Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Random assortment of pictures....

I love socks. I don't have many pairs of shoes but I have an entire drawer that's just full of socks. I also LOVE penguins. One thing that always bums me out about Winter apparel is the lack of penguins. Or I look in the wrong places. Either way, there needs to be more stuff with penguins on it. Anyway, I was at the store picking up a couple things I needed and walked by a display with tons of Winter themed socks. I was pleasantly surprised when SIX different pairs featured a penguin theme and even happier when one of them was a pair of toe socks. I wasn't thrilled with the amount of pink on the toe socks since I'm not a fan at all of the color pink but I really liked these and got them anyway. Aren't they cute?

I had some baking to do yesterday. Tahitian vanilla bean cupcakes. White icing is vanilla buttercream. Orange is orange flavored buttercream. All made from scratch. Baking is so fun. Want one? Lol.

I saw this next picture on an interior design blog I frequently look at. I've decided a small room or a little nook somewhere is a must in my future dream house. This looks so perfect to me. I'd love to be able to have a wonderful little spot like this to go spend hours reading books and relaxing.

I got this picture during the Texas State Fair. They did a really cool light show which was awesome for me. Fireworks, fountains and laser lights all cued up with some music pretty decent music. I totally enjoyed it and got a couple cool pictures of some of the action, including this one.

I collect rubber ducks. My newest acquisition to my collection is a rockin' little Halloween duck. Of course it's a pirate. :D

I'm done with the pictures now but before I end the post I want to say thank you to those who have already donated to my Toys for Tots Fundraiser. Also, thank you to those who have tweeted about it, posted on their blog about it, put it on Facebook, made posts on Tumblr and otherwise pimped the cause out. So to speak. I appreciate it so much! And if you post about it, make sure you let me know so I can come say thank you. :) Remember, even if you can only donate $5 it will go a long way to helping out. Every little bit helps! :)

Happy Tuesday!

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