I haven't pimped some blogs in a while so I figured with my limited time to post today, I'd do that. I have about 20 minutes to post and then I have to get ready for work and head out for work. I'm really hating not having the internet working late at night. Totally fucks my posting, browsing, emailing and game playing right up. Buh. Anyway.
I just went through my list and plucked out some blogs that I really enjoy stopping by and reading. Blogs that if I don't see for a week, I'll spend time catching up on what I've missed when I finally do get to visit again. Some I've read for a long time, others not so long. Give these people a try (if you don't already) because well, they all pretty much rock. =o)
Confessions of a sociall whore
Happy Friday!
Have a great weekend yall!
Oh...you are the bestest pimp evah!
Um...when I need to make extra moolah...please be my pimp. :)
have a wonderful weekend babe. xxx
I love women pimps!
Awwww, thanks, darling. That was very sweet of you to pimp my blog. :-)
Nice one - I will be following some of those blogs that you listed, stay safe,
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