My friend pissed me off this morning. Telling me about his drunk driving over the weekend and how he almost wrecked his car. I've never got behind the wheel once when I've been drunk. I don't fucking do it. I was in a car accident when I was 5 that was caused by a drunk driver. I almost died. Doctors were amazed that I lived through it given what happened. I got to be in a wheelchair for a little bit once I wasn't in the hospital anymore. I still have physical issues that are results of things that happened in that accident so long ago. I fucking hate people who drive drunk. Don't justify it to me in any way. Don't try and tell me instances where it's okay or doesn't hurt anyone. I will argue to the end of the earth, standing absolutely firm in my belief that you don't get behind the wheel of a car when you're drunk.
I was talking to another friend of mine and we got into some deep early morning conversation. It was a little too deep for it being so early but meh. We just got to talking about things and I relate so well with him because we're so damn much alike in how we handle things emotionally and mentally. He's having a hard time right now but I can relate because it's something I've gone through before and I know where he's at and really feel for him. He got so open and emotional though, it really was almost more than I could handle at such an early hour but I tried. He didn't need advice anyway. Just someone to listen and someone to understand. I did pretty good with that part. He said he felt better so that made me feel a little better. I was still feeling sad for him after we said bye though.
I just had the realization on Sunday that I'm coming to be able to go see Transporter 3 when it comes out. Eeeeep! Yes! <3>
Try to have a Happy Monday Y'all!
Transporter 3? When? Statham in it?
We saw Madagascar 2 on Saturday. It was the first time in YEARS that we have been to the movies as an entire family. My husband has taken them to see stuff, I have taken them, but all 4 of was a treat. We smuggled in popcorn and drinks to make it affordable (shhhhhh).
have fun at the movies!
When I was 20, the car I was in was hit head on by a drunk assbag who was driving north in the southbound lanes.
I was seriously injured, but the accident took the life of my best friend who was driving.
For taking her life, he was sentenced to 3 years in prison, of which he served 18 fucking months. He was 64 years old, and it was his 3rd offense.
I still have the scars from the accident, and spent a good year of living with my head up my ass because I felt guilty for being the one to survive.
I wish everyone would have your opinion on driving drunk. The pain you can cause from just ONE time can be felt for far longer than you can imagine.
Ugh! What gives people the idea that the have the right to ruin innocent lives by driving drunk I will never know!
Yeah, DD isn't good.
I am SO happy that in a week you are going to get to see your man (I know I have said that before, but..I am happy for you..it's been a long time coming!)
I am so glad you get to see your boyfriend soon. There is nothing better than reuniting with someone you love.
i like your blog......
Man, I'm sooooo behind that I stopped commenting so I can catch up...but I felt compelled to stop here and say I totally empathize with you on your stance on driving under the influence. I've ended friendships with those who admitted to having drove home under the influence or got busted for it. Far easier for me to move on. Cold, I know...but I don't associate with irresponsible and reckless people.
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