Friday, June 17, 2011

Interior designs & the baby hippo....

I love interior design. My favorite things to draw in art class were always rooms and landscapes. I even contemplated a career in interior design when I was younger. I also love helping people decorate the rooms in the houses, especially when I get to help pick stuff out, lol.

I was sad yesterday. It marked one week since my grandfather passed and I was also hit with the realization that I didn't need to buy him anything, not even so much as a card, for Father's Day this year. No phone call. Nothing. And it hurt. A lot. So, I spent the night at home relaxing and drinking mango tea with some coconut rum mixed in. Several hours spent on interior design websites, looking at before and after shots and reading how-to tips and new things. I like to look at the pictures, critique them and think of ways I'd change them and mentally store away ideas I really like for the possibility of one day putting those ideas to use. It's a creative outlet in a way and it lets me relax and focus on something fun and light. Here are some of my favorite pictures of my interior design immersion.....

The shower in this bathroom, OMG. The tub is pretty big, too. I'm a shower girl and pretty much never take baths. If that monster of a tub has some jacuzzi jets in it, I'd happy lounge about in there. After my shower, haha.

This is lovely...

I LOVE the colors here...


This looks like a soothing, relaxing room....

This is totally cool, I like the fountain/pond looking thing the most....

I like this one because of the colors and it looks warm & cozy....

I wouldn't like this for myself but I like it anyway. I like how clean the white and black looks with the splash of color to keep it from looking sterile and boring....

I literally want to crawl into the pictures and hop into that bed....

This is just fucking cool. The possibilities....

This kitchen is so pretty....

I love the piano in the dining room....


And this last picture has nothing to do with interior design in the least bit but I want to share it anyway. It's a new born hippo....

Yes, hippo. How fucking cute is that? Too bad they don't stay that small, lol.

Happy Friday, y'all.


Sarah Loveless said...

These rooms are awesome. I want them all... especially the one with the pool in the bedroom. Also, you nearly killed me with cuteness from the baby hippo pic.

Anonymous said...

OMG I *love* the baby hippo.