Thursday, October 21, 2010

What does it mean to be a lesbian?

My little sister had this video posted on her Tumblr page. I watched it twice. I don't know why but I just couldn't focus on it the first time so I had to watch it again. Please watch it. You need 5 minutes and to be able to have the audio on to listen to this girl talk.

Now, what do you think? About the video, her point of view, anything this made you think and/or feel; please share. I do want to hear what any one of you have to say, though. I might even edit my post for tomorrow with some quotes if I get some comments that make a point I want to quote. I just ask that you be respectful.

Happy Thursday!


phairhead said...

That was amazing! It really puts into context how lonely it is for gay kids in their formative years.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I really didn't focus on what she was saying cause..... She's kind of hot & she's a Lesbian!


K & J said...

I really enjoyed her views and thoughts. What she said makes perfect sense. Luckily for me I was raised in a family who accepted me for who I was. I never felt any type of anonymity towards me because of my sexuality.
I'm going to show this video to the LGBT group I help run on campus. I think she really shines positive light for people who are attracted to members of the same sex.
Thank you for sharing this and I'm going to link a post to over here from my blog.

Anonymous said...

I think this is the message that the gay community tries to get, that for someone who's gay, being gay is just like being straight (for someone who's straight). Some people get it, sometimes allegories like this help others understand and then there are people (like Johnny's mom) who will never understand that it's not a choice.

The only thing I didn't like was when she said that her Johnny felt uncomfortable around gay people. I think the whole video was about how in an ideal society, gay and straight will both be normal. I'm not uncomfortable around straight couples or gay couples and I don't see how a gay person should be uncomfortable around straight people.

However, as I type, I realize she might have meant that he was uncomfortable with himself because everything around him was screaming that his attraction to women was abnormal. That's another thing because it's an understandable feeling for young teens just discovering their sexuality.

Thanks to you and your sis for sharing!

BTExpress said...

I went to high school in the mid-60s and no one admitted that they were gay. Friends of mine dated girls to throw everyone off the track. It wasn't until years later after they got out of school and were on their own, that I found out. You know, what? It didn't change my opinion of them, they were still my friends.

Anonymous said...

I agree that she's hot and a lesbian, but I grew up in Long Beach, CA (the second largest gay community in CA) and I lived near San Fran for 7 years, so I have an idea what they go through. The guy that was best man in my wedding has a lesbian daughter and I know she went through all kinds of crap...

Aurore said...

I think this is brilliant.

The reversal of situations is a very powerful tool. I think this is something that needs to be shared and said. And with any luck it might reach a few people.

I will be posting this on my FB.

Violet Vamp said...

very well said, though the people that need to hear this message would never take the time to truly listen.

viemoira said...

Excellent video- I am definitely passing it along!