I hate when a girl finds out I'm bisexual and then turns every look put in her direction as me checking her out. That is so annoying. Then they are either freaked out, uncomfortable or bitchy about it. Honey, I'm amused that you think yourself so damn good looking that you assume everyone must be checking you out for no one can resist you. Here in the real world, outside of your head away from your imagination and conceited outlook, that just isn't how it is.
How hard is it to say "please", "thank you" and "excuse me" people? It doesn't seem hard to me. I grew up getting scolded if I didn't say please and thank you. I got scolded for not having basic manners. I still have them. I'll be polite to everyone a few times but if I'm around you often enough, like at work, and I find that you're a rude asshole, don't expect me to keep my manners in tact very long. Don't call me rude either because you think you deserve to be treated nice and polite even though you don't treat other people that way.
Now that I'm done bitching about people....
I've got issues going on with my body, more specifically my lower back and my pelvic region. The pain is so bad that I'm having trouble walking at times. When one of the spasms hits, it's almost enough to bring me to the ground. I have a high pain tolerance but this shit is HELL. We think we know what it is but I don't want to say anything until I know. No worries, I don't think it's anything life threatening. ;) I'm going Tuesday or Wednesday hopefully to get it figured out and hopefully get what I need to take care of some of this awful pain. *Sigh* Send me good energy please, I think I could use some, lol.
Thanks for all the comments on my HNT yesterday y'all! I appreciate it! Thanks for the few comments on the new header picture and the slight layout changes. I had no intention on changing the header picture but I ran across the one up there now and decided I had to use it for something. Voila. I love it. =)
Have A Great
Weekend Y'all!
Weekend Y'all!
Argh I so hear you on the manners thing. It is such a small thing that makes such a big difference. Also ever noticed that when you say 'please', thanks' and 'welcome' it makes you smile?
That pain sounds baaad... I'm hoping its not a uti/kidney infection thing because oh GOD the agony. So I'm sending you not just good energy, but sprightly, rejuvenating energy. Get that into ya ;)
GOOD ENERGY COMING YOUR WAY! I hope whatever it is that it's minor and easily fixed!
I hear you on the manners. Its not difficult to be polite. I hope you get the back, pelvic thing worked out.
BTW: I love your new design. How do you get to be able to use the left side for stuff? Which template is it?
Aww, It’s ok. I understand. You’re in total denial right now. I get it.
You can’t bring yourself to tell people you’re waiting to meet my sweet ass;) You’re saving yourself for me. I completely get it! I promise! :D
I’m great for you. I don’t know the meaning of the word conceited (I’m blonde, is it surprising?!) I was raised not to be rude, until someone is rude first, and even then I find it hard. I have bad allergies, so I guess sometimes I’m a little snotty, but it’s nothing a little Kleenex can’t handle. I don’t have a “bitch” bone in my body. I think catty is immature, and last I checked, I graduated kindergarten quite a number of years ago, and I’m too short to be a princess. Condescending – I’ll work out the meaning and get back to you..hehe
although, when someone tells me they are bisexual, I can't help but wonder if they are checking me out, only cause, well, I wonder if I'm pretty enough to attract the attention of a girl, since I never attracted the attention of boys.. but I don't let on I'm thinking it! I'd be afraid you'd laugh at me....
get checked out, and keep us posted. I hope it's nothing too serious..
just a thought: my cysts give me pain in my lower back and pelvis.. just saying... it's enough to bring me to my knees.. and it comes in waves as well until they're ready to burst....
My girlfriends and I were JUST having this conversation about 30 minutes ago. Additionally, we bitched about the guys who think they can "fix" you.
Honey, I can so sympathize with you. I'm not sure which is worse, straight girls that get weird or gay girls that avoid you. Blah. :0P
I HATE when people think I want a piece just because I'm bi. Girls think I'm ogling them and guys think I'm all trashy and will put out for show, its creepy. I am bi because I am, not because I'm all horny.... Cudos on speaking your mind.
Rude folks make me livid. I hate when they shove me with carts in the supermarket the absolute most.
My ex g/f had pain like that, she needed to get an rx for some naproxen/estrogen mix and she had to take it when she ovulated and when she menstruated. I'm not sure what her issue was called but the pills fixed it right up...
Sorry that there are so many hags pissing you off out there in the world AR. Fuck them all!
I hope you feel better. I am not a doctor of any type (which is surprising, because I've had just about every other damn job in the world) so I can't offer any type of prognosis, diagnosis or any nosis.
Nonetheless, I hope whatever is causing you pain gets taken care of and you feel better soon. :)
Even if you are hot, if you have a shitty attitude or carry yourself in a shitty manner, well that just makes you ugly
Preach on, sista!
I hope things work out with the " body issues"/ Good luck.
I also hate how girls react when they find out you're bi. I mean, straight people don't find everybody of the opposite sex attractive and gay people don't find everybody of the same sex attractive. Some people are morons.
And this is why every day of my life I am saying to my kids ~u um~ then they reply ~please or thank you or excuse me~ or whatever else is appropriate.
The pain, oh I so hope it is not kidney stones, I passed one a week for three weeks last summer, and I do believe, according to the scan, that I still have one in there. Not fun!
crossing my fingers for you
Grr- People can be so ignorant! i think what you've described is exactly why i still have a hard time discussing my sexuality openly.
hope you have a good weekend ..:)
People without manners were raised poorly, but come on they could at least be nice.
My kids might be window licking short bussers but they will have good manners, no they will have excellent manners.
lol@ bisexual rant!
Love the header pic but i think i said that down below already.
Sorry to hear about your back pain. I'm no doctor, but how's yourpotassium intake? I know from running that low potassium causes muscle spasms as I do get cramps in my feet after long runs. It has also helped with my lower back pain.
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