If you want to see larger sizes of both images, click here and here.
I didn't use any of the money that has been donated yet. Everything you see up there is stuff I got with my own money. I got 16 toys and spent $65. Not one thing there cost more than $5. Each thing cost between $2 to $5. I'm not saying it just to say it when I say every little bit helps. It's the truth. Even if you can only give a few dollars to something, it helps. In this case, that $3 will buy a toy for one little kid. Like I said last year, I know Christmas isn't about the toys but imagine being 6 and knowing other little kids are getting something while you're getting nothing? That sucks.
Even if you don't donate to my fundraiser, I encourage y'all to find a way to do some good. Even if it's giving some pocket change to the Salvation Army, giving some canned food to a food pantry, donating time somewhere, dropping a few dollars to a cause you'd rather donate to; I don't care what you do, just do something. I think the world would be a better place is people were more willing to help people in small ways.
There is still plenty of time to donate to my fundraiser. Just a few dollars helps and then I do all the work for you so you don't have to shop or deliver the toys to the drop location. And like I did last year, I'll be posting pictures of what I'm buying as I shop so y'all can see what your donations are buying. :)
Thank you to anyone that's posted on their blog, Tumblr, Twitter, etc about this. I appreciate it. If you've posted about it but I haven't seen it yet, let me know so I can add the link to your post about it to an upcoming post. Or if you plan to post about it, make sure you let me know as well. :) Thank you to the 9 people who have donated already. Y'all are wonderful. :) Aaand, thank you to anyone who donates time, money, resources, etc to help others in need.
Happy Monday!
It's great you are doing this again. I remember you had a ton of stuff last year! :)
Amazing! I love that you do this :)
yay ashley star! good on you! i want to support you also. i'll click the link this week.
i did notice this last year. we do it here locally as well. there's a santa parade through town and everyone brings toys to give him for all the kids. it's wonderful!
it was so great to see your name in my comments too. i've missed you.
You did really good! All that stuff will make some kids really happy.
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