That reminds me of a story though! Once, when I was 18 a friend and I went into Target. This guy's ex-girlfriend worked as a day stocker in electronics but mostly she had to keep electronics organized and help customers. At this time, they had been broken up about a week and they had broken up because he had caught her sucking one of her co-workers off behind the building near the end of her shift one day. He had been picking her up that night anyway since she didn't drive but had shown up early to surprise her with some special teddy bear candy combo thing she had been wanting. So he shows up early and some sly co-worker lets it go that she's on a break and wandered off to the back of the building to smoke a cigarette. So he goes around and she's sucking and working her mouth around something very different from a cigarette. I digress. We're in the store during her shift and we casually look around electronics to see if she's there. She is so we wait a little, lurking around for her to move a couple aisles away. Luckily, someone called her over to ask some questions and we took off to the alarm clocks. I know a lot of you see where this is going since it's totally annoying and you've no doubt been inside a store when this has happened because some asshole thought he was being funny or just wanted to piss people off. Anyway, we hit the alarm clocks and set them all to go off within 1 to 3 minutes of each other and made sure we had the volume up loud. For the plain alarm clocks, it just got set to whatever random buzzer was there. For the alarm clock and radio combos though, we turned them to the end of the dial where it would come on in that loud annoying static crap. Volume up and we took off and went to browse Cd's. Far enough away to hide but close enough to hear and be able to watch. Within minutes, the alarm clocks were going off. His ex had to go turn them all off. She waited around in the aisle, looking around as if trying to find the culprit. We meandered through the Cd's and DVDs, my friend being slightly paranoid and checking over his shoulder every so often to make sure we weren't spotted. We waited about 10 minutes and then his ex was gone again to help someone with something. We went back, did the annoying shit with the alarm clocks and hid in the CD and DVD section again. After a minute, they started going off again. Luckily, not many people were over there, I think only two plus a kid playing on one of the video game consoles. She went again and turned off all the alarms. She waited around, looking again as if the culprit would pop out of a shelf and take the blame. We had to wait a little longer for her to be busy again to sneak back there and do it a third time. We did and we almost got busted that time but made it back to our "hiding" spot. We waited again for them to start going off. They did and his ex looked pissed this time. She stomped over to the alarm clocks and shut them all off again. She waited and then walked around a few aisles. That time she eyed the kid playing on the video game console suspiciously since he was then the only one back there. He hadn't moved an inch from his game and I suppose she realized that. This time, she stood at the front of the aisle with the alarms and paced around a little bit. My friend and I slinked off and I went to get the make-up, socks and toiletries I had come for in the first place. We made our way back by electronics and she was busy showing a lady video games and trying to help her find the one she was looking for. We went back for the alarms a last time. Got it done with no problems and then headed back across the way to the Cd's and DVDs. I found a couple Cd's that I'd actually wanted that were all under $10 each and added them to my stuff. Then the alarms went off again. His ex stomped away, turned them off and unplugged most of them. She looked around again as if the guilty trickster would drop from the ceiling or crawl out from beneath a shelf and own up to be the obnoxious little ass messing with the alarm clocks. No such luck. Luckily she was not the sharpest tool in the shed or we probably wouldn't have been able to do that so many times and get away with it. Luckily there were hardly any customers back there too because I'm sure if there had been, someone would have complained and then we'd have been caught or wouldn't have been able to do it beyond once or twice. Anyway, I paid for my stuff and we left.
Later that night, we (me, him and another friend) were out getting food and ran into his ex. She came over to our table and told us about the alarm clock fiasco. Except she was freaked out about it because she thought the alarms were just freaking out and thought maybe a ghost or evil spirit had been doing it. She said that no one had hardly been back there at all at the times when they would go back off again and she claimed to have kept that aisle under close watch after the second time. She said she never saw anyone go back there at all and never saw anyone go near anything. So she was sufficiently shook up about it thinking they had ghosts or maybe even poltergeists fucking around with the alarm clocks. I was sitting there biting and chewing on my lips because I wanted to laugh to bad. My friend just sat there offering her sympathy and kept a straight face the entire time. I don't know how because I was dying. I did feel a little bad though since she was pretty freaked out about it but meh, oh well. :)
YB turns 14 this weekend! I can't believe my youngest brother is 14 (close enough) already! I swear he just turned 9 like 5 days ago or something. Sheesh. He's such a sweet kid though. He's a stubborn little pet at times but he's so caring and has such a good heart. I love that kid. :) Sometimes I hate how time seems to fly by so quickly though.
They have these silly little applications on myspace. Some are games, some are quizzes, some are ... other things, lol. Anyway, there is one little game I've gotten addicted to messing around with here lately. It's so cute but it's absolutely ridiculous and I feel like a little loser for playing it. I can't help it though. It's amusing, cute and best of all it kills time and provides distraction when I want to ignore other things I could be doing.
GO STARS! They don't play tonight but I wanted to throw that out there anyway. :) They do play tomorrow night against Edmonton though. Whoo! I'm off on Saturday night y'all! Yep, you read that right. I think this is the first ever Saturday night I've had off in the 6 months I've been at this job. It's kind of awesome. :)
My boyfriend started working on his Camaro again yesterday! I'm excited. I love cars and it makes me a little sad we've been together a little over 2 & 1/2 years and I've NEVER got to take a ride in that Camaro. I hope he finds the means and the time to get it finished soon. He hasn't had the money to put anything into getting it running again but I hope that changes soon. Not just for my own purely selfish reasons but for him too. :) I know he misses his car and I know when he accomplishes getting it going again, he'll feel so good about himself for doing so. *grin* Which reminds me, I still want to write about my grandmother telling me she'd give me a run for my money as far as Boyfriend is concerned if she were 50 years younger. I've wrote quite enough for today though. :D
Have a great weekend y'all!
The alarm clock thing is funny! I never thought about doing something like that, but it would probably piss me off if I was working there.
My brother and I have done the alarm clock trick..
Even better when you can enter some place like Wal-Mart, and have four aisles of clocks to choose from!
Then you just make the rounds up and down the aisles, and act like nothing's going on.... But the alarms keep ringing, and ringing, and ringing........
Happy New Year AR!!
I've done the alarm clock prank too. Never to that malicious extend. Well done! :)
This post makes me want to go set off all the alarm clocks at Target tonight when I stop by for a few things lol I'll try to resist....but I can't make any promises ;op
Happy new year!
I'm now convinced we would get along perfectly. :)
Sounds like awesome fun!
I always love reading what you share.
Lol, what a laugh! I know it would annoy me if it happened to me - but hey it hasn't, so its funny to read about. Would have been so hard to hold your tongue when she was freaking out about it :)
hilarious story. too funny! her response especially. good control girl, that would have been tough.
nice that you feel that way about your brother too.
OMG! That alarm clock story is hilarious!!! I so wish I was there for it!
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