Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Before I go...

I am *so* fucking tired right now. It's 4:10 am and I should be laying down to sleep. It's been about 12 hours or physical labor today. Packing things, lifting heavy items, unpacking things, organizing, putting things away, moving boxes and massive cleaning. Of course, there were breaks in all of that but still! Damn. The shower I took a half an hour ago was one of the best showers I have ever taken. You know when you're just so tired, sore, sweaty, dirty, sore and beat? Your muscles are screaming at you for pushing them too hard for too long? Your lower back is threatening to reach down and kick your ass? All that good stuff? Then you get in the shower. Nice, warm water spraying all over you, hitting your sore muscles and aching areas. You wash away all that dirt and grime leaving your skin fresh and clean. You wash away everything to where you're just tired but relaxed. That was my shower a little while ago. It was *awesome*, lol. I love doing physical stuff like today because it makes me feel like I'm being productive and accomplishing something good but damn my body hates me for it later.

Usually I play TMI Tuesday today but... I'm too tired right now. Maybe later I'll give it a go. Maybe not. If not, I'll just make it up next week with a double TMI. That way y'all can have twice as much random information you could live without knowing. Snazzy, eh?

Before I pass out I must ask of y'all one thing. That is this... Please remember to play Wednesday Weirdness with us tomorrow! Thank you!

By the way, my bed is so fucking comfortable. It's not even fair that my mattress is this comfortable. It's really not. I feel sorry for anyone not sleeping on a mattress of this caliber. It's amazing. That's not just me talking out my ass because I'm tired either. Not completely anyway. =) Tehe.

Sleep time now.


Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that was actually getting aroused reading the first paragraph? Sorry, I had to.

Vixen said...

TMI wasn't all that and a bag of chips this week. LOL

The Covert Lover said...

Oh yes, I've had a few of those showers in the past couple week and I have to agree - they're awesome!!!

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

You *look* tired--but very sweet--in that picture. Get some rest, hun, and forget TMI. :P

Kittie Kate said...

a lot of people didn't like this week's tmi.