Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Monogamy, non-monogamy and sex...

I hate how so many non-monogamists believe that non-monogamy in some form is the only way to go. That monogamy can't work. Shout and shout that your lifestyle should be accepted yet criticize another one because it doesn't work for you. It works for plenty of people and plenty of people are happy in their monogamous marriages/relationships with no desire to add anything or change anything.

Before any non-monogamists go nuts on me; cool your jets. I'm bisexual. I've been with the same guy for almost 5 years now. I occasionally fool around with girls. He knows about it. He's fine with it. We don't have a traditional relationship. If he were ever uncomfortable with me doing what I do, I'd quit and never be with anyone but him ever again. I rarely ever have sex or fool around with anyone but him anymore anyway. When it happens, it's usually not planned. I don't have a very active interest in looking for a girl to play around with but if the opportunity is there and it happens? As long as he's okay with it and she's okay with it just being about sex; swell.

I just get annoyed with how many people spend so much time fighting for their lifestyle choices not to be judged negatively and looked down upon just because it's different yet in the process of fighting for that, they're negatively judging and putting down other people's lifestyle. You don't need to throw out divorce statistics, reasons why monogamy isn't sensible, tossing out statistics on why people cheat and on and on and on about how it doesn't work or how it's outdated, etc. It's insulting to tell someone in a happily monogamous relationship that they're jealous of you because you're open and secure enough to have other partners in your life and that they just wish they could have what you do. Not everyone wants that. It's like when someone against your open lifestyle tells you that you're just self-centered and attention seeking and that's the reason why you look for partners outside your relationship. Or that you're insecure and that you need to be validated by as many people as possible to feel worthwhile. While both statements can be true for some people on both sides, they're not true for everyone. You can support your lifestyle and your choices without tearing down another one to make your point. It puts you on the same level as the people you're "defending" yourself against once you start judging, trashing and negatively tearing them down for their choices.

You can't expect people to be accepting of you as you scoff at them, no matter what the subject is.

Happy Wednesday!


dark snow said...

freedom of choice =)

Jade said...

I completely agree with you. *Most* of the non-monogamists I know go out of their way NOT to be judgmental, but there are some that do seem to think that monogamy *can't* work, and try to convince others who have made that choice that this is true.

There is no "one right way." What works for me doesn't work for everyone and may not work for *anyone* else. I talk about my own choices freely, hoping that people will see that there are choices other than monogamy that can work-but that doesn't mean that monogamy doesn't work. It just means that that we should all have the *choice* to make that decision about how we want to live and love.


phairhead said...

Another centuries old feud: monogamists vs. non-monogamists. Just like the war between the childless & the breeders :-)

Tim_D_Enchanter said...

The funny part about all of this, is that non-monogamists claim the reason that people can't commit to one person is that we weren't meant to commit to one person. . . The real reason people can't commit to one person is because they are afraid to, not that they can't. . . The real reason for such a high divorce rate is because people want to be selfish and do what they want to do, instead of what's best for the relationship.

Non-monogamy doesn't FIX any issues that monogamy presents (and vice versa). . .

People should do what they feel completes their journey. . . For some of us, it's one person. For others its a number of people.

No reason to hate either life choice.

Tim_D_Enchanter said...

I should follow up, that I don't mean that non-monogamists are afraid to commit to one person. . . I meant that people in monogamous relationships that result in "cheating" or sneaking around. . . Those people are afraid to commit. . .

Another Suburban Mom said...

I know that Hubman and I are not those people. As much as we enjoy our non-monogamy we do not recommend it to everyone who asks us about it.

Everyone needs to make their own choices.

Anonymous said...

well said

Maggie said...

Yes! And this goes for anyone who believes that their way of living is the only correct one (especially with regards to relationship and marriage, why are people so judgmental of others?).