Did you see my new nails? In January, you'll see more of them. I might not have them by then but I got some pictures to use later on featuring them and various other things. :)
2008 is almost over! Celebrating New Years Eve is always fun. Except this year... I'll be at work most of the night, lol. I may have other plans later on but you'll have to read about that else where. :) Though work should be good. Hopefully the night won't drag on forever. Right? Right. I'll be thinking of everyone out having fun or at home enjoying loved ones company while I'm at work pestering people there. ;) If you're going out to celebrate, use your head and be smart about it. Be safe and have a great time!
The theme for the final HNT of 2008 is Year's Favorite HNT. Thankfully you pick the favorite of all your own pictures. If I had to pick a favorite person who plays, I'd skip it because I'd never be able to narrow it down. As it was, I couldn't pick just one of my own personal favorites. I'm doing two things here. One part will be favorite HNT posts. I rarely just post pictures with my shots and some of the posts I've done have been my favorites ones, even if the picture was only decent to me. The second part will be showing y'all what pictures of me were my favorite to show. Fun huh?
For my favorite HNT posts of the year. I had several non-hnt favorite posts of the year because hey I post some awesome shit right? Kidding, sort of. I did have some posts I enjoyed writing quite a lot and was proud of buuut I decided not to use them since I'm doing this for HNT. So in sticking to my favorite HNT posts of 2008, I couldn't decide between two so I picked them both. Raw and You Get Me. The best thing about being apart from my boyfriend, in fact one of the only plus sides to it, is that I appreciate him so much more than I did when I was around him every day. I was taking him for granted and I never knew it until I didn't have him near me every day. I didn't realize just how much he helped me in various ways until I was without and 2,000 miles away from it. I also didn't realized what it truly is to love someone and learned some new emotions. Sorting them out sucked because I don't do emotions (aside from anger and other bad ones) very well. I think I made the pictures in both fit the words and the meaning pretty well too. :)
Now for the pictures! I admit, I felt a tiny bit narcissistic looking through pictures of myself and trying to pick the best of the best, lol. Oh well.
Why are the ones I picked my favorites?
1. A favorite because I had had had to have a candy cane shot and that was my favorite picture out of all my holiday shots.
2. That picture was an accident and it turned out to be really cool. I liked it enough that I deleted the one I had been trying to get and kept that instead.
3. Those pictures were so much fun to do! The black rose series was my favorite series I did all year. I had fun with them despite how serious and moody they turned out.
4. I like the shadow and the light and how my eyes look in this one. This one is my favorite picture to display my eyes.
5. I picked the fifth one purely because the lily pictures got the biggest response of any series or any picture that I've ever posted. The pictures remind me of the flowers I got and remind me of how sweet my boyfriend is.
Click them to see the bigger versions if you want. =)
It's hard to say which one of you is the best. You photograph yourself very well and look great in all of those.
Happy New Years!
Oh, I like your nails. That would be easier if someone did it for you. I'd like someone to do something like that for me. Looks good.
I like them all, but I like the second one best. :)
The candy cane series was definitely my favorite of the year!
Happy New Year, kiddo!
Happy New Year sweetie! xo
I did enjoy the candy cane series, but your "You get me"? Wow!
Great pictures! Happy new year
"You get me" is such a wonderful portrait.
I have loved following your blog during the year. You post lovely pics but I am also a big fan of your writing. May 2009 bring you good things!
All great choices. If I had to choose though, I'd go with the second one :)
Love them all, you always have amazing photos! And I totally love the nails! Happy New Year, sweetness!!
i have always enjoyed seeing your lips in photos - lovely.
Happy New Year!
Well, I can see why you couldn't narrow it down. I'd have a hard time too. ;)
I think all the shots are HAWT! Happy New Year to You and Yours AR!
Love the nails - and - Happy NEW YEAR!!!!! - and I like the second photo with your mouth and chin - though all your photos are great... Be safe and have lots of fun!!!!!
I really like #2. You have beautiful lips and that picture show them real well!
Happy HNT and Happy new year!
Love the lilly... but the opps one may be my favorite. Wish for a great '09
Great choices, all. I have to say, that the third one touches me most deeply of all--the shielded eyes and the lighting and the tone... it's vulnerable and sexy and full of life all in one. It's an amazing picture.
You are beautiful girl! Amazing eyes!
Happy New Year and HNT/W! LOL!
I'll take numbers 3 & 5, please. I certainly remember the lily series with great affection :)
I understand exactly what you mean, incidentally, about the pros and (major) cons of separation. Here's hoping that 2009 eases the cons for both of us!
Don't work too hard tonight and have an excellent year :)
I bet you can guess which one I like best!
The on with the lillies!
sheeeeeeeeesh that pic is friggin awesome.
Excellent choices all thought.
Cute nails!
And it might be crass of me, but I'm all about the cleavage so I bet you can guess which one I like :D
Anyways, have an awesome New Year!!
fabulous all girl, you are crazy sexy! I love all of them.
Nice favourites :-)
Happy HNT and Happy New Year!
oooo gotta be the flower one, absolutely gorgeous! Hehe I luuurve the nails too :D x
If I had to rank them in desending order of favoriate: 2,3,5,4 and 1. I could give you my reasons the rankings but it would take typing a bunch of words.
Suffice it to say, they are all nice. Happy New Year.
Eyes, cleavage, all of it is yummy...
Happy New Year!
The nails are adorable! I should get my tips done again.
I love the Lily series.
Your nails look way cute. I suck @ trying to do stuff like that myself. Maybe I'm not patient enough but I like how you did yours & how they turned out.
How was your NY's? And I luv what you said about how you feel about your BF and all of that. I'm glad ya'll have each other. I think you guys seriously rock.
Your pix are all yummy hawt. But no surprise there. You dont have any bad pix, AR. You're so damn sexy*cute. I like 'em all ... your pretty face and lips & eyes.... okay. Stopping there for now.
Happy "two oh oh nine" hun....
luv ya~
They're all great pictures - you have such expressive eyes :)
Welcome to 2009!
xx Dee
I really loved your lily series from where your last picture here are from!
Happy New Exciting 2009!!!
You couldn't take a bad photo if you tried... But I have to agree with your favorites. They kinda remind me of Amy Lee in the Everybody's Fool video... that part in the elevator.
fantastic cleavage!
You have some of the best cleavage going, so I have to go with that one. Lucky boyfriend you have :)
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