I also spent some money in Bath & Body Works. I also purchased my first gift for Giftsmas. Or Christmas, if you like. I hate Giftsmas shopping. I was in there getting some lotion for me, using my coupon for a free item with the purchase of any one item. Pretty sweet deal there. I got a $10 gift card for spending 30 bucks and a $10 off thing for the next purchase. Plus I got $15 whacked off my total that day. I saw something in there perfect for someone and decided why not, you have to start sometime. So I did. Now I'm dreading doing anything else, lol.
I got a couple new bras and another pair of pajama bottoms at another store. I mentioned on Tuesday that pajama bottoms and lingerie are a guilty pleasure of mine. Except, I actually needed some new over the shoulder boulder holders but I had been delaying buying new ones until I could find something good, fitting and reasonably priced. The pajama bottoms were only $8 so I didn't feel bad buying them even though I didn't really need them. I have so many pairs of those things already. They're so comfy though! ;)
I also got a bunch of glow bracelets and glow necklaces. They were discounted leftovers from Halloween. I got 6 multicolored three-packs for $3. Don't ask what I do with them all. I seriously just randomly wear them whenever I feel like it. I love those things, lol. Speaking og Halloween... Since I didn't get around to this "on time" for the holiday.... Lol.
For Halloween this year, I was the devil. :) I didn't have much of a budget to work with so I just did my own make-up with make-up I already had laying around in my cosmetics bag. I love doing my own costumes anyway. Last year for work, I dressed up as a "Fashion Disaster" as my costume. I put on several different layers of clothes and accessories. I did my hair unevenly. I wore a hat that didn't match the clothes I wore. I did my make-up horribly in all kinds of colors that didn't match. I looked awful! It was great. I'm not a fashionable type of girl anyway and my biggest problem doing that costume last year was adding things of color in there. Most of my clothing is black. I bought a few very cheap things to use for it but even with that, it was still much less than buying a costume. And absolutely NO ONE else had the same costume as me. That's another reason why I love doing my own costumes. You don't see anyone with yours. It's cheaper. It's more fun for me too. Anyway, back to this year. I was the devil. See a couple pictures below to see how I looked. ;)
- Yes I have black lipstick. I didn't have to buy any for my costume, lol. Maybe I'll show off some pre-red make-up shots where it's my pale self with all the black make-up on. Maybe. ;) -

Happy Thursday!!!
looking very spooky there girly!
"Homemade" costumes are much better.
Remind me to show you some of my Stanley Cup Final makeup jobs...
But whatever color you put on 'em, those lips are still tres kissable!
YOU are absolutely adorable my luv
Ugh, I dread shopping. I'm pretty sure 90% of mine is going to be online this year.
All the Christmas stuff out in the stores already makes me wanna puke.
Happy HNT!!
Very devilish!
If I had one comment to make, it'd be something sick, so I'll just stick to the "Great Costume!" line..
lovely lips,
and, as always, a stunning click-thru,
(i am a fan of the 'girls')
You make an awesome Devil..... :)
Loooove the costume. :)
Wow! We didn't expect what we got on the click-thru, but we certainly liked it!
Someday, we'd love to see a pic of you rollerblading. Happy HNT!
Gotta say I'm a pretty huge fan of the click thru! ;)
Great pic! A "horny" little devil?
Lovin the click thru!
I really like to rollerblade too, and none of my friends do. I always go alone.
Wanna go with me? ;)
Oh my, you know it's been far too long since I've been smeared with black lipstick. ;)
Yay for hugely discounted after-H'ween sales! Luuuuuuuuuuv those, you can really rack up on some ultra cool goodies!
Oh so devilish lil get-up you threw together, too! - I really like the 1st pic with the horns and your eyes. Very expressive!
I, too, own black lipstick.
Yay for us wicked chicks, lol!
HHNT and belated HNH! =)
*giggle* You are such the little devil!
Love the click through pic.
Nice ;-).
Happy HNT!
Great pictures!! Great costume!! Great, uh, click-thru ;)
lol at "boulder holders"!
But given your anatomy, entirely accurate!
I really like this ;)
Happy HNT!!!
Yay devil horns rawk! Hehe I wore some shiny purple ones last year and forgot they were on my head and went down the local store and wondered why I was getting odd smiles lol, hope you had a fun halloween xxx
Very cool pics AR, belated HHNT!
I love that lipstick color! It looks great on you.
Nice "surprise" too. ;)
Happy HNT!
Boo and a lovely set of pumpkins!!! You are one sexy chick!!
That is an amazing devil costume! Love it!
I wish I were better w/ make-up. I'm so boring w/ it. Same ol' same ol'.
Sounds like a great shopping trip. I have a good coupon for B&BW, too. :) I need to get there eventually.
you make a very appealing devil
I can't see the click-through! Whaah!
And I'm sure the devil has all the best click-throughs.
You look really cool with a read face and I don't think I've see red boobies before either.
Nonetheless you are sexy as always and especially so in your costume!
Happy HNT
Grr i have been trying to comment on this for 2 day on my blackberry but it just was not cooperating... anyway...
You are a very sexy devil indeed! i really wanna *try* rollerblading but i am old school- great at rollerskating and not so sure about the whole in-line thing lol...belated happy HNT!
u always rock the HNT's
I see the horns but the devil is in your eyes, ur killin the black lipstick too!!
Little devilish you! Beautiful as usual!
Happy belated HNT!
'over the shoulder boulder holder'!!!! ha, I haven't heard that since high school...I love it! And it certainly applys to you ;)
Looking good there devil...I didn't dress up :(
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