Thursday, July 29, 2010

I'm so happy right now....

So guess what this chick will be doing on Monday? If you follow me on Twitter or creep on my Twitter, you're not allowed a guess because you probably already saw. :p For anyone who didn't see the tweet, if you guessed I'll be fucking finally starting a new job? YOU GUESSED CORRECTLY!

Finally. *huge sigh of relief* I have less than $20 in my checking account and $0 in my savings account so this couldn't have happened at a more perfect time. Months upon months upon months of interviews and applying for a ridiculous amount of jobs has finally paid off. The only issue I'm going to have is the job requires a wardrobe quite a bit nicer than the one I have. I literally have 2 shirts that I'll be able to wear to this new job and none of my shoes (I have 3 pairs, lol. I'm not a fan of shopping & don't buy a lot in the way of shoes or clothes, obviously, which is kinda biting me in the ass right now but I digress) fit into the dress code I have to go by. So that is going to be a bit of a problem but I'll get it figured out, hopefully. :)

It's a job I think I'm really going to enjoy and moving into a direction I want to go in. Which is nice. I will, for the purposes of safety, won't be saying what I'm doing or where I'll be working. I'm excited, though. :D

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go call my mom and some close friends and tell them that someone finally hired me, lol. Oh and don't worry, this is auto-posting at 6 AM Thursday morning but I wrote the post super early Wednesday evening. So, it's not like I'm calling them ridiculously early (especially my mom, who lives in California, where it would be 4 AM at the time this is auto-posting, lol) to tell them my happy news.

Happy Thursday, y'all!


Another Suburban Mom said...

Congratulations! I am so proud of you and so happy for you!!

I am not sure what size you are, but you might have a lot of luck with work clothes at the Salvation Army type store.

Also, this is a huge clearance time for stores as they are getting in their winter gear. You might score big there!

phairhead said...

check out yr local consignment & Salvation Army for cheap dressy clothes. I know from personal experience :D

Shut_Up_Im_White&White_Lives_Dont_Matter said...

Awesome you give me hope! I am searching now. I have the same clothes issue to all I can say is goodwill ebay (buy in lots lol) and garage sales. Good LUCK!

nitebyrd said...

Congratulations, sweetie! I'm so happy for you!

ASM and phairhead are right with SA, consignment and Goodwill stores.

Naughty Nikki said...

Congratulations on the new job. Hope it goes really well for you.


Charlene said...

If possible, borrow some clothes from your friends. Then when you get paid, give the clothes back clean and pressed, and buy them a shirt as a thank you.

I am happy right now too!!!!

GoodWill said...

Congrats Ashly!

And I'm with the others, salvation army or GoodWill stores (no relation to my name, but if you have them in your area, they are great). I've gotten extremely inexpensive but decent quality dress stuff at last minute when I've needed it there.

Ginger said...

Did you people not read? The girl has less than $20 to her name. If she has $10 or $15, just what do you think she is going to be able to buy when she needs a pair of shoes and an outfit? Bearing in mind she will probably need some of that money for gasoline to get to work and some of that to be able to eat. AND EVEN THEN, there is NO guarantee she would be able to find something appropriate in SA or Goodwill in her size anyway!

My suggestions? One, if you can borrow some clothes and possibly a pair of shoes from a friend then do that. Two, explain your financial situation to your new boss and see if he/she will be a bit lax on the dress code until you have the money to buy yourself something. Three, if you have any books, cDs or movies to sell, places like Half Price Books and CD Warehouse buy things like that. If you have enough you can let go of, you can possibly make enough money to buy yourself something from Wal Mart (or Ross, TJ Maxx) to last until your first paycheck. My second suggestion should be a last resort!

I am happy for you! Congratulations. I hope you enjoy your new job. :)

Amberlea said...

Congratulations! I have been reading your since last Spring but have never commented. I know you have had quite a devil of a time getting hired. Well done! The right job for you was all that needed to come along. You go girl!!!

I don't know what "less than $20" is since it could be anywhere from $1 to $19 but I am going to assume it's on the lower scale. While these suggestions are good, I doubt you will be able to afford anything. See if you can go to a women's shelter and find something. Then once you can afford some clothes take the clothes back to the shelter and perhaps donate a bit extra on top of that.

Anonymous said...

Knowing your situation as I do, Amberlea has the best suggestion for you to get something. I suspect you will feel guilty going that route but don't. Just make sure you take the clothes back and donate a few extra things if you have anything you can let go of to make up for it.

Also, Ginger had a good suggestion in selling books, movies, music. I know you previously have done that which means I'm not sure if you have anything else you would be able and willing to sell but it's worth suggesting in case you do.

(((HUGS))) I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! E-mail me and tell me a bit about the job please! I am just so excited for you honey. GO GO GO! Knock 'em dead. <3 :D

Just A. Girl said...

Hooray!!! I'm so happy for you!

Maggie said...

Congratulations, such an exciting relief. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, first of all.

And I second borrowing clothes from friends/family and asking your boss if you can wear something a little less dressy until your first pay check.

White Nebula said...

I always solve my clothing issues with credit cards, so I would not suggest following my lead. The thrift store idea is good, though. You should go check those out ASAP!

Polly Vincere said...

In our very small community we have an organization that supplies professional clothing to women entering professional work who need it. It is free. All they ask is that you pay it back when you are able. Believe it or not, it works. People really do bring in nice items after they can afford to do so. The shop generally provides each woman with three pieces (jacket, blouse, skirt or pants), as well as panty hose, and appropriate shoes.
You may very well find something like that in your community. Check with paralegal organizations, or women-in-business organizations - those are who sponsor the one we have.
Congratulations on your job. I'm certain you will be fabulous.

Janie said...

OMG I am so excited for you! Yay! This has totally made my morning :) I know how sucky it has been for you, I hope it's an awesome job. Let us know how it goes!

Good luck!!


MinorityReport said...

Congrats on the job!!

viemoira said...

I'm so happy for you! Congratulations! I know this has been immensely stressful for you and I'm glad to hear you're on your way to better times!

Poindexter said...

oh my - great news!! warmest congratulations and best of luck as you get started next week!

mina said...
