Anyway, when I parted ways with friends and headed outside the AAC, I was surprised to see it had rained. The things I miss while I'm inside a cold building watching ice hockey. It had stopped raining but the lightning was still going strong. It was gorgeous. I love lightning. I could sit and watch a good lightning show for hours in all honesty. It just love watching all the different patterns as they flash across the night sky.
I was waiting on a friend to get back to me about possible post-game plans and I never mind waiting a few minutes for some of the parking lot traffic to clear out. So, I grabbed my camera phone and started trying to get pictures of lightning hitting the Dallas skyline. It's hard as hell to do on a camera phone, especially since my current one doesn't have a multi-shot feature like my previous phone did.
I did manage to get a couple good ones. Though I stopped trying after a while and just sat in the car enjoying the sky being lit up by bolt after bolt.
Lovely, right?
I think so anyway. :) I just wish I had remembered to bring my Canon with me to the game, then I would have had it to take better pictures of the lightning with. C'est la vie.
Happy Friday!
I've never had any luck getting lightning photos. Then again, we don't really get more than one good lightning storm per year around here...
Looks like you made the most of your wait! Great shots! The second one is particularly spectacular! Like Osbasso, we've tried getting taking pictures of a storm, but we're always so ill-prepared that we end up with what looks like a black screen with a tiny piece of white thread on it.
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