Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Why things have been so quiet lately...

I haven't blogged in almost three weeks. My last post was twenty days ago. It's not that I've lost interest in blogging and not that I don't have time to do it. I still like blogging and I actually do have enough free time to blog. It's not that I don't have anything to write about because I do. I always have things on my mind, opinions on things going on and stuff I'd like to write about in general. I just don't have the motivation to write lately, at all. 

It's not just blogging. I keep a physical journal as well. I love writing and given the fact that I don't open up to people much, I tend to write a lot. Just thoughts, feelings, things bothering me, things I want to improve on and pretty much anything I feel like getting out of my system ends up on a piece of paper courtesy of one of the thirty-something pens I own. My last entry in my physical journal was forty-six days ago. 

I know anyone reading this is probably thinking I'm having a case of good old-fashioned writer's block. That's really not it either. I have the words. When I can make myself sit down and do so, the words I want come freely and easily. It's just my motivation to put those words down anywhere is sorely lacking. It puzzles me a bit because it would be easier if it was just a case of, "I know what I want to say but I just can't put it into words." I'm just not in the mood to do any writing, or typing, at all lately. Which annoys me because  I can't figure out why I can't be bothered to do something I don't see as a chore. I'm not disinterested in writing. I'm enjoying this right now even though I'm making myself sit here and type out a post about why I haven't been writing or blogging lately. 

I think the cause of my issue is stress, possibly. I've got an enormous amount of stress going on right now and that's not something I usually have a lot of to deal with.  I'm rather laid back and don't let much get to me as a general rule. It takes a lot to get me down and a lot to make me feel stressed. I have several big things in my life just going wrong right now and finding solutions to them is proving to be rather difficult. So I spend down time trying not to think and trying to relax. Which kind of fucks with my ability to write because I kind of need to think about things and not zone out into a happy little zen place where everything that runs through my mind is just a fuzzy, soft blur of nothing. I don't even know if that makes any sense to anyone else but it makes sense to me, so there's that. 

I think, since I miss writing and blogging, I'm just going to make myself sit and write about something a couple times a week. It gives me something to work on and helps me focus on something that isn't stressing me out. Also, writing makes me feel good and you can never do enough good things for yourself, right? Right. ;)

Happy Tuesday!


Jack and Jill said...

I can really relate to lack of motivation to write. It's for this reason that our blog has become a conglomeration of memes. It's easy, and a good means of being productive, though not necessarily the most spontaneous outlet for creativity.

I also write several ongoing projects that are not related to blogging, and I sometimes find myself lacking the motivation to write those as well. It's not writer's block; my projects are largely mapped out and I don't lack for words. But sometimes I just can't force myself to write. I know that if I do that, it won't come out the way I want it to. I would caution you against forcing yourself to sit and write, though if you do so and the words come easy, then by all means do it again.

I've found that sometimes walking away for awhile helps. When I've gotten up from my own writing projects and focused on something else, I find that the motivation eventually falls into place. Sometimes it takes a week and sometimes it takes six months. But eventually it returns.

We're sorry to hear about all of your stress, and we hope that you find some resolution with regard to these issues.

Happy Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

Everything's cyclical. you're get the motivation back eventually. I wasn't too worried, I still read your tweets. :)

Deech said...

I have also experienced the same thing and I am desperately trying to get back to it.

Also, I find that the social medias of the world, Facebook, G+ and Twitter make it easy to negate good ole blogging.

I miss blogging...both writing and reading. I am making a concerted effort to get back to it.

Ashly Star said...

For me social media isn't an issue. I rarely use Facebook, never use Google+ and don't spend that much time looking at Twitter. I spend maybe a couple hours per week actually on a computer. Though for most people who actively participate on Facebook, etc I can understand how saying everything via those mediums would hurt blogging.