Friday, March 4, 2011

Unicorns obviously have rainbow colored sperm. Agree/disgaree?

Yesterday, I tweeted this....

Apparently jokes about brightly colored foam looking like unicorm jizz are offensive…
.. and will make people on Twitter unfollow you after telling you that you're being "offensive." Joking about a mythical creature's sperm is offensive? REALLY? And it wasn't just one person. It was several. I was so amused by it. I wasn't mad or even annoyed. Just kind of laughed over it and couldn't believe that anyone was offended by that. Especially when one of the people that was "offended and disgusted" is someone who makes crude sex jokes all over her timeline and another is someone who talks about his own jizz like it's stuff from the gods. I'm still amused by it, mainly because I just don't consider myself offensive. Maybe to more uptight people I would be but the people that were offended/grossed out by it aren't people I would consider uptight.

It’s just Rain-X by the way, definitely not unicorn jizz. Though, a couple of my friends on Twitter did suggest the possibility that Rain-X is indeed made from the brightly colored sperm of unicorns and that a Slap-Chop is the likely tool used to extract the brightly colored sperm from said unicorns. I digress. It's totally not my fault they make the foamy Rain-X at the carwash look like unicorn jizz. Also not my fault that when I saw it that the first thing I thought was, "bwa ha ha, it looks like a unicorn just blew a load all over my window." My sense of humor is a little weird. ;)

I’m just speculating that a unicorn’s sperm would be rainbow or brightly colored. It makes sense if you just stop and think about it. Pretty sure they piss rainbows and fart sunshine so on top of the fact they look like they have a dildo on their heads, just connect the dots and boom; unicorn sperm is clearly rainbow or brightly colored. It just makes sense and I will not be convinced otherwise.

People are so weird.

The girl talking about unicorn jizz

(Also, this isn't a serious post so lighten up and don't take this as a serious rant or anything like that. It's not. I'm just having fun because I'm amused. ;D)

Happy Friday!


Anonymous said...

i've only had sex with a unicorn once before and i don't recall if it was rainbow coloured. but it did taste like candy. just sayin'. ;)

Advizor54 said...

When I raised unicorns and Care Bears on my cloud ranch, we fed them Skittles and glitter so of course their jizz was rainbow colored. don't these people know anything about animal husbandry? geez. It's right there in the manual

nitebyrd said...

People stopped following you AND called you out because you said that looked like unicorn come?

WTF? I'm thinkin' they're pissed because they didn't think of it first.

Offensive? Hardly. Funny? Very.

phairhead said...

& their poo is cotton candy. Rainbow coloured of course!

Deech said...

Jeez, so that makes me wonder what Unicorn Crap looks like.

Now I will be pondering this all weekend!

Have a great weekend chica!

Aurore said...

When I read that tweet, I giggled for a few minutes. That anyone was offended over something so ridiculous is just absurd. You can write about unicorn jizz all you want as far as I'm concerned ;)

Anonymous said...

I just know that stuff smells good. :)

viemoira said...

I totally believe unicorn jizz is rainbow- it makes total sense! :)

Tripthi Battapadi said...

hehehe :P

Now, it actually makes me wonder what colour it is!? :P