Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hockey HNT <3

The first game of the 2008/2009 hockey season for my Dallas Stars is Friday night, October 10th! I've been paying attention to the training camp and pre-season hoopla but the 10th is the day I've been looking forward to most. Oh hell yeah. I may be 2,000 some odd miles away in California but I still love my Stars. I'm even wanting to go see them when they road trip out here to play San Jose or maybe Anaheim. I will happily take my ass, clad in Stars shirt and all, into the opposing arena and deal with the mass of Californian hockey fans around me. *grin* I love hockey season. I have to work Friday night but y'all know I'll have people texting me game updates while I work. ;) I'll also hopefully to be able to watch the game later if we can DVR it, which should be no problem. If it gets DVR'd, I will be telling people not to text me so I can watch the game after I get off work. Woohoo. I'm excited. *happy sigh*

Also, I'm loving my iPod. I only have 267 songs out of my tons and tons of music downloaded on to it so far but it's greatness so far. :)


Happy Thursday!!!


Osbasso said...

Who doesn't love the Stars??

Pepper said...

Is someone excited about the start of hockey season?

Anonymous said...

oh my oh my!! Wow, great shot.


Anonymous said...

Well until I clicked I didn't have a fave hockey team.

Goooooooooo Starsssssssssssss


Vixen said...

Loooooooooove the click though!!!

happyHNT babe! x o

Anonymous said...

Oh My God! All I could think when I saw the click through was "Damn, that cord is lucky" ^_^ Great pics.

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

*Wistful Sigh*

Well, *I'm* excited about hockey now. :)

Anonymous said...

lol I have a few female friends that love hockey, too, I think it's cute ;) They are pretty hardcore fans, too!

Nice surprise with the click through... I love your ipod too :P

Mojo said...

Oh I so wanted to see the Stars take out the Wings last spring... And I really thought they had a shot at it. But I think that triple OT against the Sharks ran them out of gas... they weren't quite the same after that game.

Best of luck to Mike, Brendan and the boys... except for the March 12th game against my Canes that is.

And thanks for another delightful HNT!

Anonymous said...

I like your stars....

Anonymous said...

Love the clickie! Sexy...


Anonymous said...

Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

I love the pic, but the graphics below are crackin me up... rawr and stuff.. hee hee

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

blech.. stars.. blech..


and the click thru is hot *licks*

Pronto said...

oh. your click

girl, girl, girl.......

Average Chick said...

For some reason I want to go to Texas now :)


Ashly Star said...

Tons of people, but they're silly. ;)

P. and S.:
Just a little bit.

Southern Sage:
Haha! Hell yes! :)

Ms. Inconspicuous:
Wistful? hmm... :)
Good! ;) Lol.

Ha, that's awesome. I know three other chicks who are hardcore hockey fans as well. Fun times. :)
Thanks! ;)

You and me both! I wanted them to take Detroit down so badly. They were a bit off after that Sharks game. Geez, that one was amazing. I couldn't believe both teams were just going and going like that.
Heh, thank you!

Bad Bad Girl:
;) Lol.

Thank you! I love that little dinosaur graphic. :)

Meh, the Sens aren't a bad team but meh. :) I'd only cheer against them if it came down to them playing my STARS :D
Heh, thank you! ;)

Average Chick:
I wonder why... Lol. :)
Thank you!

CowGirl, Vixen, dragonmage, Mariposa, *sweet* cops wife & Pronto:
Thank you! :D

Anonymous said...

I was hoping for that surprise!! We don't have pro hockey here, but I like going to the lower league since it's cheaper and just as fun.

- said...

Those crazy California Duck fans wont bother your ass. Youre too sexy is why ; ) They'll gladly letcha cheer for your Stars!!! I'm just sure of it. *giggles*

Holyhell chickie- I'm loving your SPIRITEDness. Yah thats it : ) You're way too damn sexy. Seriously. Sheesh.

You wear the Stars tee perfectly! Happy HNT hot stuff!

267 songs huh? *giggle* You're sooooooooo flippin cute; I just luv ya like crazy. I'm happy you have your ipod. I'm addicted 2 mine too.

PS: I like your necklace too, btw. Sassy-cute-pretty. Luv it ; )


smarmoofus said...

I saw stars!

Happy HNT!

Mike said...

Oh My, i`ve just come over all faint, may i rest my head there please? ;)
A very HHNT

Hubman said...

Your cleavage never ceases to amaze me! Good lord that click-thru is awesome :-)

Dana said...

Well, I'm loving the stars, and I don't follow hockey!

Great shot!

impy said...

I have stars in my eyes and the last thing I bloody noticed was th ipod cord lol ... crazy, sexy fun click through! xx


An Artist Exposed said...

Stunning click-through... one for the HNT Hall Of Fame! HHNT!

Dangerous Lilly said...

I like seeing stars ;)

Hockey is one of the few sports I'll watch, it seems to require more skill and stamina and all that than ones like baseball and football, which seem to be alot of standing around.

Carnalis said...

Hurrah!!! for our music :D (and going back to click!)

Happy HNT

Big Kahuna said...

Hey AR - You do a nice job filling out that jersey :-)

Being here in the land of the "North Stars", I hear many people here state that Dallas doesn't have any real hockey fans - you prove them wrong.

The Stars/Wild games are always a hoot up here, given the history of the teams up here.

If you ever road trip up to the 'Xcel' let me know - Babushka and I will gladly join you pre-game and gladly hang with a fan of the 'former team' :-)

Jennybean said...

Yay Hockey!
(boo for stealing the Stars though)
Yay Boobies!

Anonymous said...

I had trouble getting to the click through. The server really didn't want to show me. I had to reconfigure my browser to use a proxy server before I could get to see it.

Worth all the trouble, though :-)

I keep seeing Americans using the term "Hockey Mom", but I don't know what it means. I'm now guessing it is something to do with magnificent breasts.

Richard, Shhh... said...

In AF Nav School, we had to memorize 41 of the 43 navigational stars to pass Night Celestial. To help our memories, the instructor would "re-name" constellations like "Corona Borealis" as "The Great Boob!" But, I never woulda forgotten YOURS!

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know much about hockey, but when it comes to boobs...Rockin!

bookbinder said...

I'm normally a Rangers fan, but not today. Go Stars!

Maeve said...

You made a hockey jergey look good...
That is some interesting mp3 player...

JW said...

It took one American to put me off hockey; it takes just one other to remind me why it's worth watching ;)

Happy HNT!

Jormengrund said...

The Stars aren't bad, but I still will root on my Devils!

Best of luck this season!


LushlyMe said...

Excellent! HHNT!

Anonymous said...

Temper and I love Hockey, and this makes me like it even more!

Happy HNT!

The Ethical Slut said...

My parents are BIG stars fans. I love hockey!


Another Suburban Mom said...

Baby, you are making me love hockey! Happy HNT!

Greg and Sheryl said...

Coincidentally, your Stars were here in Denver last night to play the Avalanche.

Your breasts are magnificent.


Kittie Kate said...

Wow! Love that click thru!

Happy HNT!

Cate said...

I am jealous!


Cate xxx

Ms. Lily said...

Happy belated HNT!! OMG, what a clicky that is girl. So sexy.

d2b said...

That click made me take a deep breath ;)

Happy HNT!!!

Anonymous said...

A day late but just had to pop in and say WOW at the clickie! I feel like a boy now!! :)

HS said...

WOW! Filling up very very nice...

HHNT (a day late!)

Anonymous said...

I get it! Dallas Stars' logo on the shirt...then stars on the necklace (yes, I actually noticed the necklace) ;)
