Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Random Stuff ;)

I smell really good right now. I just showered about half an hour ago.
Between the raspberry vanilla body wash I used and the nice smelling
lotion I used on my freshly waxed legs, I smeel really good, lol. I
love how good the bathroom smells after a shower too. Just that clean
and fragrant smell of soaps and shampoo. Mm.

I love when something fits *just right* and you just feel good wearing
it. I have on these hipster undies that have a penguin and arctic
scene on the ass that say "chill out" on the front. These fit so well.
I feel comfy and sexy in them. The sexy comes from my boyfriend
telling me how he loves the way they form perfectly over my ass. when
he sees me in them, he gets this devilish grin...

I spent several hours cleaning and organizing yesterday. I also put
together some furniture. More so, a media shelf unit that holds dvds
and such. It was a pain in the fucking ass to assemble but it looks

I love working with my hands, even if it's just assembling junk, lol.

I feel really productive while cleaning and organizing but I get a
little annoyed when the tasks take hours upon hours.

Rum and coke makes that annoyance go away.

Also, rum and coke makes cleaning and organizing much more fun.

I love rum.

I'm sending this in via email. An email I'm using my cell to send. I
love having a full qwerty keyboard on my cell and love having
unlimited media usage.

I could use my laptop but I'm laying in bed, halfass watching
Invincible, and don't want to get up.

Also, due to all the cleaning and organizing I'm not sure exactly
where my laptop's charger is at, lol.

I really want some orange juice right now. That would require a trip
to the store. I don't plan on making that trip anytime soon. Don't
you hate when you get a big craving for something but then don't have
it available readily and don't want to run right out that second to
get it? Yep yep.

Okay, now I'm tired of typing on my cell, lol. Back to Mark Wahlberg
and then maybe off for some orange juice.

Happy Tuesday!!!


Bri said...

You're so lucky with that phone - I have GOT to get myself a new phone with the keyboard!!!!!! All I have is a stinky old Razr I've been dying to get rid of for ages now!!!!!! Mmmmmm, I love it when the bathroom smells so sweet and fresh and inviting after someone has bathed/showered in it... Speaking of rum, now I want to go make a Mojito... :)

Proud Maisie said...

Rum... rum is good, but I clean so much better on gin.

Anonymous said...

I have orange juice.

I also have some Bacardi rum and some Puerto Rican rum...no coke though :(

I JUST finished putting together a computer desk, I know how you feel. It took me 2 1/2 hours of messing with little parts and pieces.

chocdrop said...

When I used to be able to get down and dirty with cleaning, I would drink Rum too.

I love the smell after a shower. Right now it is a tropical smell...yummy

Another Suburban Mom said...

I love that fresh washed and organized feeling.

phairhead said...

raspberry/vanilla? hmmmm sounds sweet

rage said...

I have some leftover rum from some rum cake that you can have....((passes it along to you))

Sam said...

lol so did the OJ win?