Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The quiet scares me 'cause it screams the truth...

I'm doing another blog group project. I had so much fun doing The Big Picture Post that when I got the idea for this post, I decided to make it a group thing. Originally, I was just going to pick 15 or so of my favorite quotes, proverbs, sayings etc and post them on here. Then I figured, why not have people send me their favorite quotes? I think it's interesting to see what people find inspiring, special, amusing, etc so why not?

So, I'll post this sometime next week after I've got it all put together. Depends on the way the submissions go.

The format I'm planning for the Quote Post looks like this.

Sprinkle Faerie 62's favorites:
“Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it.” -Swedish Proverb

“Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours." -Swedish Proverb

“I don't own any of my own paintings because a Picasso original costs several thousand dollars -- it's a luxury I can't afford.” -Pablo Picasso

If you want to participate, just send me a list of your favorite quotes, proverbs and/or sayings, just email them to me!

amorousrocker [at] gmail [dot] com

Please... no more than 10 quotes, proverbs, sayings etc per person.

Make sure to credit the quote, saying, proverb, etc to whomever the credit is due. (If it's a Swedish Proverb, say it's a Swedish proverb. If it's a Bill Clinton quote, say so. Etc.)

If you have more than one blog, let me know which blog (or Twitter, Tumblr, etc) that you want to be linked to for your quotes.

Don't have a blog? Just include your name or a nickname you want to be listed as for your submission.

So pick your favorites in 10 or less and e-mail them to me!



Julie said...

You told me to go check out your boobs and I did!!! SWEET!

Vixen said...

Never tire of your boobs. Oh how they rock..... ;)


Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Wish my cleavage looked that great!

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

you have such a great rack. i would be all over that like a fat kid on a smartie.. just so you know.

i love your hair the way it is now.

HHNT gorgeous

figleaf said...

Cool photos above the neck and below. Happy HNT, AC,


13messages said...

I love your ideas. I sent you a couple of quotes I like.


Chapter Two said...

love the slide show.

Anonymous said...



Dee said...

Ah, spectacular boobs. They do make me happy :)

xx Dee

Anonymous said...

I only have one quote to give you.

BTW, I like purple bras ;)

mina said...

You do have the most beautiful breasts... HHNT

Emmy said...

Thanks for finishing the series! :)
Great pictures and fabulous cleavage!!

dark snow said...

nice boobs

Anonymous said...

You have the most fantastic tits ever! And your hair is really pretty the new colour :)

---Amy xxxx

Another Suburban Mom said...

Love the quote idea. I will submit several this weekend.

The pictures also rock and I loke the lighter hair alot.

Elle said...

Ohh nice boobies! Love that bra. I have a weakness for things striped or polka-dotted :)

Your hair looks nice, lighter, too!

James said...

Great pictures. Fantastic boobs. Wow. HHNT

Neath said...

Hey you. Glad to hear you're feeling better. The new haitr looks great. I'm trying desperatly not to mention how lovely your boobs are, but it seems I just failed at that.
I think my all time favorite quote comes from George Carlin. He once said "People are fuckin' goofy."

phairhead said...

can't wait for the project to come together.

boobs look gorgeous as always!

Anonymous said...

hair looks great, boobs look ummmmm Yeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww

rage said...

Great ideas you have there. I love your pictures and click thrus. I totally envy your breasts.


Lapis Ruber said...

What is the saying? "If you've got it, flaunt it" Believe me you've got it. :-) Happy HNT!

Bri said...

YOU LOOK FABULOUS - love the highlights and style... cute bra - and fantastic boobage... :)

nitebyrd said...

I'm lovin' your hair! I'll click when I get home. Happy HNT!

I'll also email some quotes, cool idea.

An Artist Exposed said...

mmmmm I especially loved the hidden one :-) HHNT!

Deech said...

You know? I am of mixed emotions about your hair. I like it both ways. I mean, your hair looks awesome now.

But, when you had jet black hair and you combined it with the makeup and lipstick? Smokin hot!

I guess what I am trying to say is that you are smokin hot regarless....

Nolens Volens said...

Ahh...mammaries. I mean memories! I remember those pics. ;) HHNT!

Anonymous said...

confucius say: "after looking at those pics, dr. pepper is now my favorite drink"

i don't think you can use that quote, though...

The Panserbjørne said...

Good lord, that is a T-shirt and bra that are positively straining at the seams. I'm quite sure you get tired of compliments on your fabulous rack, but oh my GOD it's hard to resist after seeing shots like that.

I'll get you a list of quotes at some point soon.

Happy HNT! Thanks for sharing with us.

-- PB

Anonymous said...

Amazing cleavage girl! HHNT!!


Richard, Shhh... said...

I LOVE that ur treating us to seeing more of ur GREAT BOOBS & I like ur lighter hair too. It softens ur look & I'd love to feel HOW soft... ;-) But I'll just send u some quotes instead, LOL (I may not remember where they came from.) HHNT XOXOX