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Okay enough with the dots! Lol.
I give you..............................................
Isn't he fucking adorable? Anyone who knows me and anyone who reads my blog enough KNOWS that I
*Happy Sigh* On to the weirdness. =)
1. When your relationships end, are you the instigator of the breakup or the recipient?
I've never been broken up with. Every relationship I've had, I've been the one to end things. Even the casual ones, I have always been the one to break things off.
2. Do you save things from your ex, or get rid of them? If you save them, how? If you trash them, how?
If it's gifts like CD's, DVD's, books or a television... well it would just be silly to trash those things. =D
Jewelry... I got a few bracelets and one necklace from ex-boyfriends and those ended up given back or thrown out in some way.
Pictures and clothing were usually burned or just thrown away. Clothing was usually just shirts that were used by me as sleep shirts that they didn't want back.
Letters, cards and other random things were also burned or just thrown away.
3. Describe your favorite ex?
I only have one ex that I like. We call him Civic. We dated and everything but we were better off as friends and didn't stay together long. We're still friends and talk once or twice every few months. It's funny because I think that my mom thinks he broke my heart and in all reality, I was the one who ended things with him and I was also the one who wasn't the nicest about ending things in the first place. This was such a long time ago though. =)
4. Do you consider a friend's ex off limits?
Usually, yes. I think in certain circumstances, it would be okay. If the friend is more of an acquaintance, sure. If it's a good or close friend, then their ex is off limits.
5. Have you ever had sex with an ex? Why?
Yes. I did with two ex's after we were broken up or after we had been broken up for a while. Why? Not because I wanted them back or because they wanted me back. It wasn't for any emotional reason. It was just sex. Plain and simple. I already knew them and knew I could trust them as opposed to going out and hooking up with a random stranger. It wasn't anything more than just having sex.
6. If you had a choice between spending the rest of your life with your worst ex-boyfriend, or your HS Nemesis, who would you choose?
I have no high school nemesis but for the sake of the question, I'm going to pretend I do. I imagine I would prefer by worst ex honestly. Mainly because I could make his life miserable and probably have fun doing it, if only for a little while. I imagine I would get tired of it after a while and grow bored with him. The nemesis thing would probably be too much of a headache to want to deal with. Plus, I don't actually hate my worst ex. I just don't like him. I don't harbor any real hate or anything for him. I could probably get along with him after I got done having fun being a pest for a while. I doubt if I had this nemesis that it would be so easy.
7. Would you ever create a YouTube video or a website celebrating your exes' flaws?
No. None of them are worth that much of my time or efforts.
Happy Wednesday Y'all! =)
LUV this!!!! I frickin 100% agree w/ U, babe, that yes U really do have an amazing boyfriend. This is sooooooooo dang cute. ; )
Awwwww..... makes me totally smile. Very very much. : )
I just had 2 say that. Heck, I didnt even read your WW answers bc I was just so happy*excited over this Bat*Bear of yours. ; )
Okay, I'll go back & read your answers now tho. ; ) *giggle*
Luv ya hun ; )
Oooh and oh yah! Your silly*cute bubblegum bubble pic too. I luv that & forgot to say before. U are so dang flippin cute!
Ok.... now I'm *really* gonna read your WW answers now....
: )
Great answers. I love the Bear, its so cute!!!
Great boyfriend, he is a keeper!
You have never been broken up with before? How do you achieve that?
In my opinion the friends ex is not so clear cut black and white but I respect your stance.
I am happy to see that you seem to have the same substance for your #5 answer. I was afraid I would come off whoreish with my answer.
I enjoyed your Weirdness answers! I played for a second time on my blog this week.
Now to your gift. I am a Superman and Spider Man lover myself. I do not care much for Batman BUT your Bat Bear is very adorable! Very cute!
You are so lucky to have a boyfriend who gets you such thoughtful, original gifts! I do love the things my man purchases me for gifts but they are rather generic things such as clothing, shoes and perfume. This is very sweet, thoughtful and original! Lucky girl! May I inquire about the occasion for the gift? You didn't mention anything about that.
I think Batbear is awesome! By the way...I have a gift I am preparing for you...You will get a message about it soon enough.
cool bear.
Goliath is doing good!!
Atta boy!
Good answers!
LOL! To cute!!
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