Monday, June 15, 2009

Look at her butt, it is so big...

Happy Birthday to... me! I'm 24 today. Happy Birthday to my co-worker, Mr. Sarcasm too and happy birthday to anyone else who has a birthday today as well. ;)

I have to work today but I go in for a day shift as opposed to a night shift. I have the night free so I can do stuff with my boyfriend and family. Stuff I posted briefly about yesterday. Woohoo. And no, no birthday sexy time will be had tonight since Mother Nature decided it was time to grace me with my monthly tide last night. The first two days of my period, I get the worst cramps, my stomach really feels like it has something trying to claw (with very sharp objects) it's way out of my tummy. Not so fun but ah well, that's life. ;)

I'm typing this out before I go to bed because I don't want to fool with writing something before work in the morning. I'm also watching The Dark Knight for the 30th or so time. ;) <3>

Something I totally want to bitch about before I end this post though... I hate when you have a co-worker who acts all high and mighty about their job. Acting like they do some great service and should be worshipped for what they do like they aren't getting paid and aren't getting anything out of doing what they do. It annoys the hell out of me. I just want to slap some people some times. Hello, it's a job and we're serving food and drinks here in my line of work. Not ending world hunger, giving world peace, finding a cure for cancer or even doing any bit of good to anyone really. There's no need to act like you're doing something like that and go on about how good you are, how much better at your job than you are over everyone else, how you deserve this that and the other thing because you do this that and this. Blah blah blah. Shut up and just do your job already. And most of the times, the ones who boast and whine the most really aren't very productive employees and shouldn't be running their mouths anyway. Just sayin'. I'm done now.

Happy Monday!


chocdrop said...


Another Suburban Mom said...

Happy Birthday. And may your high and mighty employee get a big bout of hemorrhoids from having his head up his ass.

Nolens Volens said...

Happy birthday and happy Monday!

M said...

Happy Birthday!!!

I believe if you have time to bitch and moan about how busy you are, then you mustn't be really that busy. :-)

Smyles10 said...

Happy Birthday Chica!!! Hope you have a great one!

phairhead said...

a very happy birthday, enjoy!

Deech said...


Happy Happy Birthday! Yeah, I am right there with ya watching the Dark Knight on HBO!

Newbo said...

Happy Birthday :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday :D


M said...

Happy Birthday!!

Spiky Zora Jones said...

Happy Birthday to you beautiful.

My birthday was Saturday, the 13th of June. YAY!

Have a wonderful rest of the day...hey, where's the cake?
Ciao honey.

Sarah said...

I wished you a happy birthday on Twitter but I think I'll do so again here. Happy Birthday!!! :P

Anonymous said...


I love summer birthdays...mine is next Friday!

Six months from Christmas...presents every six months...nothing better.

I hope your day is wonderful, you gorgeous thing, you!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!

More than that, though, I hate the people who are in the service industry and it's their job to wait tables/ring up your purchase/restock shelves and they act like they're doing you a huge favor when you ask them for something. Um, you're getting PAID to do this. It's your job. I'm not asking you for anything that isn't in your job description.

I worked retail. Did I love straightening up after people who destroyed the store, doing inventory, or helping asshole customers? Not really. But it's what I was getting paid to do, so I couldn't complain when I had to do it.

Kiki said...

Happy birthday! I left sparklies for ya on my blog! :X

Osbasso said...

Happy Birthday, AR! Hope it's been all that you wanted!

Anonymous said...

feliz cumpleanos (belated)

Confessor X said...

Happy Late Bday gorgeous...I hope this year is full of joy for you and those you love!!

Sam said...

Hope you had a kick ass birthday!!! XO

Autumn said...

so sorry to be late adding birthday wishes! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL! your co-worker sounds like a dickhead and shitty about mother nature cutting in on your day.

totally cool that your bf and family were around and that you had fun. :)

loves autumn

{{ d a n i m o }} said...

first and foremost, HAPPY (BELATED) BIRFFDAY!!! i wished you an early *and* a belated happy day and somehow it still doesn't seem to cancel out. lol sorry i missed ya on monday, darling! ♥

mm, i'll come over with the liquor and toys if you let me watch "dark knight" with you! ;) somehow i've only seen that one once!

i completely agree with your rant on big-headed coworkers. usually the people who tell you how much wonderful "work" they've done in their lives are the ones who aren't good at what they do to begin with. . . and unfortunately it's somehow that type of person who most often gets unfair praise and gets said "wonderful" positions in which they continue to suck at what they (don't) do. . . >_O

Anonymous said...

About time I got to this post. Happy Birthday little woman. Sucks about no bday sex. Bummer.