Sunday, June 14, 2009

Oh my wow, a post on Sunday!

So I woke up today and was lounging around in bed, just stretching and waking up. I grabbed my phone and was playing around on it. Then I realized, fuck, it's almost my birthday. Seriously, my birthday is tomorrow. Where the hell did the weekend go? I still was thinking my birthday was several days away but yeah, definitely not. My sense of time is a little fucked lately. The days are going by too quickly because I'm so wrapped up inside everything going on in my head and trying to make some sense of things that I'm letting the days fly by. I need to step outside my head a little more. Those issues will get resolved eventually so no need to go missing out on things because I'm too busy camping in my brain, right? Right.

So for my birthday plans tomorrow. I miss Dallas, horribly. There are tons of things to do there, even on a Monday night. The area I'm staying in right now? There isn't much to do on weekends let alone on a Monday night. So, I'm going to dinner with family and my boyfriend. Then we're going to go bowling I think since that's an activity we can all find fun and amusement in. Even though I suck unless I'm tipsy or drunk. I'm not a good sober bowler. After that, just back to the house and maybe watching a movie I love or something. The 3 bars in the town I live in aren't open during the week and if they are, you wouldn't be able to tell from the looks of things. So for the first time in a LOT of years, I'm going to have an easy going birthday and not party. Though not by choice so no accusing me of getting older and more responsible and crazy shit like that. ;)

Now I need to stop all this typing and get ready to go to work. Woohoo. Then I have to work at 11 AM tomorrow. Bleh. I asked for a day time shift though as opposed to my regular night shift, so I could have the night off to enjoy my birthday. 


Eliot said...

Bowling is one of those activities that I just don't understand. Anyway, hope you have a great birthday, darling! :-)

chocdrop said...

Oh how I miss bowling. It is fun. A mellow b-day, maybe that will be something to talk about when you get older...the one that was calm and semi

Sandi said...

I like bowling....but I suck at it. Regardless have a good birthday. :)

Nolens Volens said...

You didn't have your birthday weekend?!? I did this weekend! My birthday is on the 16th. ;)

Another Suburban Mom said...

I haven't bowled in ages. Perhaps Hubman and I should go with some friends one of these days.

I hope you have a happy birthday.

Chris said...

I hope you have a great birthday, even if it has to be a quiet one! Good luck with your bowling.