Saturday, November 7, 2009

I've heard it all before...

I took this picture last night. Well, rather I took this picture at 4 AM but I had not been to bed yet so it was still "Friday night" to me despite the technicality of it really being Saturday morning. I digress.

Who can guess what I'm doing in the picture? Aside from the obvious.

I'm obviously looking/focusing on something.

I'm obviously taking a picture.

What am I doing though?

You get one hint.

I had just taken my make-up off (yes, my face is naked of cosmetics in this picture) so that gives you an idea of what room I'm in.

I am doing something while I stand there though. Though the picture doesn't really leave room to give away what I'm doing so you have to be creative and just take a random shot in the dark. Any guesses?

The winner gets a prize. Could be a sign picture. Could be a work of art done in paint. Could be a special piece of writing. If anyone even guesses correctly, they'll figure out what the prize is.

Only one guess per person so make it count! If you guess more than one thing, I'm going to count your first answer as the guess for the shot at the lame prize.

I'll post the answer on Sunday.

I also have a review I'm posting on Sunday. I've had a difficult time with this one, lol.


Happy Saturday!


tripping dee said...

i think youre washing your hands :) if i am right, you know me email addy!

13messages said...

Cutting your nails? Lame guess, but I just want to say that this is a beautiful picture of you.

phairhead said...

watching porn?

Cala Gray said...

*giggles* sitting on the toilet!:)

Purple_Foxglove said...

Umm, I'm gonna say rinsing with Scope? Or Listerine, or something of the like.

Anonymous said...

It IS a lovely picture. You'!

Mina said...

Somebody already guessed, but I too have to say you are rinsing with mouth wash.

rage said...

You're playing a video game.

Lady Tragic said...

That looks like a peeing face.

Dee said...

My guess: you're watching someone else pee.

xx Dee

Anonymous said...

I guess rinsing the toothpaste off your toothbrush.


The Not-So-Eligible Bachelor said...

Checking for lumps?