Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Nobody wants to be the last one there...

Boyfriend is here. =) He's been here several days actually.

I've been too busy running around with him and CL the last few days in between working and sleeping to do much online. I haven't done the sleep thing much either but luckily I don't require a lot of that stuff. Fun times. =D

We're embarking on a mini road trip right now. I'm just waiting for the boys to be ready to go, lol. So no real post today and I'll probably not have much tomorrow even though we'll be back tomorrow evening. Though I will update tomorrow night so I can play Wednesday Weirdness probably.  Might even have some cool pictures to show off too. ;) 

We went on a little exploration trip last night and I got some cool pictures of what we ventured out to see. So I'll have to post those soon too. 

Watching guys try to skip rocks and fail misrerably is slightly entertaining by the way. ;)

Have a great day y'all!



Spiky Zora Jones said...

i can't wait for the pics...so,if you don;t mind...I'll hang out here and wait.

Have where's the snacks and soft drinks.

Ciao honey...have lots of fun...and sleep you can get later.right you get *peep* as much as you can.

I thik I got censored for saying *peep* ":0)

Anonymous said...

If I find out you were in my area I'm going to kick your butt. You know where Shamu lives in your state, right?

Confessor X said...

Have fun with the BF...Im sure you two will enjoy your time together...

Autumn said...

road trips rock. no matter where you go, as long as you're having fun. i'll patiently wait for those pictures then.

Slyde said...

cant wait to see some pics!