Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy Birthday baby!

*Glass dildo review below*

Happy Birthday to my amazing boyfriend. He's a wonderful person, he treats me so very well and I adore and love the hell out of that crazy, nerdy, funny, charming, intelligent, goofy man. <3>


Nolens Volens said...

Missed out on the fun of being a Gemini, huh? Hehe!

Deech said...

Please extend the happiest of Birthday wishes to him.

Now,how are you going to tie that bow around you for his birthday?

Anonymous said...

Tell Goliath I hope he has a big ole B-day!

His_Baby_Doll said...

Happy Birthday to the Man!

phairhead said...

hope you have the wonderful birthday sex : )

rage said...

Happy b-day! Have lots and lots of sex!!!!

Another Suburban Mom said...

Happy belated wished to your man.

Spiky Zora Jones said...

I'm starting to think you really really like him...alot.

Oh...I'm jealous. I want you to want me.
ciao honey. :)

Autumn said...

i hope you had fun and did something extra special for him. i'm positive you did. xoxo happy birthday AR's kickass boyfriend!

Anonymous said...

feliz cumpleanos to your bbf (best boyfriend)

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