Thursday, July 16, 2009

E-mailing another post in... :)

So lately, Ive sucked at poting. I've wanted to write. Had things I
wanted to post about. I just haven't had the free time and haven't
been in the mood to sit down at my laptop. I've done lots of cleaning
and organizing the last couple days. Not so fun, lol.
Also, I've been reading "Skin Trade" by Laurell K Hamilton. I fucking
love her books. I'm almost done with this one abd have a graphic novel
by her to start on next. I love books. *grin*

I've also been watching Two And A Half Men on DVD a lot. I started on
season one, even though I had seen most of the episodes. I dig the
functionally dysfunctional relationships between all the characters.

My allergies are killing me lately. Dear allergies, fuck off and leave
me alone. Thanks.

I've been craving lemon cupcakes lately. Too bad I don't bake, lol. I
can cook just fine but baking? Not so much.

Okay, I have a question for the masses. I was wondering how many of my
readers found my blog. Stumbled from another blog? A search engine?
How did you find my little spot on the net and how long have you been
stopping by? Lurkers feel free to chime in as well.

Now, off my cell and back to my book, lol.

Happy Thursday!


Deech said...

I think I found your blog off of some one else's blog. I wish I could remember whose....

Hubman said...

It's been so long, I can't remember how I found you, though probably ASM found you first...

Another Ordinary Girl said...

It's been so long I can't remember how I found your blog...I am sure it was off someone else's though!

Anonymous said...

i had a vision that your blog existed, i woke up from the dream and there your place was on my browser...

Nolens Volens said...

For was because you commented on someone's blog. I like to see who would leave a comment and how they write. Get well soon!

phairhead said...

my friend lydia, that blogs had yr blog listed on her faves and i always trust her taste

Bri said...

I do believe I found your blog through another or possibly HNT... but it's been over 2 yrs not sure... Lemon Cupcakes sound sooooooo good right now, wasn't that long ago I was craving Lemon Cake with Lemon Icing... Allergies suck don't they?

brightsidegirl said...

Someone else's, but I can't remember who. I've been dropping by for at least six months.

Anonymous said...

We all go through this (non-blogging). For me, it comes in waves.

I found you as you commented on my stuff early like first or second week...and I found you refreshingly honest.


Spiky Zora Jones said...

I saw you at someone elses blob and stalked you...I mea after reading you I said to myself...she is not your average chick. :)

So I've become denizen of your blog since.

happy reading sweets.
Ciao. xxx

chocdrop said...

I found you through another blog...Not sure who anymore. Glad I did..I like your blog.

Anonymous said...

You commented on my HNT so I returned the favor and never left. I always return visits to those who visit me. Some of those sites I stick with, some I don't.

Bruce Johnson said...

Geez, that is a long post from the cell phone!!!

I forgot specifically how I stumbled in here, but like most of the blogs I read, I usually find them based on a comment you left on someone else blog that I usually read. I have been coming here for about 3 months...I is to busy to remember all these details.

catrina said...

I found you by way of Weekends Off, and visit you both every day.

Slyde said...

i honestly dont remember anymore, but i MUST have found you from someone else's blog.. thats pretty much the only way i get to new ones nowadays..

rage said...

I will bake some lemon cupcakes for you sweetie!

I am due to start baking around the house anyway and lemon cupcakes sound mighty yummy!

get in here said...

Hi. Formerly Insults Blog here with a new little project. Hope all is happy.