Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hello! :)

So I haven't posted in a week now. I have a crapload of e-mails from lots of y'all wanting to know where I've been and if I'm alright. So that's cool and thanks y'all. ;) I'm fine, been fine and all is well. I had an issue with my laptop's power chord going out on me last week and it took me a week to get it replaced about. I'm back now and I'll reply to all the e-mails later tonight probably. Thanks again for checking up on me people. ;)

I'm skipping TMIT for today. Great questions but I'm just not interested in messing with it today, lol.

This weekend was pretty cool. I worked and went to two parties. The parties were decent enough. My Texas friends are way more fun though. ;) Just the way we interact and the stuff we do in general is more fun but it's not so bad hanging out with people around here too. I'm probably just biased but whatever. ;)

We have the NHL Center Ice package on DirecTV and I fucking love it. =) I've got to watch most of my Stars game. Monday's game against the Rangers didn't record buuuut we WOOOOON!!!!!! YAYYYY!!!! :D <3

Monday night at work SUCKED. I was not even in a good mood when I got off but I called my boyfriend and talked to him which perked me up. I just really cannot stand to work with a certain person. She's really the only that too. I just want to punch her in her face anytime I have to work with her. I try to ignore her but her being constantly on someone's ass is hard to ignore, especially if you're the one she wants to bother. Why is your phone on? Why isn't your phone in your locker? Why aren't you starting your closing duties two hours before close? How come you went 90 seconds over on your break? Or question on why you do this a certain why and why don't you do that this way instead because it's easier that way and blah blah blah. I know how to do my job, I don't need her or anyone else telling me what I need to do, how to do it and when to do it. Fuck off bitch. :)

Ahem... :)

I got some orange glow bracelts! They were a big dollar at Wal-Mart. I was in there Monday night after work getting shower gel, razor blades, body soap and all that good stuff. I, of course, had to check out the Halloween aisles. I found all the glow sticks, glow barecelts, glow necklaces and all that stuff. I said I would only stick to the things I actually needed but I figured one package of 3 glow bracelets was one dollar so whatever, lol. I can't resist those things. They only had pink glowsticks that I saw so I passed. I'm going back to check for more with my tip money Thursday night, lol. :D

Today and tomorrow are my days off. No trips to the dentist though so hell yeah. I'm going shopping with my mom, sister and youngest brother. I'm finally going to buy some new work shoes. Or I'll buy running shoes and keep wearing the same dingy DC's that I have been wearing. I need to look for a heavy hoodie too. Or something. It's getting fucking cold here at night and I don't have anything that will work for that, lol.

Okay, so I have a question. It's part curiosity and part point. I would like to know what kind of body lotion everyone out there uses. Whether you use something for making your dry skin softer. Something to make your oily skin less oily. Good smelling stuff? Scentless stuff? Organic? Sensitive skin? If you use it just to smell nice. If you only use hand cream or if you smooth it on certain points or all over. What kind of lotion do you use and what does it do for you? Please share. :) I do have a reason for asking, other than curiosity, I'll share my point later on, once I get some answers. :)

That's all I have for today. Don't forget Wednesday Weirdness tomorrow! ;)

Happy Tuesday y'all!


KBear said...

right now, I use palmer's cocoa butter lotion, to help avoid stretch marks:)

I like St. Ives. They have a wide variety to help from aging skin to fine lines and they smell soooo good!

I've also used Aveeno, which is great cause it has oatmeal in it which is REALLY good for your skin.

Mostly, I choose between these few rules: it has to smell nice, it can't leave me greasy, and it has to moisturize my skin, since I'm at the point where really taking care of your skin will help me in the long run later in life:)

Jormengrund said...

Well, it's good to see that you're still alive and kicking!

To be honest, as a guy I don't use much in the way of lotions, and the ones that I _do_ use really don't help much with your skin, sorry!

Anyway, my advice? Kick the smart-assed girl's ass, and then tell her how much better she could have done if she'd shut up, and done HER job instead of both of yours!

Anyway, have a great Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

Glad your back!!

I use Oil of Olay Anti aging for my face moisturizer and then Bath and Body works for lotions. or Aveeno. Soap I prefer Oil of Olay as well cause it cleans really well and smells nice without drying you out, plus it's Anti aging as well so hopefully it is helping keep me wrinkle free. lol Probably wasting my money but it makes me feel better. :)


Barney said...

Glad to have you back!!!

Aveeno works great, that's what my daughter uses cuz she has really really dry skin and eczyma (sp?) and it works great for that.

Me.. I use Avon Moisture Therapy "intesive" cuz my hands are always really dry at work...
At home, I use Bath & Body works - cucumber melon.. I just love the smell of it...

Hope you have a great week!

Anonymous said...

one of the email was mine

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

Good to hear you're still up and about.

I usually don't use lotion, because I have a whacko theory that it takes away your skin's natural ability to produce moisture (kinda like the theory behind drug addiction withdrawals).

But if my skin is intolerably dry (in the winter after shaving), I'll use the Oil of Olay in-shower body moisture stuff. It's mostly mineral oil.

Another Suburban Mom said...

I use stuff to make my skin softer. I had tons of Johnson & Johnson's relaxing baby lotion, but now that we have used that, I can use my favorite. Vanilla Bean Noel from Bath and Body Works. I love that stuff. It makes me smell like a sugar cookie and Hubman loves it.

Genevieve said...

Jormengrund said it all about the stupid one at work. As far as I'm concerned, if what the floor and bar staff are doing is getting the end result, (happy customers, revenue and a clean workspace) let it be. If it ain't broke, don't frigging fix it!! Then give her a kaPOW and a kerBAM. Y'know... for dramatic effect ;)

As for body lotions, the only ones I use are when I get really dry skin or am feeling a little albino. Instead of an oily moisturiser or smelly orange fake tan I'll use Dove tinted moisturiser. It soaks in and takes the glow-in-the-dark edge off.

Kristine Kate said...

Hi! I haven't here for a long time. I wanted to ask a favor If you could change TravelogQueen to Life and Love [http://carakate83.blogspot.com] someone made fun of that site and posted my photos. A stupid man hacked my account. kindly change TravelogQueen to Life and Love to your blogroll if its okay. Thanks!

Cara Kate

Hubman said...

I was gonna comment but the wifey beat me to it! I love the vanilla bean stuff she mentioned. Works great, not greasy, and smells awesome!

The Bizza said...

I use whatever lotion Bookie buys to sooth my dry, ashy, cracked skin.

It's also just the bee's knees when it comes to masturbation, superior to vaseline, baby-oil, and Crisco.

- said...

Bath & Body Works Vanilla Bean Noel like ASM said is sugar sweet yummy. I like B & B's cheery blossom too.

Sparkly lotion? Make me Starlit Victoria's Secret. LOVE that stuff.

For sunburns? I use Neutrogena Hand cream. Super thick but it wont make me ever peel if I keep using it.

I have dry skin on my face so I hafto use Cetaphil mositurizing cream (not lotion) ... otherwise my face gets all dry & icky.

I like lotions and stuff (lol) but I'll stop here. I have WAY too many; but I luv 'em. All for different reasons. I'm a big ol lotion whore. *giggles*

phairhead said...

Olay Body Quench. I don't know about you but I have extra dry skin and this helps ever so much. Or try any of The Body Shop Body Butter flavours, I like Almond the best. The scent isn't too overpowering like Bath & Bodyworks stuff.