Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lady, you pissed me off... for 5 seconds...

I was somewhere Monday and something happened that really annoyed me.

The entrance and the exit to this place are around 20 feet apart. So, people closer to the exit door tend to enter that way a lot of the time because it's just too hard to walk that extra 20 feet to go through the right door. They're not big double doors, just a regular sized door that one person can get through at a time.

I'm coming out the exit door and this woman plows into me. I'm taking a step out the door and she decides to just walk into me. I could have moved to keep her from hitting me if I had craftily jumped out of the way and smashed myself against the door or stumbled backward. Fuck that.

She walks into me and then has the nerve to glare at me and say, "watch where the hell you're walking," acting all indignant and shit. I would have probably just made some sarcastic, bitchy comment and then kept going (I'm prone to not keeping quiet about things, heh), had she not opened her big mouth and said something to me. That, pissed me off. So....

I replied, "walk the extra steps to the actual entrance and you won't be walking into people who are coming out of the door they're supposed to be coming out of. They're labeled enter and exit for a reason, lady."

She got wide eyed, shook her head around a little bit and then replied, "I'll walk into any damn door I fucking please and I don't have to go in the entrance way door if I don't feel like it, why don't you learn to watch where the hell you're going and watch out for other people?"

I replied, "I was watching where I was going. Why don't you learn to walk through the door you're supposed to walk through? And don't act indignant and give me a fucking attitude when I'm walking out the door I'm supposed to and your lazy self comes crashing in to me."

Before she could say anything, the manager came out the door* and asked what was going on. The lady starts ranting and raving about how I wasn't watching where I was going and how I almost killed her because I ran her over in my rush and not paying attention. Blah blah blah.

He asked her if she had been trying to walk in through the exit door when I ran into her and she said, "well, yeah, maybe but so what?"

To which he replied, "then it seems to me you weren't paying attention to where you were going, ma'am. The doors are labeled entrance and exit and if you try to walk into the door people are supposed to be coming out of, you're very likely going to run in to one of them. Next time, please go in through the proper door so we can avoid this kind of incident from happening again."

She scowled at both of us and then stomped off to go through the entrance door mumbling motherfucker this and motherfucker that.

The point of my post is simple. I HATE when people don't go through the right door somewhere, walk into someone AND THEN get an attitude about it like it's the other person's fault. That shit pisses me off. Know what I mean? ;)

Happy Tuesday!

the exchange took place outside the exit door a little ways because she crashed into me and didn't make it into the store, and I didn't move around to let her by, then we started fussing at each other.


cristy said...

(comment from Diane, not Cristy, I'm just leveraging her login ID for convenience. or maybe because I'm just too lazy to log in again as me...)

Awesome store manager intervention! this makes me laugh. :)

Anonymous said...

It's just like when people who are driving and not paying attention (talking on cellphone, etc.) almost hit you, then give you the finger, like its your fault.
Way to tear a strip off her. Her face when the manager came out and told her she was wrong must have been classic.

Neath said...

I hate people like that. Almost as much as the pricks that stand around having conversations with long lost fuck buddies blocking off the grocery store isle.
When did mothers stop teaching their kids manners?

Sherri said...

Right on!

It really bothers me when people go against a "system" of how things are done and then feel violated... and then take it out on everyone around them.

Raquel's World said...

Sounds like that bitch needed to get hit with the door, accidentally of course.

phairhead said...

People are assholes

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Rude, lazy and oblivious people who walk among us normal people in public totally tick me off, but I would never say anything to them. Way to put her in her place (and have the manager agree)!

Anonymous said...

That would have pissed me off too. Some people just don't care. I'll bet she frequently drives into exits as well and puts people in a lot more danger than when she waltzes through exits in stores.

13messages said...

I love that manager.

Bob said...

This made my day. I just love it when justice is served up to an ingrate like that.

Tim_D_Enchanter said...


I hate it when people do stupid shit and then blame the rest of the world for not pandering to their expectations. Drives me CRAZY. . .

Reminds me of a time I was working at Best Buy and some guy was acting all pissed of because Circuit City had an advertised item that we didn't carry, and he was mad at me because I wouldn't sell him a better item (that was also higher priced by like $100) for the same price that Circuit was offering the item he originally wanted. Then he got even angrier because I told him that if he wanted that item at that price he'd have to go to Circuit to get it. . . He asked for my manager, and I went and fetched him and explained the situation. The manager went over to the guy, and the guy was like "Blah, blah, blah your employee tried to send me to Circuit City, blah blah blah. . ." at which point my manager looks at me, then looks at the customer and says "I understand, sir, and I see where my employee went wrong. You see, it seems to me he did not provide you with proper directions to get to the nearest Circuit City.", then proceeded to give him directions. . . It was GLORIOUS! RESULT!!!!

It pays to be courteous and polite. I wish more people would do so. It's really starting to get on my nerves when the simplest of things ( ie. "thank you" when I open a door for someone, or even smiling at me when I smile and say "hello"). . . People suck. . . I may have to write about it now. . . lol

Scott said...

Good for you! I think there is a general lack of common courtesy in this country! Whatever is easier for people no matter if it makes it difficult for others. My example is I held the door open for a pregnant woman and she didn't say anything, almost like it was expected. By the way I like your new layout!

Shut_Up_Im_White&White_Lives_Dont_Matter said...

How rude is she to bad she didn't have a nametag so you post that to lol

GoodWill said...

Hilarious. I love it when people like that bitch to someone else expecting sympathy or whatever, and end up getting put in their place. Karma is a bitch, and she's fantastic.

Like the new layout too, very easy to read.

Charlene said...

You should have snapped her pic with your cell. We'd have loved to know who to slam a door on!!!

Carrie Ann said...

Good on ya!

My peeve is when people go barging into an elevator the second the doors open without stopping to let the people already on it OUT. ARGHHHHH!

Emmy said...

People drive me crazy for reasons like this. Geesh!
Glad the manager gave her shit about it too rather than giving in.