Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wordless Wednesday...

Happy Wednesday.
Leave a comment? ;)


Neath said...

All beautiful shots. By far, my favorite is the second picture.

phairhead said...

#4 = :D

Ivy and Haley said...

The light coming through the trees is amazing.

Anonymous said...

That last picture is amazing!! Love the pink hues. Gorgeous!!

sqweakygurl said...

I love these photos, great choices. :)

Deech said...

Batsignal on the metal door....WIN!

Neath said...

Looking at this post again and just now clueing in that the "embrace diversity" thing is actually the first picture. It occurs to me that I should have said that the third picture (sun through the trees) is my favorite.
Now that I feel sufficiently dumb, I'll be on my red faced way.....

NoOne said...

Love the Batman symbol!