Anyway, when I parted ways with friends and headed outside the AAC, I was surprised to see it had rained. The things I miss while I'm inside a cold building watching ice hockey. It had stopped raining but the lightning was still going strong. It was gorgeous. I love lightning. I could sit and watch a good lightning show for hours in all honesty. It just love watching all the different patterns as they flash across the night sky.
I was waiting on a friend to get back to me about possible post-game plans and I never mind waiting a few minutes for some of the parking lot traffic to clear out. So, I grabbed my camera phone and started trying to get pictures of lightning hitting the Dallas skyline. It's hard as hell to do on a camera phone, especially since my current one doesn't have a multi-shot feature like my previous phone did.
I did manage to get a couple good ones. Though I stopped trying after a while and just sat in the car enjoying the sky being lit up by bolt after bolt.
Lovely, right?
I think so anyway. :) I just wish I had remembered to bring my Canon with me to the game, then I would have had it to take better pictures of the lightning with. C'est la vie.
Happy Friday!