Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ramble ramble....

Have you ever listened to a story your co-worker was telling you and been so bored you wanted to stab your own hand with a fork just for the distraction to make the story stop? Also to make the story you'll tell later more interesting? Yeah, me too. One of my co-workers is super nice but he tells the most long, drawn out and ultimately boring stories ever. He's so nice, though. So I humor him and listen to his stories and then immediately work to change the subject. I can't be mean for no reason. I like him otherwise, too. So I don't want to be a dick to him. I just want him to refrain from telling stories. And jokes! Oh gosh, lol. At least I have a couple nice co-workers and a cool boss. That always helps make the work place a more enjoyable place.

I'm going to see my family in October! :) This is exciting since it's been over a year since I've seen my dad and 22 and by the time I see them again, about a year since I've seen my mom, LS and YB. I miss them. :) I also get to take in a kick ass concert while seeing them. So woo!

I CANNOT WAIT FOR SUMMER TO BE OVER. It was 109 yesterday with a heat index of 169818. Okay, not really that bad but shit man. And it doesn't cool off much once the sun goes away. Still in the mid 90's and still humid. Sometimes, I wonder why I love Texas so much. :D

HOCKEY SEASON STARTS SOON. Bring it! I think we're going to the home opener against Detroit. Which will be awesome but sad at the same time, lol. I'm not digging seeing my favorite player in a Red Wings jersey now. Yay hockey! At least I enjoy baseball so I don't go in massive sports withdrawal too bad in the summer. Which reminds me, the Rangers beat the Twins last night. Hell yes! I was at work but several of my awesome Twitter people were updating me on how the game was going. I couldn't check it that often to see the updates but I saw enough to halfway keep up with what was going on. :)

Happy Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

I can imagine how hard it is going be to see Modano wearing red and white after being a lifelong Star. Just like it was difficult for me to see Sundin wearing Vancouver colours. At least Modano brought you guys a Cup!! Be thankful for that, we've been waiting 43 years......

GoodWill said...

Oh I'm with you on the summer ending...112 here today with higher humidity than we are used to. Ugh. Just really sucks the life out of you when it's that hot out.

village square said...

it was hot as hell over here as well, and it's never that hot here. i must start rambling less, so let me tell you about the time...