lol.
I get my stitches out tomorrow! Hell yes. :) Not that I'm counting down days or hours or anything like that. :)
Happy Tuesday y'all!
I have never carved a pumpkin before but I suppose I should learn sometime now since there are kids here in the house. Perhaps they would like that.
I can see why you are concerned for your friend. It sounds like a recipe for destruction. Too early for marriage I think but, stranger things have happened.
ok i give...where did you play TMI??? :-(
The last pumpkin I carved was years ago, my sister and I got smashed and carved it right after halloween so we could save it for xmas :-P you should have seen the hairy thing in its little santa hat on the front step...
Let me tell you that your first moment of true bliss is going to be the day you get those stitches out, and have your first bites of "real" food again..
Happy Tuesday, and keep thinking on the positive!
I'm with holly...
and wow, random post...
lol! Rock on!
Boyfriend and I got cheap pumpkins this weekend. He has carving skills. Get thee to Barnes & (Ig) Noble for fun carving accessories called Pimp My Pumpkin. Might I also recommend glow in the dark Halloween nail polish
I love those novelty nail polish bottles, too! I have a black one with a headstone on the top, and a pale pinky-purply glittery pumpkin one. Never use them, but the bottles sure are cute!
Ended up here via someone's BlogLog account, but I know I've been by here before at some point. I'll have to try to drop by more often.
yeah learn something new
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