Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I wake up screaming, it's all because of you...

Something I get asked about a lot from people out there in blogger land is what I use on my lips and if I do anything special to them. Apparently, they tend to look so soft and kissable in pictures. I'm not sure how they look soft or kissable but whatever, I don't mind the compliments. Plus, it might be weird if I looked at my lips and thought I'd like kissing on them. I'm not that narcissistic. However the soft part I buy because, well, they are soft. What's funny though is you wouldn't probably ever guess that I have the tendency to chew on my lower lip ALL THE DAMN TIME. I don't mean once in a while I nibble on it a bit either. I mean I suck my lower lip into my mouth and bite on it repeatedly for minutes on end, several times a day. I do it whenever I'm thinking heavily about something or when something perplexes me. I think a lot so I tend to bite on my lips quite a lot as well. My boyfriend loves to nag at me to quit it because I've been known to pull skin off my lips because I bit too much. It's nothing so bad that a little special loving care won't fix though, as you can see. So people ask me what I use and what I do. I used to like Carmex but that stuff doesn't do the trick for me and never really did much other than make me not want to bite on my lips because the smell is gross. I'm not a ChapStick fan either. I won't even list the others I've tried and wanted my money back on, lol. What I do love is A Kiss of Relief SOS Lip Care by Nivea. I use that for when I've done too much chewing on my lips. When my lips are feeling dry and need a bit more moisture, I like using A Kiss Of Moisture Hydrating Lip Care by Nivea. And the third I use for just lip balm is Blistex Silk & Shine. Other than that, I don't do anything special. Other than try to bite and chew on my lips a little less, lol. Which is difficult because I do it without even realizing so I have to catch myself doing it and then stop.

I started a flickr account recently and have been having fun uploading pictures and creating sets. I've decided I'm going to pull a Rage (thanks for the idea!) and share it with some folks. Some sets will be only for me to see and only so I can have the pictures stored somewhere other than my computer. Most of them won't be open to the public though, sorry. So just as Rage did, my rule is that to see it, you have to be a solid reader whom I already know be it because you comment or email me. Based on my site stat counter, I get 90+ unique visits a day and usually over 130 hits per day. Most of you, I have no clue who you are so even though I know there are some who have followed me for quite some time... sorry. =) So, if interested, email me or leave a comment. =)

I'm also thinking about moving my blog to Wordpress. Or somewhere else. I like that with Wordpress you can do password protected posts and only people you give the password to can see them. Though blogging is a public forum, there are still some things I'd like to say and say them knowing who is going to see them and who isn't. I don't know though. It seems like a lot of work to move the blogs over and I don't honestly understand how Wordpress works. Then again, I haven't really messed with it much. I'm a smart girl, I'm sure I could figure it out. Just depends if I decide to do it or not.

I'm also proud of myself. One of the things I promised myself I would work on last year has improved. I don't make resolutions. If a change needs to be made, I likely know it before the end of the year and feel it should be started as soon as I can. So something I decided to work on last year was to learn to keep my mouth shut. Let me explain, lol. I can be a very stubborn and very outspoken person. I'm also rather blunt and also a little on the impulsive side. I also tend to speak first and think second. I'm blunt and shit just comes out without a lot of thought. I generally do mean what I say but later, I find some things shouldn't have been said or some things could have been worded differently. So I decided last year to make a conscious effort to learn when to say something and when to keep my mouth shut. Either to avoid an unnecessary and ultimately pointless conflicted turned argument or to avoid someone hurt feelings over something so minute that it wouldn't be worth hurting their feelings over. I doubt it's noticeable to anyone but me but over the last 5 months, I've done better about this. I didn't learn to sugarcoat or any crap like that, lol. I just try to figure out when to hold my tongue (which is hard as hell at times!) and when to go ahead and let it roll. I notice that I think more before I open my mouth sometimes now so that's an improvement and something I'm proud of myself for. =)

There are other things I'm trying to work on too but we'll save that for another post on another day at another place. ;)

Wednesday Weirdness is tomorrow. Don't forget to come by and play with us. ASM is posing the questions I believe this week. I should check. I did last week so I know at least I don't need to hurry up here and get to thinking on something for over there, lol. I think people would be screwed this Wednesday because I'm so tired right now, I doubt if I would come up with anything creative at all, heh.

I got another email from a friend of mine today. I feel so bad for her because she's so down and hurting so much right now. I covered why else where but couldn't write about it here. She isn't the type to be comforted by words. She finds comfort in the physical. Even if it's only a group of people sitting around, quietly, watching a couple movies. Words, not so much. She's not a big talker but I can't offer her more than words right now since I'm 2,000 miles away from her. Which sucks because I feel helpless and I absolutely hate that. She knows I care though so that's the best I can do and I know she appreciates my efforts, which in turn makes me feel a little better.

So TMI Tuesday isn't up yet and I was actually contemplating playing today if the questions amused me enough. I rarely play that anymore actually because I don't want too many memes cluttering up my blog space and I have MySpace for posting useless crap in blogs, lol. ;) I can't resist the question and answer stuff. Not because I don't have things to say because I have plenty to say but usually they pose questions on things I wouldn't think to write about. Plus, it's cool to see how other people answered questions and see who answered in similar fashion and sometimes even gain new perspective on something. Be it trivial or not. It's fun. =) I might check back later to see if TMI is up but I doubt it, lol. This post is fucking long enough already.

Happy Tuesday!


Smyles10 said...

Hey AR! I'd love to be invited to your flickr account. You intrigue me so much... and I'd love to see how pictures capture your personality! As a side note - your blog is what got me hooked on blogger! :)

KBear said...

I would love to see pictures. You know me of course. Without you, I wouldn't get any good book titles:)

I bite my lips too, and, I chew the inner part of my lips and cheeks. I never realize I'm doing it til they bleed cause I bit too much or too hard. I think I'm gonna look into the nivea stuff, cause it doesn't look like you bite, and it might help me:)

Anonymous said...

There sure is a lot that goes into lips stuff it seems. This post is the most I ever thought about lips!

I'd be in for the pic hing too, if that suits you.

Greg and Sheryl said...

Your lips are a big part of your online persona. Maybe you should get them trademarked?

Another Suburban Mom said...

I am the WW girl. I sent in my question. I would love an invite to flickr, but you can just send one to Hubman for us to share if you are limited in the number you can send.

I wrote down your lip products. I am going to pick them up soon.

Nolens Volens said...

TMI was never up and I e-mailed the person, expressing my frustration at the poor timing on a regular basis. I'm sticking with your WW because you are more faithful to the followers.

As for Wordpress, why not set up an account and play around with it before you decide for real? I was encouraged to go to Blogger after I confided to a friend how I wanted to really express myself and I couldn't do that in Facebook/MySpace. LOL

As for the Flickr pictures, isn't HNT & TFT enough? That you gotta torture us some more? ;) Yes, I wouldn't mind taking a tour. LOL

Anonymous said...

First off, your kissing...I get dollars to doughnuts that you are a very sensous kisser...meaning, that I could probably be locked on to those lips for hours before coming up for air....

I would love to be part of your flicker situation but I completely understand where I stand as you have described me and my posting habits to a "T"

You may want to have a serious look at LiveJournal. I am telling you that its easy to create an account and then set multiple tiers of how you want to blog. I have blog posts in there that no one else can see but me. Its pretty cool.

Other than that, I think I am going to have to really get back on the stick and blog more frequently....

phairhead said...

You take amazing photos. I would be honoured if I could check out yr flickr account

rage said...

Thanks for the link lovin' lady. :)

You rock, but beware there will be some people coming out of the woodwork whom you have no idea just to see those pictures...stand your ground.


Kittie Kate said...

I just use Burt's Bees. Honey and Regular. You do have fantastic lips.

Anonymous said...

I thought of you while on vacation. I was in your town for a few days.

Thanks for the other thing. I'll get to it soon. Still catching up on posts :)

Qetesh said...

Lol, yes your lips sure are nice. And I chew mine too. It's always completely subconciously which is annoying because it makes it so much harder to stop!
Apparently mine are full, but stop short of 'soft and moist'. Maybe I should try out your lip treatments.

Ashly Star said...

Thanks yall!

I emailed what I needed to. :)

If any of you try out those products, let me know how they work for you. :)


HS said...

Wordpress is not that bad -- i have 4 other blogs with wordpress. They're decent.

About your lip -- it's very "kissable"!! Thanks for sharing what you use! I usually use Caramex, but my hubby hates it!

Have a GREAT day!

hamachi15 said...

I would love a Flickr invitation. Keep up the good work!