going to be a great post; image heavy with lots of variety. Don't know
what I'm talking about? Check out yesterday's post for the details.
Then, if you want, email me something! ;)
Yesterday, Boyfriend grilled flat iron steaks. His mama supplied them.
He grilled. I made potatoes & stuff to go with them. It was such a
yummy dinner. We can't afford steak right now & it's not something we
eat often anyway, lol. It was so good though. Nom nom nom.
I love Special K Vanilla Almond cereal. I wish it had more almonds in
it though. I love almonds. Cereal is one of my favorite things to eat.
I always have a hard time when buying cereal because I like *almost*
every kind of cereal they have at the store. Makes picking some cereal
difficult, lol.
I love my bullet vibe. It's fucking awesome. Used alone or with some
help; either way rocks.
Mosquitos apparently love me. I fucking hate the greedy little blood
thirsty bitches.
Happy Tuesday!!
I am glad you had such an awesome day. You should just buy a bag of sliced almonds and put it in the cereal.
Steak and potatoes good. Bullet better. Glad you enjoyed your day.
I eat Special K's fruit and yogurt. It's some yummy stuff.
I hate mosquitos too....and am happy I live where there aren't any.
Special K rocks! I like their chocolate kind the best.
Glad you found and had fun with your bullet vibe! :)
Yogurt and granola girl here...
Nice that your baby cooks for you on occasion, he sounds like a keeper!!
I stand in the cereal isle staring at the boxes while K shops. It takes me nearly 30 minutes to decide which I want because I like so many. He on the other hand will only eat 2 kinds. Raisin Bran and Cin. Toast Crunch. How boring!
Mmmmm, flat iron steaks. Haven't had those in a long time. Yummy!
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