Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Three Christmas Wishes HNT..

My mom and youngest brother left on Monday to go out to California. They're spending Christmas out there with my dad, my other younger brother 22 and my little sister. This will be my very first Christmas without my family. I won't be alone because I'll be with my boyfriend but it still feels strange. I've never not seen my family on Christmas. It doesn't seem quite right and I'm a little bummed out about it. Not that I won't enjoy spending the day with my boyfriend but still. It's a holiday I've always spent with my family and this is the first time I won't see them at all on the days leading up to Christmas, the day of or the days after. I won't see mom or YB again until the middle of January or later actually. Such is life though.

For HNT this week, the theme that Osbasso laid on us is Three Christmas Wishes. The hardest part about this theme for me is that I can only pick three people to grant wishes too. I'm a rule breaker by nature so it's no surprise to anyone who knows me that I bent the rules for this week. ;)

My first wish is for theBsideOFme. She is going through a hell of a time right now and I really feel for her. So, aside from me wishing I could get her through what she's going for quickly and with far less drama, I wish for her to have a week long all expense paid vacation to the tropical destination of her choice. She totally needs to get away and just relax and if I could afford to do so, I'd totally send her off somewhere to do just that.

My second wish is for An Artist Exposed. My wish for him is simple. Peace, love, happiness and prosperity in his career. Peace in mind, body and spirit. For him to feel as much love as he gives. For him to be happy and for his career to always be prosperous.

My third wish is for Nitebyrd. For her, I want her to go on tour with the band of her choice for 6 months and have all her expenses taken care of while she travels and enjoy some kick ass music along the way.

Now on to my non-HNT Holiday Wishes. ;) Bwa ha ha. One for the Vixen Kitten. She made a wonderful post here that you should all read. My wish for her is that every wish she has in that post be granted several times over.

Two is for Laken. I wish for her a shopping spree for her and for her son too. To any stores they choose to go to. They would have $5,000 to spend between them of course so they don't have to spend it all in one building. ;)

Three is for Dangerous Lilly. A vacation away from work with an all expenses paid 3 day trip to NYC with a handful of Sephora gift cards and the freedom to do whatever she wants with whomever she wants without having to worry about anything.

My final wish would be for anyone reading this. It's so cliche and standard but it's really what I'd want for anyone honestly. Good health, love, support in any aspect you need it in, peace where it's needed, plenty of laughs, prosperity and simple blissful happiness.

Thanks to everyone who as sent in an entry to the contest/give away I'm doing on the blog! I know the original deadline was Thursday the 24th but I'm extended it to the 27th for anyone who wants to enter but hasn't had time due to all the holiday hoopla. So, get to it!

Want to see what's on my Amazon Wishlist? Not to buy me anything but just because a couple people were interested in seeing what made my list of wants. Unfortunately, I forgot who those people are and I'm not scrolling through pages of tweets on Twitter to find out who it was again. If it's you, comment and say so or send me an email so I can get you the link. It's a seriously boring list though y'all. There is nothing sexy or fun on there. Just stuff I mainly need along with some things I really, really want.

Y'all know what this chick wants most though? Aside from the things I won't be getting because they're not actually "things" lol. I want two tickets to go see the Dallas Stars VS the Detroit Red Wings on January 16, 2010. I've always wanted to go to a home game where we play the Wings but I've yet to do it yet. I'd sit in the ceiling if they did seats there. Wait, maybe not, but you get what I mean. I just want to go, heh. Hopefully I'll be able to save up the $90 so I can go. Otherwise, I'll have to wait until next season to see that match up again since that's the last time we play Detroit on home ice. Though, I do get to go to a game in February but still... =) I need to try out my new Stars hoodie that Philly got for me for my birthday this year. I've yet to wear it to a game yet. Plus I have a feeling I might be getting a Stars jersey tee for Christmas from some awesome boyfriend of mine. ;) Did you read that whole post by the way? So many people just come on Thursdays for the pictures and don't pay attention to anything else. There's some good stuff here! You know, some of the time. ;)
If you did read the whole post (or you know, skim most of it), you totally deserve a prize. Maybe a yummy holiday sugar cookie or another candy cane bonus picture. See? Totally pays off to read the whole thing. ;)

Happy Holidays!!!!


Anonymous said...

Aww, this made me tear up. Such a wonderful wish you made for my son and I :)

Osbasso said...

Merry Christmas, AR (you rebel rule-breaker)! Out of 52 Christmases, I've only been away from the family once. Sorry that you won't be with them this year. Hope you keep in contact with them during the weekend though!

vixen kitten said...

You are beautiful, without a doubt, but it's what's inside that melts me most.

You have one of the most loving and beautiful hearts here in blogland.

Thank you for being so amazing and so wonderful. Thank you as well, for this wish.

I hope your Christmas is wonderful, and filled with joy, love and laughter.

Much love,

PS....That click thru so works for me! Just sayin.... :)

forgingahead said...

Nicely put wishes for all. And a super HNT!

Margaret said...

How sad that you couldn't come to Cali with your family - we could have met (maybe)!

Merry Christmas to you!


BTExpress said...

I read the entire post, but I don't eat cookies or candy canes. That's okay, because the click true more than made up for it. Nice, really nice. Merry Christmas love.

Anonymous said...

Great choices and fun HNT pic!

You are so thoughtful always keep that a part of you ;)

Noddy Blue said...

Nice candy canes.

Happy Holidays!!

Anonymous said...

HI! I hope u and ur man have a very merry Christmas. Santa should be loading up all kinds of goodies for u, especialy after the toys for toys drive u did. And ur even using ur wishlist for other people. U totaly deserve all the good things u get this year.

That being said, ur HNT once again is making my hot under the collar and my belt.(I have a BIG thing for nice big tits) LOL! ;) Merry Christmas HUN!

A_LAH from Twitter

figleaf said...

Hey, wearing a candy cane counts as half-nekkid, right? :-)

Cool photo, AR. Happy holiday to you and yours.


Dee said...

Lovely wishes, and beautiful click! I gave you a wish in my HNT - I hope you like it!

xx Dee

Felicity said...

Happy Holidays Amorous and Thanks for stopping by. What a treat to see ur beautiful face!

JAde said...

What a sweet post. I'm sorry you can't be with your family, but I am sure you are in their minds and hearts.

And gee, I LOVE candycanes... ;-)

Hubman said...

Merry Christmas AR!

I know you've already seen it, but I wanted to let others know that I wished something for you on my blog!

I second the wish for B, she really does need a break.

Red Rider said...

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and New Year and you enjoy this first time away. Love the candy cane treat too!

Alisha and Brett said...

Great wishes and pics!

Have a happy holidays!


Deech said...

Happy HNT and a very Merry Christmas to you AR!

Dangerous Lilly said...

what an awesome wish, for me and the ones for the others, you're such a great person A! I'm sorry you'll be missing out on family time, I hope yall can make up for it when they're back.

MinorityReport said...

Excellent wishes. Your click-thu is awesome. Very festive. ;) Have a very happy holidays.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant wishes :) I hope you have a great Christmas, even if it is without your family!

Christmas Kisses

---Amy xxxx

Cala Gray said...

Such awesome wishes AR.

You are such a thoughtful, fun and intelligent person! I know I don't comment a lot but I do read you regularly. Thank you for just being you!

I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas!

PS: I'm not getting to go back east to spend Christmas with my family either. So I understand!

phairhead said...

Merry Christas to you and the twins, AR!!!

Anonymous said...

excellent wishes!

Hop ya'll have a big Christmas!

Love the candy canes!

hamachi15 said...

Happy holidays! I never skim and always read! Keep up the great writing.

just some dude said...

Great post, and incredible click through! My best Christmas gift so far. :-)

Sugarmag said...

Hi there great wishes! Merry Christmas and Happy HNT!

Vixen said...

Awww...excellent. :)

Have a happy Holiday! xo

Spiky Zora Jones said...

Merry Christmas beautiful...

Anonymous said...

mc/hh/2010, amorous. love the pics, but then, you probably already guessed that ;)


rage said...

AR you are so sweet for make these wishes for everyone.

Here's to a Merry Christmas to you and your family.


nitebyrd said...

Merry Christmas, you rockin' chick!
Thank you SO much for including me in your wishes. The fantasy of spending 6 months on the road with Nickelback or Three Days Grace or maybe Rob Zombie or Disturbed or ... Oh! Hell! the thought is just too orgamsmic! Thank you, again. Your wish will carry me through Christmas with the ex-family. That and lots 'o Guinness! ;)

I feel like a dirty old lady telling you that you have exquisite breasts but what the fuck - your tits are GORGEOUS!

Merry Christmas to you, sweetie and that awesome boyfriend of yours!

Kevin Lomax said...

Wow: that click-through is not quite "average". But highly appreciated!!! ;-P

Bruce Johnson said...

A Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.....See Ya Next Year!!!

P.S. - Don't forget to take my Blog Roll Survey...your response is important!

Polt said...

Nice wishes to one and all. And I'm not a Stars fan, but I'll go along with the wish for a Dallas win. :)

And for you to have a very Merry Christmas as well. :)

Happy HNT!

Fantasia Lillith said...

I hope your day will still be wonderful even without the family. Enjoy it ...

Jessica said...

I hope you'll still have a good time either way.

I love the pic.

k said...

Don't hate me but I'm a die hard Red Wings fan, I was born and raised in Michigan, so I can't help it!!

On another note, I'll be visiting in Dallas from Dec 26th to the 31st! I've missed it. Haven't been there since March 2007!!!

Merry Christmas!!!!

viemoira said...

Wonderful wishes! Enjoy your Christmas with your man, I'm sure it will be special in a different way!

Chapter Two said...

thoughtful and wonderful