Another reason to love this team? They did something special for Hamilton so he could celebrate with the team. Addiction is a hard thing to live with and Hamilton was going to pass on the celebration to avoid being around booze. They made it so he didn't have to miss out and that was a wonderful thing to do.
"Josh Hamilton’s teammates weren’t going to celebrate without him this time.
As soon as the Texas Rangers hugged on the field and headed for the tunnel following a 5-1 ALDS Game 5 win over the Tampa Bay Rays, the clubhouse attendants told Hamilton to get his goggles on.
“I was getting a little worried,” Hamilton said. “I didn’t know what was going on.”
Hamilton, who has battled drug and alcohol addiction, said it’s best for him not to be around champagne. So he walked into the clubhouse to find his teammates waiting on him and holding bottles of Canada Dry ginger ale.
“Everybody yelled ‘Ginger ale!’ and I just jumped in the middle of the pile and they doused me with it,” Hamilton said. “It was the coolest thing for my teammates to understand why I can’t be a part of the celebration, and for them to adapt it for me to be a part of it says a lot about my teammates.”"
Here are some pictures. If you want more, my Tumblr page is full of Rangers pictures at the moment. I have a tendency to post them when I come across one I like but after last night's win? I might have flooded my page with pictures of the Rangers celebrating. :D
Happy Wednesday!
how are you!This was a really splendid theme!
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Congratulations! I know how thrilling it is to see your favorite team accomplish something it had never done before. I envy you!
As a Red Sox fan we cheer for anyone playing against the Yankees or Rays!! Congrats.......Kara XOXO
I do hope they beat the Yankees! And I still have my Cliff Lee Phillis shirt.
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