Thursday, December 28, 2017

2017 Toys for Tots fundraiser Results

Here is the final Toys for Tots post for 2017! 

This year was my biggest year yet for the fundraiser! We raised just over $1,000 and got just over 200 toys! I LOVE doing this each year and am so happy I took the chance to see what would happen that first year back in 2009. It's a lot of work but it's so worth it and I couldn't do it on such a large scale without so many awesome people supporting my fundraiser by donating their hard earned dollars and also by promoting this on their own social media platforms. I appreciate everyone that helps me with this every year so much! I really wouldn't be able to buy this many toys without all of you helping out.

This years totals:

212 toys

That averages out to under $5 per toy. I'm so serious every year when I say it only takes $5 to make a difference and help. 

Over the last 9 years, here's the total of toys I've purchased with the funds raised:

2009: 83 toys
2010: 103 toys
2011: 132 toys
2012: 146 toys
2013: 140 toys
2014: 95 toys
2015: 184 toys
2016: 161 toys

2017: 212 toys 

That's 1,256 kids that received a toy on Christmas morning thanks to everyone's generosity. 

If you want to see final results of the fundraiser from years passed, you can check all of those out here:

The final results from 2009: Here
The final results from 2010: Here
The final results from 2011: Here
The final results from 2012: Here
The final results from 2013: Here
The final results from 2014: Here

The final results from 2015: Here
The final results from 2016: Here

Ready for some 2017 pictures?

If you want to see the full album then just *click here* to take a look at the Toys for Tots 2017 album.

I want to say thank you (again) to those of you that donated this year. Whether it was the first year you donated or the third or the ninth, thank you so much! Whether it was $5, $10, $25, $50 or more; it doesn't matter. I appreciate it and I know the families that benefit from Toys for Tots doing what they do appreciate it, too. I have so much fun being able to do this. I've donated to Toys for Tots since I was a little kid and my mom let us each buy a couple toys of our choosing to give to them and kept doing so for as long as I can remember. So blame her for getting me started into this one. ;) Doing it on such a large scale the last 9 years has been so awesome. I couldn't do it without all of your help so thank you!

Until next year!


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