Friday, March 26, 2010

Drink of the Day: Kamikaze Style

I got an e-mail asking me if I would do a Drink of the Day post on the Kamikaze. If there's a certain type of liquor, drink or whatever that you want to see featured on here, let me know! I'll be more than happy to oblige any alcohol requests. So, for Cameron, here is Drink of the Day: Kamikaze Style. =)

The directions on each of these drinks is exactly the same so no matter which one you want to make, it's done all the same. I don't want to post the directions 7 times so they will be posted at the end, after the final recipe. ;)



1 oz Vodka
1 oz triple sec
1 oz lime juice

Blue Kamikaze


1 oz vodka
1 oz Blue Curacao liqueur
1 oz lime juice

Apple Kamikaze


1 oz Vodka
1 1/2 oz Apple Schnapps
2 oz sweet sour mix

Cherry Kamikaze


1 oz Vodka
1 oz Cherry Schnapps
2 oz sweet sour mix

Melon Kamikaze


1 oz Melon Liqueur
1/2 oz Vodka
2 oz sweet/sour mix

Raspberry Kamikaze


1 oz Vodka
1 oz Raspberry liqueur
1 oz sweet/sour mix

Cranberry Kamikaze


1 oz Vodka
1 oz Triple Sec
1/2 oz lime juice
1/4 cup cranberry juice


Add ice to cocktail shaker, pour ingredients over ice, shake until well mixed. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

And as always... Don't drink and drive please.
Remember to be responsible when you're out having drinks.

Have a great weekend y'all!

1 comment:

NoOne said...

Damn girl we need to drink together! You always have such lovely taste.