Something that irritates me more than anything is people who cut me off in the middle of a sentence to start talking. Or, anyone getting cut off mid-sentence annoys me to be honest. It's so rude to do that. Sure, you might be anxious to say something their story reminded you of. Or you might be bored with what they're saying and want to change the subject. Or maybe you're just self-absorbed and care more about everything you have to say over ever listening to anyone else. I'm sure there are a lot more reasons it's done and most of them just break down into the person cutting in being a rude douche.
I know several people who do this quite often and it irritates me. Then when/if I cut them off to inform them I wasn't done, I'm the rude one some how. Or, if I don't cut them off so I can finish what I was saying, I just keep going as I was and raise my voice to talk over them. Which is also rude, apparently. However, neither is as rude as someone who always jumps in mid-sentence because what they have to say is obviously going to be wiser, more funny, more important or better in some way.
That's my .02 on the subject. :)
Happy Wednesday!
im bad for this. i dont mean to be rude, i just get excited and if i can relate to what youre saying i share. im working on it though. i do get upset and embarrassed if people point blank yell at me for it. not because i think youre rude, but embarrassed at myself for interrupting and causing me to be pinpointed. im really trying hard to correct this.. lol but sometimes i slip up.
I'm all in for nobody talking period except me :)
agree darlin 100%
I hate when people do this too!
Certainly, I've been guilty of it myself; I think everyone has at some point, but lately I've been trying to be extra careful about NOT doing this to others.
As a result of trying to be careful about not doing this I've been noticing A LOT how much other people do it.
Some people are beyond self-centered. They go out of their way to prove that they don't care what you have to say, they just want their turn to talk.
I once heard someone say, after being interupted mind you, "sorry for talking while you're interupting!". Shut the interupter right up! I'm with you though, and cannot stand it!
I agree entirely. I just recently moved to the south, and apparently that's a big thing down here, or at least my mother in law is huge about that, as well as all my fiance's family is. It bothers me very much, especially when I stop talking to let them talk and figure that they don't give a shit and I dont finish what I'm saying. Usually they come back hours later and ask "So what were you saying about..." like I'm a forgetful s.o.b. who cant complete a sentence.
I do that ALL day. We should never hang out. LOL. <3
i love the way your blog is set up.
Of course i totally agree with this! totally can relate.
My sister's do that to me all the time!
Haha. I love that caption.
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