Monday, December 3, 2012

35 Happy Things....

I haven't done a post on things I'm happy for or things I'm grateful for in a while. I've felt particularly whiny lately because life has been stressful and a little unpleasant lately. I see my boyfriend two days out of the week and only for about half the day those two days because our work schedules are so opposite. And working in a bakery is awesome but during the holidays, it's insane and big fat daily reminder of how rude and impatient and all around obnoxious the general public is. Plus other more personal stuff I won't be putting out here. :)  So I like doing these posts to remind myself that I still have things to be happy about and as a reminder that life never sucks forever unless you let it. So here we go.

35 Things That Make Me Happy Currently

1. AWOLnation
2. Gift shopping for my family and boyfriend being complete
3. Getting holiday cards to send out to people
4. I have a job I don't hate even though the hours some days really suck
5. I have a job
6. My brother's hockey games
7. Those days I get to sleep in passed 5 AM
8. Apartment hunting 
9. Massages
10. Baking holiday treats for others 
11. Yoga
12. Imagine Dragons
13. My boyfriend being done with his radiation treatments
14. No car payment because mine's paid for
15. My friend's Adam and Rob always being there when I need someone
16. Gnigerbread cookies, because I love those like people love pumpkin everything in Autumn
17. Random sweet and/or goofy text messages
18. Songs I haven't heard in years but still love and know all the words to
19. Having time to volunteer more
20. Drawing
21. New pillows
22. Cooler weather (it's in the 70's right now so a little bit cooler would be welcome)
23. Old books 
24. Occasional Sunday dinners at my family's house
25. The amount of cute penguin stuff that comes out during the holidays
26. Peppermint hot chocolate
27. Laughing a lot because I have some really funny people in my life
28. Trips to the aquarium
29. Nights hanging out at home with friends 
30. Waking up every day
31. Card game/board game nights
32. Genuinely nice people
33. Movie nights
34. Trans Siberian Orchestra
35. Fuzzy socks

It might seem easy to list a bunch of random stuff that makes you feel good or happy but sit down and try to do it and you might be surprised how much thought it requires some days. Which isn't a bad thing, it's good to remind yourself of all the good that's around you. 

And lastly, there are now 11 DAYS LEFT TO DONATE to the Toys for Tots Fundraiser! Also, the Fundraiser Promo contest for a super easy chance to win a $25 Gift Card to Target ends on December 14th as well so there's still time to get it on that. A donation isn't necessary to enter the contest but definitely appreciated! And again, big thanks to everyone that has already helped out via donations or other ways, I appreciate y'all so much. :)

Happy Monday!


Courtney said...

thats a great list and ur right i tried to come up with 15 and had trouble getting there but i got there. lol

i LOVE trans sibierian orchestra too! beautiful music :)

i will post about ur fund raiser on my blog and email u the link when i am finished posting it.

happy monday ashly!

miglet said...

I don't know if I can come up with 35...

Maybe I'll try but I think my list tops out at like 13.