Monday, March 23, 2009

They got injections for the facial lines...

My new power cord came in over the weekend. Hooray! =) I could have updated before today but meh, I don't blog on the weekends, lol. My Saturday Survey is usually done on Thursday and just autoposts. ;)

I really wanted to post the picture of my mini snowman I built and the snow angel I made when I went with the family to play in some snow last Wednesday. Except my camera is still MIA so no snow angel picture. The camera made it home, just not too sure where it got up and walked away to once I sat it down on the dining table. It's annoying me though so it better walk right back into my possession sometime soon. I hate when things disappear on me, lol. The mini snowman picture is on my phone, I sent it to my email but here we are a half hour later and the damn thing isn't there. I'm tired of waiting. I'm sure it'll show up later so another day and I'll get to show off my pimp little snowman. ;)

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Nothing stressful or annoying before work. Work did suck though because it was rather slow and I didn't happen to work with any co-workers that I get along well with. And it was painfully slow, even for a Sunday night. Or, at least it felt that way.

I also did a wide variety of shopping yesterday too. Apples, carrot sticks, yogurt and such for my stomach. Eye shadow, mineral lip balm and face wash for my face so I can keep looking nice and keep things clean, lol. Then two bras, five pairs of undies, a new rockin' pair of jeans and a new pair of pajama bottoms. I hate shopping in general and I tend to wait until I can't wait anymore to buy new stuff. My jeans were in sad shape. I'm talking indecent to wear out in public almost, lol. So I definitely needed some new ones. I didn't have enough patience to look for more than one new pair though. I get bored and annoyed and tend to move on quickly when I'm shopping. Not my thing.

Then after work I chatted with Boyfriend for a while and messed around on my laptop for a while. Then I watched one of my favorite movies, The Dark Knight. I love that movie. So much. Lol. I forgot how effing long it is though. Actually it's not *that* long but I was tired and everything slows down and takes longer once you get tired and start feeling the want to sleep pulling at you.

Today I'm hoping I get to go out to lunch before work. Sometimes, I feel like I live at work. Which is weird because I also feel like I don't work enough hours and want to work more. I think the feeling of living there is from spending 5 to 6 nights a week there. The feeling of not working enough comes from my desire for 9 to 10 hour shifts instead of 6 to 8 hour shifts, lol. I really do like to work. I feel horribly unproductive and rather pathetic when I'm not working.

Last but not least lets have a musical Monday. ;) This is "Wasting My Time" by Default. I haven't heard this song in a long ass time. I used to love this band back when I first heard of them, shortly before they got some attention for this song. I dunno why but I was contemplating things and this song popped into my head on Saturday and it's been stuck there. It kind of fits in my own way. I love the way lyrics can be so subjective.

Happy Monday y'all!


Anonymous said...

Great song had been a while since I hear it. Have a great week!

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

Great song...Happy Monday!

Baby said...

Playing in the snow sounded like fun!!! Glad you finally got your power cord :) and I love that song... good one!!! Happy Monday!

SheenV said...

A picture of you in those old jeans would help the jury decide if they actually are indecent to wear.....

Anonymous said...

Yay power cord!

Anonymous said...

Glad you got your power cord!!
Sounds like a good not stressful weekend!

Jessica said...

I cannot stand shopping! I hate it almost as much as I hate cheese. Like you, I always put it off until I cant make what I have work anymore. Its sad really.

Autumn said...

i like default as well. :)

i was laughing about the shopping thing cause i'm the same way. everything is pretty much falling apart before it's replaced. i recently did some shopping as well. i like to get in and out of the stores as quickly and efficiently as possible.

always nice to make a purchase for the good of your skin. feels lovely.

if you get a chance, peek at my last HNT "expressions" i had an MG. glad you got your power cord back. nice to see you.