Monday, June 8, 2009

I want you naked with your favorite heels on....

I some how stumbled across this website. I have no idea how. I wasn't looking up anything involving beards or facial hair at all. I wasn't looking up anything about odd competitions either. Seriously, I have no clue how I wound up there but I did. I clicked around and all I can say is wow, lol. Some of the facial hair on display there... I have no words for. C'mon, you know you're curious now. Go ahead, check it out. ;)

My friend and I know were talking briefly the other day before I had to leave for work on yahoo! messenger. She was telling me about a recent episode she had while hooking up with a new guy. They had gone on around ten dates thus far and hooked up four times. The hooking up that had gone already was a lot of making out, fondling, groping, fingering and oral sex. Finally on Friday night, they were taking things further and going to go ahead and fuck. Fun huh? So they're getting busy with foreplay and clothes are flying off here and there. Tongues are getting their workouts and hands are wandering like mad. Finally, they're naked and he's getting ready to penetrate her pussy. She's waiting anxiously as he gets the condom out and then suddenly, his dick softens. It doesn't go completely flaccid but it's not hard enough for sex anymore. She said he immediately apologized profusely and said he would get it hard again. She said after that, the first thing that popped into her mind was this song.....

Yeah, seriously. So after that popped into her head at the moment, she started hysterically laughing at the ridiculous timing of that song popping into her mind. Seriously, can we say BAD TIMING people? So of course, the guy is thinking she is having a laughing fit over his cock and gets a little annoyed and a little upset thus completely deflating his cock. She tried to explain but for some reason kept laughing. She got a hold of herself well enough to explain why she was having a laughing fit and she said after the explanation, he relaxed and had a laugh about it too. Then they got serious again, starting the foreplay over. This time, his cock didn't freak out with performance anxiety at all and they were very satisfied, relaxed folks half an hour later.

I think it's the best thing ever when you can have a moment like that with someone and then work it out and get back to the fun stuff. He could have taken her reaction very badly and gotten up and left. Or started an argument. Instead, they both laughed things off and gave it another go. I personally think it's important to be able to not take yourself too seriously all the time and be able to laugh at yourself as far as sex is concerned.

Anyway, I've been meaning to post this for months but I keep forgetting. I remembered now since I had to go on YouTube for the above video. ;) I DON'T like this song or video. All I can say is WTF. ;) Lol.

I DO however like this song. ;) It makes me laugh but I also like the way that man thinks. Maybe not the Jell-O in the tub thing because I'm not a big Jell-O fan and wouldn't want to be covered in it. The upside down thing I don't think would work out so hot because I'd get a little dizzy and uh other problems might occur but the rest is all good. ;)

Happy Monday Y'all!


Bri said...

Happy Monday!!! That facial hair contest site is pretty cool - and some good chuckles at the WAY OUT THERE facial hair-dos... LOL... I agree - that could have been a not-so-friendly thing when your friend started laughing over the song... she got lucky - hahaha - that he had a sense of humor!

Nolens Volens said...

Reading your post took me back to the early days of my wife and I dating. Thanks for the memories. ;)

Anonymous said...

see, bob the builder can not only fix houses, he can fix budding relationships!

Chapter Two said...

you HAVE to be able to laugh, especially at yourself!

phairhead said...

reminds me of the 1st time Sexybeast and I (tried) to get it on.

hee gummy butt crack ; )

Spiky Zora Jones said...

I love nickelback. have to laugh. laughing and smiling are easy on the face.

um...I do know a few ways to bring a guy alone. hehehe

Ciao sweetie.

Another Suburban Mom said...

Aaaack! Do you know how long it took me to get the Bob the Builder Song out of my head? And then you bring it back! Bad Girl.

M said...

You know - if you can't laugh in the bedroom, there is too much seriousness going on. And, in times like that, a little humor may be what is needed to get things back on track, so to speak. Glad it all worked out for them.

I will have to concur with ASM though - it has taken me years to get that damn Bob the Builder song out of my head.....and now it's back!

Tom said...

Slap John Deere across my ass and ride me up and down the lawn....

One of the all time great rock and roll lyrics...

Happy Monday!!!

{{ d a n i m o }} said...

i couldn't stop laughing when i played the theme song either!!! "can we fix it? yes we can!" lmfao! i'm glad after such a short time of getting to know each other, your friend and her date are having such a wonderful time enjoying each other. i sometimes wonder the effect this economy is having on relationships, if perhaps, above and beyond the obvious "everyone is stressing out!", people are more willing to seek love as a form of non-financial fulfillment. i hope so 'cuz i think that's beautiful. :)

the gummy bear song is so annoying but i always find myself singing it once i hear it! lol why'd you want to post it for so long if you dislike all aspects of it, ar? lol you're silly.

i approve of that weird ass beard and mustache competition. it brings a smile to my face! xP i recently found the discovery channel's "time warp" series clips on youtube. i also have no idea how i got there but somehow i did and there is no turning back now!

rage said...

That's the first time I've seen Bob the Builder.

It's not the first time I've seen someone go limp when putting on a jimmy though. That's like the worst thing (er, one of them) that can happen during sex (besides the thing breaking during sex) - I am glad they laughed and got things worked out.