Thursday, October 6, 2011

See me looking all "goth" and stuff...

So, I found some old pictures of myself. Actually, they're only a couple years old so they're not that old. Anyway, I sometimes get in a mood and dress/do my make-up in what would be considered the "goth" look. While I never labeled myself or considered myself any one thing since I'm too multi-faceted to fit into any one group and would hate to be stuck in that kind of box anyway, I do get why people pinned some of the labels they did to me. It didn't make it less annoying, however. I don't understand people's obsession with labels and needing themselves and other people to fit into a certain category. It makes no sense. I digress. That minor rant really has little to do with this post.

I don't wear a lot of make-up. My make-up consists of eyeliner, mascara and either lip balm or clear lip gloss. Eye shadow if I'm going out somewhere like dinner, an event, etc. That's how I like it, less is more. If I wear any at all. I never got into lipstick. I figure my lips are a nice enough color, why bother wasting money on lipstick to make them a different color? Especially when it's going to rub off in a short matter of time and need re-applying anyway? Too much effort. Though, I do own one color of lipstick and that would be black. Yes, present tense because I some how never seem to run out of the stuff. I think I was 13 the first time my mom let me get a tube of black lipstick. I was a tomboy and didn't have any interest in wearing make-up when I was a little girl or a teenager. I remember my mom did some girly make-up on me once to see if I liked it and wanted to start wearing it. I wasn't a fan and couldn't wait to wash it off and head back outside to play basketball. But once I discovered all the black, I liked that though. I went through a bad time where I was going through a lot and I liked everything to be black. I felt dark and gloomy and wanted to look the way I felt. I had issues. Real issues not just whaa my life sucks teenage angst but whatever, that's another post for another day.

Now if I do the goth make-up, it's not because I feel it's fitting. It's just because I dig it and it's fun. Ironically, when I do the goth look, it's usually for a party. Or bar or some event. And I end up annoyed because it requires quite a bit more make-up than I'm used to normally wearing.

Nifty right? I hate wearing foundation, powder or any make-up on my face so doing it to get the desired effect of pale is annoying as hell but once in a while, it's still fun to do. I'll probably incorporate the look into my Halloween costume some how this year. As soon as I figure out what I'm dressing up as and what the heck I'm doing for Halloween, heh.

Happy Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

It has amazed me at how much you have matured. Given a year and a half ago your blog was very very different.

Today, I see you writing with Confidence. I see you looking at those old pics, which you have previously posted on your blog, and reminiscing about what you were thinking at the time.

Lets face it chica...your confidence is showing. And this is a very good thing....

Jack and Jill said...

Though I've never been into this particular trend myself, judging by these pictures you made a gorgeous goth.


Osbasso said...

Always loved the black lips!

crf6adv said...
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Bathwater said...

I always like the Goth look, I dig moody and different girls though.

Ashly Star said...

Thanks! I appreciate the kind words. And you're definitely spot on. :)

Jack, Osbasso & Bathwater:
Aww. Thanks y'all!