I'm so close to hitting $500 in donations so I'm hoping I can get a couple more donations via pay pal or maybe some of the people in my real life will be able to follow through with their promises to help. Even if $500 doesn't end up getting reached, I'm super happy about the amount of money I've managed to raise so far. And of course I'm excited about getting to go toy shopping and then delivering them all to the Toys for Tots drop location

December 16th is the last day I'm taking donations via paypal. :)
So come on, $5 or $10 isn't that much and it's for a great cause. Please help out if you can. Thanks to everyone who has donated and all who have helped spread the word thus far. It's greatly appreciated.
Even if you don't donate anything to my project here, I encourage everyone to give a little something back where ever they can. Be it donating a little cash to a good charity, picking a child off an angel tree, dropping a few cans of food off at your local food pantry/shelter, donating some old warm clothes you don't wear much or at all anymore. There are a lot of ways to help out the lest fortunate and most don't take much time, effort or a large amount of cash. Some are easy as making some extra room in your closet or kitchen cabinets. :)
Happy Wednesday!
1 comment:
In the Netherlands we have st. Nick at the beginning of December and Christmas at the end. Officially it's the same guy but who's complaining if you get presents twice?
For st. Nick someone got a present double and called a radio station saying he had a present to spare and if they had any use for it. One thing turned into loads of people sending in their double/extra/useless presents. They wanted to donate to a local organization that helps people with only a few euros to spend each month, not enough to buy food for their family. The goal was 240 presents. The radio station got 1300 in 1 week, so they made it for 2 counties of the Netherlands (consists of 12) and now their goal for next week is 8900 presents.
Just wanted to share this story.
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