Thursday, February 19, 2009

And if you get inside my head, then you'd understand....

Holy shit! I just realized I've gotten to 69,000 hits since setting up my counter here in August. I moved my blog to this link in June of last year. Then I set up the new counter in August last year once I found one I liked that didn't suck. Almost to 70,000! Crazy shit. Thanks y'all!

Seriously. I need help setting up a tag/label cloud. I was hoping Blogger would have one in their "Add A Gadget" thing in layout editing but nope, not as far as I saw. I tried using a couple different codes I found on some help sites but couldn't get it right. Any help would rock hard, thanks so much.

My friend BB asked me if she could do a blog interview with me and I said go for it. So, she thought up some questions for me, asked them, I answered and here they are. Oooh yeah.

1. Out of all the people in your life, who do you admire the most?

My dad. He's very hardworking. He listens. He will tell you straight up how something is and doesn't sugarcoat things. He can be a bit of an ass but I admire his honesty. I admire his hard work.

2. What has been the hardest decision of your life?

I've had some difficult ones to make. Ones that have kept me up at night because I just didn't know what to do. Ones that made me want to punch things and cry at the same time because I knew someone would be hurt any way that I went about it. Yeah, there have been some stressful, difficult ones but I don't want to mention any of those things in detail. I don't think I've had to make one that could be qualified as the "hardest" yet.

3. What is a decision that would have been the hardest had you actually had to make it?

Okay so I had to email BB and get clarification on the question to make sure I was answering this one right, lol. She explained it as this: "What I mean is in a situation that could have happened differently, how would you have handled it? Pick something that would have been very difficult to decide had it gone differently than it had." I'm still not sure I'm answering it the way she was hoping for but here we go.

I think the one time when I was 21 and thought I might have been pregnant could have been the hardest one. I was three weeks late on my period. Mine is very irregular and inconsistent as it is but it's never been that late and I've never flat out missed one before. I was at Boyfriend's house and we had gone to get some pregnancy tests. That was the scariest few minutes of my life and I think had I been pregnant, the following decisions would have been the hardest I've ever had to make.

Ironically, a while later when I was working and living with family, I was having anxiety issues worse than I normally do. I was trying to overcome an experience that still had too much hold on me. I was sick to my stomach and puking a lot because I was so damn anxious and stressing so much that I was making myself sick with it. My mom thought I was pregnant though and wanted me to take a pregnancy test because she seemed convinced that is what it was. I was so relaxed and didn't stress at all taking that pregnancy test because I knew there was no fucking way I was pregnant. My boyfriend and I hadn't been having sex at all. I did the test anyway just so my mom and family could know I really wasn't pregnant though. I laughed about it later because out of all the times I've taken a pregnancy test, (which hasn't been a lot but more than twice because I used to freak out about being a week late when I was younger and would think the worst instead of saying, *Duh you're cycle is irregular and crazy!*) that one was the absolute easiest because I just knew it wasn't it.

4. Do you get along with your boyfriend's family?

Yeah. I didn't get along with his mom at first but we had some mutual misunderstandings because neither of is knew the other and we both misinterpreted some things about the other. We get along great now. When I went to visit in November, she was so excited to see me. And at Christmas time, she spent too much money on stuff for me. His mama spoils me too. =) His grandmother is awesome and sweet. And feisty. I really enjoy sitting and talking with her. His sister and I get along okay enough. If I had to see her more, not so sure we would still get along so well, lol.

5. If you could be a fictional character from one of your favorite books, who would you pick and why?

Probably Anita Blake from Laurell K.Hamilton's Anita Blake books. I adore the shit out of the character. She gets to slay and go toe to toe with all kinds of supernatural beings. She's smart, sassy, strong, feisty. The personality of the character reminds me a little of myself in some ways. Plus, she's a fucking badass.

Happy Thursday y'all!!!!!


13messages said...

You're pretty badass yourself.


- said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
- said...

"I don't think I've had to make one that could be qualified as the "hardest" yet."

For some reason- I really frickin luv that you said this like that.

My dad is my most admired person too.

And damnit- I'm crazy about your pics. But I always say that time & time again. Your sexiness is outta this world. It just is.

And congrats on the crazyass # of hits. Wow. If someone helps you with the label cloud thingie- I'd luv to find out where you go 2 do that. I've tried a few places in the past & never can do it right (-or something-??)

And thats kewl his fam likes you. Thats awesome actually. A good feeling

<3 ya! :)

Osbasso said...

Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty!

impy said...

Badass is like a magic word for me hehe ... as for tag widgets ... get wordpress hehe :P ... this may help ... xxx

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

Love the deep, dark lips...lips to get lost in to be sure. :)

Kittie Kate said...

I've been an Anita Blake fan since '92. I have all the ones that have been published unless I missed one somewhere. I even have all the Anita Blake comic books. The comic book store calls me on the phone when they're in.

Happy HNT!

Kittie Kate said...

Oh. I like your pictures too. :)

Anonymous said...

I think I now know what 'bedroom' eyes are!!!!

Lovely as usual! Happy HNT!

SD said...

Those are "come and fuck me now" eyes.. lol. Great shots!

Happy HNT!

Beautiful Dreamer said...

Lustful eyes... :) HHNT!

Mike said...

Love, Just love your eyes!
A very HHNT

An Artist Exposed said...

I always love the honesty of your writing... and here are more lovely pics as well. HHNT!

get in here said...

you love an inteview! And Im not surprised you've had so many visiters, your blog is really cool :)

Anonymous said...

69,000? I'm surprised it's not more!

Especially since those last two pics are extremely sexy.

Happy HNT!


Another Suburban Mom said...

Great answers and pictures. I love the answer to the question about his family and the pregnancy tests.

Ashly Star said...

Thank you! ;)

You are only the 345 person to tell me that, lol. Thanks for the link!

I've been a fan for a good number of years. I have all the books as well! I only have 3 of the graphic novels but I'm working on getting them all.
Thank you! ;)

Do you? I'm still not sure on that one, lol. Thank you though! XoXo.

Ahahaha! When I took them, they were "Keep your sleepy eyes open and stop blinking" eyes, lol.
Thank you though!

AA Exposed:
I appreciate that and thank you!

Heh, well thank you! That seems like a lot to me. I know some people get far more but I don't care, those people aren't me, lol. It seems crazy to me. :)
Thank you!

Smiley, Os, Ms. I, BDreamer, Insults & Mike:
Thanks y'all!

Ashly Star said...

Aww you creeped in there on me! Lol. Thanks, to both things! Always nice to know there are people actually reading on Thursdays. :)

Pud said...

Love your honest and bold. Also love those sexy kissable lips of yours!

Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful eyes and sensual lips AR...go girl! HHNT!

Miss Honey said...

There is such wonderful honesty to your writing that always brings me back. And the first picture is so amazing, love the lips.

Anonymous said...

very beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

Love all of the pics (as usual!) I seriously am harboring one hell of a girl crush on you sweetheart! :)

Anita Blake is definitely all of the things that you she has some REALLY hot sex in her stories! LOL!


Missy said...

Your eyes are incredibly sexy!! Oh...and those lips...yum!

Anonymous said...

good answers. Awesome pics. Always so sexy.

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

you are so beautiful


MarcelloNYC said...


My Mom is my most admired person.

Vixen said...

HappyHNT beautiful :)

Nolens Volens said...

BB sure made you think before putting in your answers. :) Enjoyed your pics...including the click-throughs. HHNT!

Jennybean said...

I love how you bare so much of yourself time after time in your writing and your photos...

HHNT hotness!

Autumn said...

you're such a cool chick! just so cool. i love it. hopefully you will get more regular as you get older. i know i did, saves some worry for certain. :)

you are so beautiful AR, i am loving the lighting and tone in those pictures.

happy HNT

hamachi15 said...

HHNT! Stellar, as usual.

Rogue said...

so seductive.. the black lipstick.. very dark and erotic..

Anonymous said...

First of all, I love what you said about your dad. Sounds like he is a rockin' guy. You are a very lucky girl.

And I've said it need to model. You are stunning and are very photogenic. Give it a try. You could make a shit-load of money. You'd be great as a retro pinup girl, too!

Cher said...

You are very, very pretty! HHNT!

Anonymous said...

your eyes are mesmerizing! HHNT!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap I LOVE those click through pics! You're too damn pretty for words!!!

Ms. Lily said...

I know I keep repeating myself but good God woman, your eyes are amazing!!
Happy HNT

Anonymous said...

When i added my cloud i *think* i used the one at and note that when i first added it, it took awhile to actually show (i think it was the next day). Hope this helps! Love you last pic with the way your hair is falling just so and your eyes are beautiful! HHNT!

d2b said...

Your black lips killing me week after week, i LOVE them ;)

Happy HNT

Another Ordinary Girl said...

Beautiful pics AR! Your eyes are gorgeous!

Carnalis said...

i think technorati do a word cloud.

yes .. gorgeous lips

happy HNT

phairhead said...

you have a gorgeous neck

Anonymous said...

WOW, very very pretty! And love the answers!


Average Chick said...

I don't know what it is about your eyes and lips are so mesmerizing...Love it!


Dana said...

Ummm ... do you suppose you could teach me how to be a girl and do eye makeup? I just love your eyes ....

Nicey said...

I am loving this blog hun, Love your honesty I am a party boy thats getting divorced and live in the UK


Lapis Ruber said...

Pictures rock as usual. Happy HNT (even if it is Friday ready).

If you still need it, send me an email and I will send you the html I use for my Tag clouds.

Ashly Star said...

Aww wow! Thanks y'all!

SheenV said...

Cool pictures!