Friday, May 25, 2012

Six years ago today: the anniversary post...

Six years ago today, my boyfriend and I finally got together. We had known each other for thirteen months prior but when we first met, it wasn't a dating type thing. We found out we had a ridiculous amount of things in common and he found my weird sense of humor great because he's a little odd, too. Then a month or so after I first met him, I ended up moving to California. We kept in contact hoping to remain friends. We'd talk once in a while to see how the other was doing. Eventually, we were talking every day and sending each other gifts for birthdays, Christmas and even Valentine's Day. Then, I wanted to move back home to Texas because I wasn't happy living out on the West Coast and missed my home state. Plus there were other circumstances at play and I couldn't wait to leave the town I was in and never look back. After about a year in California, I did. I spent my first night back with Shane and we've been together ever since then.

We've had some really rough times. One of my closest friends committed suicide and that was hard to get through. He stuck with me while I battled through substance abuse issues. I was an absolute wreck after being targeted in an armed robbery, which some of you will recall if you've known me long enough. We've both gone through several jobs and a couple periods of unemployment. We've both dealt with deaths of people we cared for. My health issues are a constant annoyance. His health issues which have been scary as fuck at times. I've been with him for two of the strokes he's had and that's definitely something I hope I won't have to see happen again not to mention the cancer he's working on ridding himself of currently.

We've gone through a lot together over the last six years and that's only a little of it. The bad stuff we've gone through and helped each other get through has only made us both stronger, as individuals and as a couple.

There has been plenty of awesome stuff, too. I'm happy I have someone who loves hockey as much as I do because he doesn't mind when I want to spend a lot of my free time and extra cash going to hockey games during the Winter and Spring. He doesn't whine when I want to go see a loud metal show because usually he likes the band, too. He also doesn't mind if I want to go play racquetball ball or golf with a friend and leave him at home. We can do plenty of stuff together but still do things without the other which is awesome because I like my space, lol. 

He still brings me home little gifts randomly which always makes me smile. Who doesn't love a small gift for no reason? Sometimes it's just some Reese's peanut butter cups, a cute little stuffed animal, a rubber duck (because I collect them, ok,) something from Bath & Body Works or some weird little random thing that he saw and thought would brighten my day. It's great to know he still thinks of things like that and pays attention to the little things. Like spending an afternoon at the marina because I want to feed the ducks and hang out at the lake. Or spending hours walking around behind me at an art museum and letting me tell him about the artists I love.

Shane's one of the kindest, most caring, genuinely nice, sweet guys I've ever known. At times I think he's too nice but I guess as long as no one's taking advantage of him, it's really not a bad thing.  He's incredibly encouraging and supportive of any and everything I want to do, as long as it's not something too dangerous anyway. Then he's less supportive and more trying to drag my feet back down to the ground before I impulsively do something silly. He makes me laugh more than anyone else I know and he gets me in a way most people don't. For all of that and more, I'm happy I have the big guy in my life. I really can't even believe we've been together for six years now. It doesn't seem like it has been that long at all.

He works today so we won't be doing much in terms of celebrating. Just going to dinner once he's off work and not much else. He gets up at four AM for work so it kills being able to do much on work nights because he goes works late and then has to go to bed so early. But he's taking me to a Renaissance festival on Sunday and then two weeks later, we'll be going out of town to have some fun away from Dallas for a couple days. We would do that next weekend but pesky doctors appointments for him delay that. Which is fine, ya know, since good health and working on kicking cancer's ass trumps going out of town for a fun couple of days.

Happy Anniversary, Shane!


Anonymous said...

Congrats to you both. Hope things are a bit smoother from here on out!

-scott & ang

Jack and Jill said...

Happy Anniversary to you both! We've enjoyed following your story, though admittedly we're relatively new here. We hope that the next six years feature just as much love, fun, and happiness, and much less of the stress. You both deserve it.

Deech said...

Congrats! I don't want to Jinx it but it sounds like you guys are set.

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! I'm so happy for you guys. :)

Osbasso said...

You know, I've 'known' you since before you headed to California, and I feel like I'm learning all sorts of things! I'm going to blame Twitter. ;-)

Congrats on six years!!!

Unknown said...

That's so awesome for you both. It can be so hard to find that special someone. It's doubly hard to find someone with the patience & strength to go through health issues w/another person.
I'm very happy for y'all. I hope each of you just get better & better healthwise. Thank you for sharing

Hubman said...

Happy anniversary to you and Shane!!

Cougar in Training said...

Congratulations! You two seem perfect for one another.