Random Thoughts:
- I'm really grateful at times for the shitty people I've known in life. And for the not so shitty people who have done shitty things. (Who isn't guilty of that at least once?) For those people and instances, I've learned a lot of different things. The biggest thing being realizing the kind of person I never want to be. There are life lessons I still haven't learned and sometimes it takes a bad situation or a crappy person to teach that lesson to me. It sucks at the time but I appreciate what I end up taking away from it.
- Turn signals must be really hard to use in some cars. Or maybe they don't come in every car. Maybe there are some crazy cars out there that charge extra for those. It can't be that people are literally too lazy or too preoccupied to be bothered with flipping a lever or a button to activate a signal that lets other drivers know you're about to switch lanes. Nah, couldn't be that at all.
- I cut off 4.5" inches off hair a couple weeks ago. I work in a bakery. It's hot as hell in there. I live in Texas. It's Summer. It's hot as hell. My hair was well passed my shoulder blades and between work and Texas being Texas, the long hair had to go so I could keep a smidge cooler. I felt so much lighter and all around better after I left the salon.
- I get anxious about letting someone else cut my hair. I hate it actually. However, I love letting someone else massage my scalp and wash/rinse my hair. That's the only part of the actual salon visit I actually enjoy. It's one of the most relaxing things in the world.
- Soft pretzels are awesome. If they were healthy for you, I'd eat them every single day.
- I'm doing my first Walk to end Alzheimer's at the end of September and I'm really looking forward to it. Raising money for my walk team is great because all the donations go to the Alzheimer's Association to help raise funds for Alzheimer research, care and support. Which is a cause I care deeply about since Alzheimer's is what my grandfather died from two years ago. I still miss him dearly and I'm sure I always will. In doing this, I've already met some other people who understand what it's like to watch someone go through this disease. Also, it's great to meet other people who are passionate about a cause you really care about and I think it'll make me feel better to do more than just donate money to something.
- After a discussion with some co-workers yesterday, I realized it might not be as common as I thought it was to mix two cereals together when eating a bowl of cereal. Which is weird because it's delicious and cereal is awesome. Eating two kinds of cereal at once is even more awesome.
- A baby dragon would be one of the coolest pets ever. As long as it got older but didn't get any bigger.
I'm done now.
Thanks for reading. ;)
Happy Tuesday.
All this talk about your haircut, yet no pics... ;-)
I used to LOVE the shampoo/massage part. I suppose I still do. Unfortunately, when you've barely got hair, you're lucky if they even spritz it with water before shaving it all off...
The only time I mix cereals is if I've emptied a box and there wasn't enough for a full bowl. Even then, it feels unholy or something.
After seeing Game of Thrones a baby dragon IS the coolest pet possible, unless you can train a dog or monkey with mental commands. ;-)
Take care.
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